Politics, it's a word many people avoid.
It's seldom seen for positive. Once a debate starts a part of the population hits the road and the rest shows interest or is angry. The anger increases if it affects someone in a negative way. Cheering for what benefits others is not a common thing to do. Who lives in poverty will not cheer for the rich getting richer, the wealthy ones will not cheer for a better life for the poor and the middle group gave up on cheering already because they are the ones who have to pay the bill.
How come politics is never cheerful?
Politicians lie and cheat and get away with it, no one punishes them for their behavior. How come a democracy is no democracy in the real essence of the word and the people do not reign, their voice doesn't count?
If I may believe the prime minister of the Netherlands the nation is brainless and too stupid to vote. The "stupid ones" are those who do not vote for him. It makes one think how a PM, one who always talks about "norms and values", can get away with scolding and showing zero respect for voters, their choice, their opinion.
It makes me think about the education level (schools, universities). It dropped fast and it makes me wonder if this is the result of a government investing less money in education and if so if this is done on purpose. Is a new generation of "low educated" people a sneaky plan to give better jobs to AI or low educated foreigners which you can easier fool? Are educated people seen as a threat? Is it safer not to educate too many people as during the past decades was done because those who don't know don't care?
In each community even within one household, politics is important. It makes it possible for groups to live together in harmony. Politics is about making agreements and decisions. Norms and values (principals) are a part of it and stand for what is important to all people in this community. It makes one feel secure. It's good to know what society stands for, if you know your voice is heard, you count too if you decide to live somewhere else.
In a smaller community like a tribe or smaller village, it's easier to be noticed and heard. It's way harder to influence decisions made nation- or worldwide.
Living in a mixed community should mean decisions, rules, laws, and rights should be based on all members. Wiping out certain groups from the blackboard is no solution just because they are poor, disabled, elderly people, female, ill, or natives. If all life matters all life should matter and not just those lives of a handful of people.
You say not all life matters?
Indeed it's possible to delete certain groups out of the society. To build a more healthy and wealthy economy this way. It's possible but not without starting a war. Sooner or later the rich will be poor, healthy will get sick and if not get old.
A nation is like a child or dog. Loyal to its parent or master. It will be devoted for a long time, accept to be booted and beaten but it will not undergo it forever. Sooner or later it will attack. A youngster will grab a machinegun and shoot his dad, a dog will tear his boss into pieces. If the burden and the sacrifices asked are too high the brains, common sense will no longer reign, and instinct will take over. Only a clever commander will notice the signals, respond, and realize it'stime to stop pushing people over the edge.
Wow do bright idea.. Very good God bless