My child asked me this question and keeps asking "Why do people care about the coronavirus, Covid-19, what's the fuss about?"
To be honest I don't know and that's my answer "I don't know". The only one we could ask is those who do care, and except for one neurotic friend dealing with more anxieties as one can handle, we can not ask anyone to lighten us up.
The question is the result of watching the news to distract us from the lemon of a car, the fog, mud, rain, cold. For about two if not three hours we saw the same news and commercials. The only news is people are infected, the biggest part recovers, and the number of people deceived is not interesting enough to mention if you ask me, considering all the fuss the government makes about it. The fact is we all die and many people die daily, also did before the pandemic was announced. We never cared unless it was someone dear to us.
Remarkable is these days no one seems to die because of cancer, car accidents, a heart attack, or because his throat was sliced by a 20+-year-old frustrated idiot or a gang of minors which happens to a 73 years old man in Arnhem city. No, we ignore the fact. As soon as the pandemic was announced everything is caused by the virus and for everything the lockdown can be blamed.
We watched the news, saw the commercials, and noticed not once was said to care about your health, to lose weight now. Why not? Because unhealthy food is still cheaper, way cheaper, than fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, and meat. Worldwide whole generations have a huge lack of vitamins, iodine, vitamins D3, and zinc. The pharmaceutical industry earns thanks to all those poor bastards and the pandemic. It's not only facemasks that are sold. The supermarkets bloom too because the nation is afraid for the next period without toilet paper and Snickers. The hairdressers and beauty salons seem to be extremely busy as well because people are afraid of the next lockdown. Imagine what life looks like if no one cuts your hair or your fake nails fall off. Do people know what the priorities are, care at all? Does anyone care about anyone's health for real?
If you ask me no one does. It's a human thing. We lock up our elderly and pretend as if we do this all to protect them. Do these adults need to be protected? They survived more viruses, bacteria than anyone can count. Their life is worse than a dog's. At least he can go out and stick his nose where he likes. For decades we dump our elderly, let them be hungry, lonely, take care of themselves because there's no need to go to an elderly home (we closed them all). "It's good for them, it keeps them active," the government said. Suddenly the elderly should be taken care of? Why not let them out and enjoy their life while the young ones, those who spread the virus, stay inside till they reached a respectable age?
The news about the coronavirus is zero. We know not two or twenty but 200 different vaccines are developed! Each country wants its vaccine, being the first no matter what the side effects are or if it works at all.
The latest publication in the medical magazine 'The Lancet' isn't as positive as the Media, governments and some involved in the development want us to believe. A vaccination (actually at least two are needed) will be the Christmas present for 2020. It might work, work for a short time or... not work at all. It's nothing new since this is the case with each vaccination. Side effects are included, if you are lucky you stay alive and can sue the government who or media or even the developer who talked everyone into this new adventure.
The new hype will be a vaccination. One we already know it won't work or work long enough but who cares. It's for a good cause and the only way to test it is by injecting whole nations. Johnson & Johnson claim what they develop even works for the elderly.
"Why do they care?" my child asked and that's what I don't understand either. Many are tested positive, most likely even more are or were positive and never been tested. All those positive people are alive, recovered, have nothing to fear. The biggest part never felt ill for a single moment. The young ones have hardly any chance to get sick (read: feel ill). This means vaccination is useless. Useless for those who recovered, useless for the elderly people (like nearly every carbonation is), and useless for those who are immune. Useless it's too if it only works for a few weeks.
Why bother now about a vaccination? One made without enough knowledge and being tested long enough? This plague will not be different from any other. Some die, the rest lives on. I read the next baby-boom is on its way. Prove enough people do not care. Not about the virus, being infected, a lockdown, or a messy future with a lack of income. They breed on. A good solution to escape from the 'social distance' law.
Humankind will survive this and the population will only increase more (We live thousands years with tuberculosis and over 500 years with the pox.). That is something we should be worried about. How to feed the world, keep all of us healthy without a pharmaceutical industry.
The extra news was the conspiracy theory about the #coronavirus, covid-19, and the #epidemic spread by social media which is a danger to the state and healthcare.
#kittywu #columnist #coronavirus2020 #conspiracy #media #covid19