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Did you hear of Sigmund Freud?

Around 1897 he wrote a boy would be sexually attracted to his mother at the age of three years old and start hating his father and a girl should be attracted to her father and therefore hate her mother.

Decennial psychologist and shrinks stuck to Freud's "discovery".

It was their way to explain every kind of behavior and of course, it fits great with the holy book if it comes to girls. The idea girls love, adore their father and therefore do not care about being married to a guy who could be her grandfather is one of them.

By now, in the western world, psychologists know better.

All kinds of tests are done worldwide and not a single one proves Freud was right. On what did Freud base his "knowledge"? Probably on his own feelings, his feelings for his mother. The woman he hardly knew because he was raised by the maid.

Although most people never read what Freud wrote, what his life looked like, hardly anyone questioned the nonsense he did spit out worldwide we still believe parts of what he stated.

Sons are closer to their mother and daughters are closer to their father. True or is this wishful thinking? All kinds of tests are done but nothing proves this is true.

If we like one parent more than the other it has to do with character.

A child will feel more attracted to the parent who has the same character as it has.

If it comes to it the relationship between parents and children isn't different from any other relationship.

Birds of a feather stick together.

Sorry, Freud, you were wrong.

If you ask me this shrink just used his own personal feelings for his mother and turned it into the Oedipus complex. A complex which in reality doesn't exist but is still good enough to label people with.

Someone who doubted Freud's words...

$ 0.00


Nice article here, but to me this seems a bit true coz have seen this happened

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It happens everywhere as long as we believe in it and many still do or make people believe this is true.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

But to you its not right?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is action drama film. The film name is "Krinshnarjuna Yuddham".

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What was the film about? You can forget about him. We better should not stay years back in time if we know better.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

First I heard his name (sigmund freud) in a south indian movie. Now I know a little about him. Thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What was the film about? You can forget about him. We better should not stay years back in time if we know better. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No..the film is not about him. This is action drama film. The film name is "Krinshnarjuna Yuddham".

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for your answer. Who knows I can watch it ones. Enjoy your day. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago