Reading comprehension

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Avatar for wakeupkitty
3 years ago

I need a new home. A place for people like me. A home where the writer, introvert is accepted, where creativity is liked, or where at least creative people can talk, share, have room to express themselves. It's strange how hard it is to find such a place.

Creativity seems to be something dirty in real life instead of special, a skill we all need and most of us have and use to survive.

I wonder... How come writing isn't accepted as art? Many schools already gave up on it. Grammarly, writing, reading, literature, included. It's even called: boring, old fashioned. Is it? Is the fact many are not educated because of their own laziness (they had the opportunity to go to school but choose not to) a good reason to change lessons teaches, to make it all easier? Are all those excuses of being a foreigner or dyslexic (the newest excuse) good enough to change whole nations into dumb asses a good reason to give up on it?
You never ask yourself why your parents were able to study, learned more, and have way more knowledge and skills than you?

If you belong to a group of people who cannot think by themselves, the result will be you lose the right to rule over your own life because you are not able to make decisions. I wish this was fiction but it's not. More and more prime ministers say the nation needs to be protected against itself. That's how dictators call it "protection". In simple language: stupid, low educated people should not have the right to vote because they do not have the brains to do so.

Why is it that leaders can say this? Because the nation doesn't care. The nation cannot read. People can no longer read, especially not if it comes to reading between the lines and understanding the written word. Reading comprehension is a subject taught at school. You read a longer text and understand what is told, you can answer the questions. There are exercises which you can follow (see the internet) if you missed these lessons.

It is never too late to teach yourself.

If you cannot read, understand the written word, it's you to blame.
Reading is something you can practice. Practicing means doing something, repeating it, on a daily base, not for a few minutes but hours. It is not different from other skills you achieved. If you are smart enough to copy others, to find excuses on the internet why you can't read and write, you are clever enough to improve your reading and writing skills too.
Sit down for five minutes and read this article till the end for a change. Be creative and search for ways on the internet to improve yourself for a change instead of blaming others for what you did to yourself.

While you search I search too. For that better place, a home where writers are appreciated by people who still read.

#kittywu #reading #comprehension

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Avatar for wakeupkitty
3 years ago


There are so many options on how to read text nowadays but yeah, the lazy generation takes over. Although culture plays a huge role in forcing education (like in most asian countries where it's cery disgraceful if you don't finish college/university) but in western countries, it doesn't seem like such a huge need as it is here and that's the sad part

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We should read a text how it is written. Think about what is told, really said not what we think is said, not because of what is actual at the moment or brought by us by tunnel vision. Most of us already read with a certain idea in their mind the text will be about. Look at the comments and you know what I mean. A respond just based on the title, even if the title is the opposite of what is said or has nothing to do with the text.

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3 years ago

The problem is the non english texts for me ;;-;; most of the context is lost in translation though so often times, you'll just get a very shallow understanding of it. But i guess the impression from the title is plenty to get to know the audience but still. I need to learn more languages

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It annoys me to think people use dyslexia as an excuse to not learn. I admit, I am dyslexic and it was difficult. I still can't spell out loud honestly. I need to write down the word to see it physically or I do jumble the letters or turn them around. I learned. I love to read and I love to write so I used that passion to drive me. Though I find most math to still be my weakness. I can manage algebra because it's easier to spot a number and letter that's been switched around or put in the wrong place. A disadvantage however is not an excuse to not at least try.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I really suck at language, the Dutch one, grammar included. According to the teachers, I would never learn it not be able to learn different languages. How wrong they were, all of them. I can remember one teacher really being shocked as he noticed how bad we all were. He said: If I am finished with you (class) you all can do it. Those who won't will never learn it. He was right. These days the effort is not even taken. There are so many tools and why should children be reached? Next to that, I hear every "adult" say the same. They lie, use it for an excuse because it makes everything so much easier. We must have a lame nation if 90% out of 100% suddenly is dyslexic. They are not but they cannot read and write out of their own choice which makes a huge difference.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're right. I wonder now though how many people roll their eyes at me when I apologize for my dyslexia when it messes me up because they're heard it from so many others. I generally apologize when someone asks for a phone number or my postal code since those are the most difficult for me even though I know them by heart.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No one takes you seriously. It's what I learned if you try to fit in, give your best. You proved you can find a way and this means you have no right to complain.

Phone number I wrote on a paper (I never call myself) same with the address. 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I doubt the one who copies and paste will read this to the end but I sure hope that they read. They even spent the time to translate it to another language and make it as their own. Reading is my weakness and I agree with you that it can be practised. Someone just needs to have guts and appreciation. Some writing like poetry are considered as art I think.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is indeed a fact too... Some took the time to translate although it's not said they read it or understand what they translated.

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3 years ago

I guess we can see it in their comment if they really read even though translation can sometimes be misunderstood. That is what engaging for I guess. To help each other understand.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Abal marka post

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3 years ago

I agree with @Ozzyy, that's the disadvantage brought by this technology, people just rely on it without even trying to learn on their own. Not understanding things on their own

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3 years ago

I deed but it is their choice, their loss and it shouldn't be rewarded in any way. We all learned to read, write, invested time in it. Some of us the biggest part of their lives no matter how hard it is. That should be rewarded not the small excuses and laziness. If I can translate others can too.

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3 years ago

Well, not all users are like you 😊 many rely too much on applications which makes them lazy... Btw, I made an article related to this..

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3 years ago

I rely on Grammarly too. It makes me faster but I learned my lesson and check and keep checking. Leave me your link dear.

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

People no longer care much for what's written - it's all about the big screen nowadays. Tha's wh education is going down faster and faster.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Education is at a very low level. This will be no problem to those who love to learn, the autodidacts but it is for the rest. The idiots should be teached, follow extra lessons (idiots are those lazy people) not those who give the best they can and already do well. I am glad the screen is mainly swift off with us. It is something for the winter holidays and mainly to watch films without commercials. I have a collection on video and DVD.

$ 0.00
3 years ago