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4 years ago

I am not fond of it. Mainly because vaccinations just like medication are drugs and harm the body, influence/change, and attack the immune system.

There's a good reason why so many suffer from autoimmune diseases (women more than men), have hormone inbalances (it shows in both genders in different ways: mood swings, depression, and infertility issues are not the only symptoms), illnesses like ADHD and short-tempered are more common than rare.

The human race is not the result of "survival of the fittest" which Darwin spoke about and mother Nature needs but the result of survival of the scientist or pharmacist.

We are not a strong species.

We live, might live longer, because we need over 40 vaccinations a person already as a child. The needed amount increases because we need to be "saved".
We are alive thanks to some smart person who claims to have found the solution to our anxiety and became extremely rich.

The pharmacies and recipes, we are lost without, if we can not buy what we need to get through the day and night. Humans think they have the right to live, get older but are blind to the truth. The reality is the average human in the Western world only gets 42 years old, not 80 or 90 years. All those who died young didn't die because of a lack of food, a car accident, a nuclear disaster, or an act of terrorism.

Hormone imbalances aren't the only problem people aging have to deal with.

The weather circumstances they live in a make or break them. Just like a lack of hormones, a cold and a humid environment, the kind of life, and years of hard labor they went through. It affects the body, the joints which makes living and moving on harder (again harder for women than men).
Vaccinations and drugs won't cure but can help. I say can, but can is a small possibility and it differs from person to person if it will and which price needs to be paid on long(er) term.

Vaccination isn't free of side effects either are drugs.

You have to make a choice, know your options, and ask yourself if it's worth the risk, the illnesses, and all the future pain. The pain you can not imagine because it isn't present. The risks you aren't aware of because no one will explain them to you. If it will all happen in the future and most likely at that time, something else will be blamed. Governments and pharmacists neither doctors and specialists will admit or take responsibility if your body and mind, with it the quality of your life decreases to zero.
They never did with the medication thalidomide, the vaccine against the Mexican flu (new Influenza A (H1N1) a new variant of the swine flu started in 2009 and which became active in 2016 in parts of the world again). Many were left, are ignored because of their handicap and immune disease la. Diseases no one cares about, people rather close their eyes for. The government, pharmacist, and specialist swept the results underneath the carpet and the media kept silent. Not one mentioned what went wrong in the history of vaccination. Those few doctors who dared to mention it did show their concern we're removed from social media, out of the society. Not one single radio or television station dared to invite them. It's not allowed to know the truth. Those who have to live with it and care are called crazy and ungrateful. This is how we deal with the truth.

Allergies and health issues increase because of what we drink and eat.

What we consume is overloaded with drugs, vaccines, hormones, pesticides, and illnesses with which the "healthy" body and immune system have to deal with. All attacks on the system. A lemon a day won't save you, help your immune system, and keep a doctor away. The daily dose of vitamins and minerals humans need to be increased with over 100% in the past 50 years. Shouldn't make us wonder? We all eat and drink but our lacks increase.

Those who never took a tablet in their entire life turn out to be immune to penicillin because they drank milk.

Teenagers get Alzheimer's because they ate beef. Allergies, intestines diseases, asthma, and more are the result of our food. Rice, grain, eggs, and chemicals, trans fat, high amounts of palm fat, and additives in the manufactured products we love to consume. Food which hardly contains the minerals and vitamins our body needs but it looks and tastes so much better than a home-cooked meal.

This year, 2020, the vaccination against the Coronavirus will start.

What the results of the vaccination will be no one can tell. If you are familiar with how the medication is tested you know it can hardly be called a test and the results will always be called promising.

Most likely 60% in the Netherlands will go for it. The elderly people still alive will be forced to get one just like they did with the vaccination against the flu. A vaccine that turns out to be the wrong one year after year. Hardly anyone complains about it because the fear of getting ill is a good reason to go for the next shot. "You never know if it might help", is the thought behind the vaccine. Children will be forced to have this vaccine as well although the experts say they are not at any risk. We all know if you are raised with something you will stop questioning it and that's what counts. Those who rule do not look for smartasses, answers but a way to make a huge income. Those children, elderly, overweight, diabetics, and depressed people who suffer can be easily replaced. They aren't those strong heroes a nation can be built by and rely on anyway.

