Not happy

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Avatar for wakeupkitty
3 years ago

You have that too you feel like crying whole day? It's just the day the nights are fine. Fine most of the times if my mother doesn't wake me up in a bad mood, hits me and make me work. It makes her angry if I do not smile but it makes her angry too if I do not cry, cry and beg if she hits me. Why should I beg? She hits me anyway. That is why we have dog leashes.

I am not in the mood to do anything. I don't feel happy. Perhaps people like me never feel happy? I see other people laugh, make jokes and some speak while others laugh out loud. I do not understand the funny things they talk about. I do not think it's funny. Perhaps they laugh because there is nothing to worry about? Except for the girl with the harness everyone is different. They are happy or look happy, they shout and run and chase each other. It is not what I like to do. My feet always hurt plus I do not like it if people touch me. The teacher at gymnastics does on Thursdays. She says she catches you if you fall. If you fall your body sounds like a bag of potatoes. If you heard the sound once you will never forget it.

Potatoes. My grandfather tried to carry my grandmother upstairs. He could not and dropped her. He said she is heavier than a bag of potatoes.
I think he is still in hospital. No one talks about him. Perhaps he is or he is back home? I can not ask anyone because I am not allowed to make a phone call. The housekeeper never talks to me either. If I cry she walks out if me. At least she is not searching for me. After I hid my diary I will lay down here for a while. I hope my parents will be gone for a long time and not ask for me. I feel too tired.

September 11, 2020

A kid's diary

Bully's birthday


Do not touch

#kittywu #diary #childhood

$ 0.42
$ 0.42 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for wakeupkitty
3 years ago


This is an ugly truth around the world. All we can do is pray for those children who have irresponsible parents. 🙏❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What we should do is taking care of these children. Not just sit there and watch how they are treated. Family, neighbors, teachers, do tors, ... There are plenty of people who notice it and can actually do something.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes its true that there are times that we are so emotional sometimes and it last for how many days, especially when we are really facing some problems in life. Much more if the problem is hatd to solve.. And it seems no way or nowhere to go.. Its really hard to fight that feeling and you can't even help your self.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If you are stuck in the middle of it, can't help yourself it is a nasty feeling for sure. It's good to ventilate, ask for help before it gets that far.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's like that R.E.M. song "Everybody Hurts", some more than others, but nobody is 100% happy all of the time. But something most people understand is that life will feel drawn out if you don't allow yourself to chuckle at a stupid joke once in a while.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Chuckling at a stupid joke is hard these days. People easily feel insulted but I agree. If you want to survive you have to.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The difficult thing in life is to be happy. Each moment of happiness lasts so little, because new situations appear that collapse that happiness that we build. And yes ... I'm tired too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think no one is 24/7 happy. If that would be the case you wouldn't feel happiness anymore because it is normal.

I believe you you feel tired too. I hope we both get over it and gain the energy we need. 💕🍀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You have been a fighting person all your life. Against every bad event.

I hope you keep finding reasons to keep going!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think that keeping fighting is soon no longer needed and to be honest I look forward to it. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hope your wishes come true. Sometimes they are not fulfilled when we want them but everything comes in due course.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't really have wishes dear friend. Once dead there's no need to fight and that's what I meant. I know I won't live forever or for years I just need to take care of the youngest long enough till they can manage. If I have a wish that's the one I always had.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Then I will be supporting you with my mind so that your great wish is fulfilled. I hope you are successful.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree with abortion in those people who do not want to have children, it is irresponsible to bring into the world a child that you are not going to love, educate and support. It shows children when they are always sad, but we can't do anything if their parents don't allow it, like educating a teenage mother who grew up in bad circumstances in her family to raise a baby. I know that religions do not allow an abortion, but they are not concerned with helping to form men or women with a conscience to have a family.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is exactly my point. The truth is unwanted children will never be wanted. You can give them away, dump them in a home but that's a hard thing for a child to deal with too. If you have nothing to offer, in reality people spit at you and look down on you instead of offering a helping hand, love, a home it is better to stop before it gets words. I know plenty of women who never wanted children. We all should accept that. There's nothing wrong with knowing a child is not what makes you happy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope this is not from a real diary from a real kid coz if it is that kid needs a help right away. Though if it isnt,sad to say but there are real happenings like this story out there,a psycho parents that made their child their own victim. I dont consider those kind of parents human,coz no human can do such thing to their own child.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Actually why are you not happy this time around

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Let's say there's nothing to be happy about and situations without and end slowly kill.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't know why but I can really feel the sadness of the kid while writing in his (or her) diary. I'm a silent reader of your series of 'A Kid's Diary' and so far this one touched my heart which prompted me to write a comment. No sugar coated words.

If in case this is a true story or based on a true story, I feel really sorry for the kid. I hope that other parents should not neglect their children nor make them feel neglected. I somehow can relate but it's not a beautiful story for me to tell.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is a true story. I am afraid more children have these experiences than we are aware of. Most likely they will never meet or recognize each other. Too much used to hiding and a part of them keeps smiling.

This is not a beautiful story either to tell and most people will not believe it because reality is frequently seen as a lie while a horror is seen as awesome and feels real.

Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago