How to Relieve Stress?

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Stress and stress are not the same so my answer won't be either. It all depends on what causes my stress, where I am and if I am alone or with someone else. 

Stress doesn't feel good so I prefer to be alone to avoid spreading negative energy (to people, animals and even the trees). If I am in my room I can lie down and think or sleep. Sleeping over can be helpful although sleepless nights or thinking while I am sleeping is a possibility as well. 

My first reaction might be eating chocolate although I do not always have it at home. At the moment my pantry is empty except for 1 Mars with an Israeli label.  What if no chocolate is at hand and I am home alone and feel stressed? I make myself a cup of tea, sit down and look outside of the window. Doing nothing is good for the brain. It triggers creativity (and solutions).  If the situation is really bad I talk to one of my children. The one who is the nearest by. This might be my son or the youngest and if no one is home I text which will be most often the animator. Her humour and responses, no matter how black, relieve. At times I contact my friends but I admit they are not my first choice if it comes to talking to someone and getting rid of stress.  On average my days are without too much stress and most stress I feel is caused by other people, at times the animals. As an introvert and thinker, I prefer to keep my life as simple as possible. I like to be on my own and for the biggest part of the year I am living in the middle of nowhere. No neighbours, no visitors and I do not visit anyone. My last visit was with a friend in May and it was one year ago we met (her wedding day), the last time I visited a shop was at the start of May.

I rarely watch a film or read a book if I feel stressed. It's hard to concentrate if I feel that way. Burning incense is most likely what calms me most of all.  Some types of stress can be reduced by preparing, which I do if it comes to celebrations and travelling. I recommend everyone to do the same since travels are rarely without stress and many get a burnout or migraine once their weekend or vacation starts.  Focus on something else helps.  A puzzle but writing a freewrite with a timer is most likely my number 1 if it comes to distracting myself. 

So incense, a good smell (I always go for good smells), a cup of herb tea and being left alone (no one nagging me and letting me do as I like) is the relaxation recipe for me. 

P. S. I hate appointments I always go for good smells, a cup of tea, incense and being left alone (no one nagging me and letting me do as I like) is the relaxation recipe for me. 


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I take walks to relieve stress. I love chocolate but I'm not a super fan. I do not have a sweet tooth.

$ 0.00
3 months ago

Seems like we're common in coping with stress, especially with the chocolates, also although I'm not into tea but I go for milk.

$ 0.00
3 months ago

ur ways are actually my ways too to avoid stress! but another thing to relieve my stress is coffee, drinking coffee while i'm having a hard time is satisfying. idk why but it's just my coping mechanism. anyways, love this articleee aack!!

$ 0.00
3 months ago