#kittywu #vaccination #pharmacy #politics #coronavirus

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Avatar for wakeupkitty
4 years ago


Governments should put a rule against it. The food which has nothing to do with is consumed publically. It has been proven that viruses like ebola, swine flu, bubonic plague have been spread due to consumption of animals because they are the carriers of the virus. It's time that government should interfere and put a ban on consumption of anything that moves. I'm clearly talking about China

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Why should governments do that? They make a lot of money thanks to ill people.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well now, the theory isn't confirmed yet that covid 19 came out of a bat. But let's say it's a fact. Now who's being held responsible for the outspread? The man who are it or the country? No one supports China in this matter. No one wants to speak for them. Everyone's against them. So, can you risk your country's image just so you could make money out of treatments?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am not against China why should I? The theory is not the bat but it's made in a lab.

Who is responsible for a virus, a pandemic? This isn't the first pandemic in the world's history. Not if it comes to humans or animals. What have pandemics in common? Overcrowded population (humans or animals) and a lack of hygiene starting with simple things like ventilation and being clean. A pandemic never starts outside in nature but in stables, houses, malls, buildings...

Who to blame? Humankind. You cannot blame Mother Nature for it she would have cleaned us up long ago. If that would be the case the fittest would survive for real. Humans interfere in everything, cause nature, animal life harm and that's why we have to accept the results.

Stop the overpopulation, clean up the trash, be clean, keep animals under healthy natural circumstances, and let Nature decide who lives or dies.

We didn't blame anyone for the medieval plague, we didn't blame the Mexicans for the Mexican flue, we do not blame anyone for the flu although what arrives with me during winter started 6 months ago somewhere else in the world. You can only blame you, yourself as a human if you catch something. Already as a toddler you learn if you interfere with other people, children you get ill. Covid19 is no exception.

Thanks for your good comment. I appreciate it, wish I good upvote you for it but it's forbidden and would take you into trouble.


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sure man. No problem. I understand what is going with the upvoting system now. But that is exactly what I wanted to say that you should not interfere with nature. Animals are part of nature. You shouldn't eat everything that moves because that's not hygienic. And I'm not blaming China, but really if you ask anybody, they'll blame china. And if the virus was made in the lab, shouldn't people blame China in the first place?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are absolutely right right here. I'm happy I live in a way where I can escape government intrusion in my health. I take no vaccines. I had a few as a small child, but after that nothing. I am convinced that they make more harm than good.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A few I never had as I was a little child because vaccinations are not allowed to give to people who are ill or have certain illnesses. Something which is strangely enough ignored these days. With us children line up and one after the next is vaccinated without asking how or what. I had some but not all of them and flu vaccination and this one I will never go for. I live where no one likes to be. No visitors, I visit no one it will only be the next attack on my immune system.

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it and wish you a good health and freedom.

I wish I could upvote you but apparently I am labeled as a bad writer active in an upvote circle which means if I upvote you I drag you down with me.


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Upvote circle, I see. Thank you for your concern. I never participated in anything like that, but can hardly avoid that some people who were so upvote me - or the possibility that I have upvoted them. Perhaps one should be careful with that. Since I only upvote what I find some quality in and don't give a damn about upvoting circles or trading of sponsorships towards subscriptions and all kind of tricks going on here, it has never occurred to me that I can become an indirect victim of measures against it.

That is a little like banking. If you have ever made a transaction with someone who has made a transaction with someone who has made transaction ... with someone who has made a transaction with a suspected terrorist, then you re automatically on the list of suspects and might get your bank account frozen.

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4 years ago

I never started an uovote circle, no one pays me or follows me for an upvote and no one can buy me. I know about 10 really good writers here and I upvote those I find good. I cannot help that circle of all those people I follow and read and comment isn't that big. If that is what a circle means so be it.

To me it's the second time in two days my reputation is dragged to the mud.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I did not suggest that you have deliberately participated in anything like that, I'm sorry if you took it like that. As a matter of fact, it would highly surprise me if you did, your integrity appears to be one of the most solid here around. But perhaps someone you have upvoted or someone who has upvoted you has. Or maybe one or several steps more. That's how I thought, and that's why I made that comparison with banking. Long chains of connections creating guilt by association.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for your explanation. The thing is if it works that way there's no way to be sure or avoid it or? I appreciate your words. ๐Ÿ’•

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4 years ago

No, there is no way to protect oneself from it. Then it would be enough that the wrong person gives you one or more thumbs up, and you have no control of who they are.

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4 years ago

I just left a comment here about what told me about one case. It's very hard to believe I am able to do that with my slow connection which means I let someone check it out.

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4 years ago

Yes, I understand.

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4 years ago

But note that I don't know if it works like that here, but it seems likely that it does to some extent.

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4 years ago

I remember, maybe it was in 2016 that the country had a nationwide vaccination program against dengue fever. They made it a school base program so that children can easily vaccinated. It turns out to be a disaster, with reports of children died and many had life threatening side effects. They stopped the program with officials grilled into investigations. Now with Covid19, it seems this story have forgotten, and all believe, even the President that a vaccine is only the solution to this pandemic.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's interesting to see how easily people forget. In 2016 we had the pandemic of the Mexican all went wrong with the vaccinations. The government had bought for an awful amount of money. Do you know what they did?. They sold it to some other countries. A few years later the company who made it admitted the vaccine was wrong but all those people...The government did nothing, the media didn't write one word about it.

Some specialists wrote covid19 was treated in the wrong way. They posted on YouTube and said for sure it would be deleted soon because it happened to many colleagues. They warned but it's not allowed to speak.

The only thing the government wants is to go into history as the first with a vaccine. This vaccine is already there since at least 6 weeks. No one knows enough about it yet, how it will mutilate but who cares.


$ 0.00
4 years ago

I did watched some conspiracy videos about Covid, it is quite good to see a different narratives than what the mainstream tells about Covid. Maybe, governments may rethink their strategies, because so many people lose their job nowadays.

I wonder how you are dragged/judged into this upvote gimmick scheme. I knew this is a new platform, and thank goodness that a high caliber writer as you are is here, sharing your talent to all.

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4 years ago

I hope the governments will think a bit further but I am afraid we are in some conspiracy and the governments know all about it.

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4 years ago answered me if it comes to one author, not the others. The said their bot registered a strange algorithm where the author and I were upvoting each other within a minute several times. For me this is impossible because I have a slow connection and it takes long before a complete post is loaded and I can comment and upvote at all. I let it investigate what can cause it. The slow connection which sends every comment and upvote given at the same time? Is my account abused/hacked? I doubt makes this up but something weird is going on.

Some things are questionable since I rarely visit an account and read more than one article written by the same author. Neither I do as a moderator because this would mean others need to wait longer to be accepted.

About those other users who received a warning with my name in it I don't know. They didn't answer me about those facts.

They checked me and the author @Ozzyy later and said we both had no weird actions. Perhaps because we both didn't upvoted anyone?

Thanks for asking and your comment. I hope the strange actions from my account can be traced and solved.


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4 years ago

Excuse me, can you write you in spanish? in the comments , I only can read it in english @wakeupkitty

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4 years ago

Te gusta una traducciรณn al espaรฑol del artรญculo?

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4 years ago

Hello, I'm positive with this vaccination since it is one way to save life, but the only way that we can prepare for this is our body resistance on how to be healthy in our lifestyle, so that we can surpass the deterioration effect of these chemicals content in that vaccine.

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4 years ago

I am happy to hear people like you exist. Willing to go for a vaccination not tested, a vaccination which doesn't prove it helps and will make you ill. If 6 out of 10 take it the rest of the nation is safe. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’•

$ 0.00
4 years ago