Twenty-five top recipes

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1. Fish soup

I have been eating good and quality soup since I know for myself. I can thank my dad for that, who proved himself in many competitions where he won awards, one of which is "The best fish soup in Vojvodina". I photographed his fish soup in a cauldron, and he gave us guidelines with some "tricks" on how to make it victorious.

For 6 people:

4 medium onion heads

1 liter of water + 2.5 liters of water

1 tablespoon dry spice

1 clove garlic

2 kg of fed carp

a piece of some lower quality fish (pike or barbel)

1/2 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon sweet pepper

1/2 spice for fish soup

salt to taste

1/2 tablespoon of vinegar or 1 dl of tomato juice


Chop the onion and mix it, then boil it in 1 liter of water with dry spice and crushed garlic.

If necessary, mix it with water once more in a blender to get a porridge, so the onion will not float.

When you have prepared this, pour it into the cauldron, then add the fish and a piece of low-quality fish that you will take out later.

Add 2.5 liters of water and sugar.

When it boils, add sweet pepper and seasoning for fish soup and salt to taste (1 teaspoon), then you will try it and add salt if necessary.

Leave to cook for 30 minutes.

After that time, add vinegar or tomato juice (this is added so that the fish does not fall apart, the horseshoes remain whole).

Leave to cook for another 10-15 minutes on low heat.

If your soup is thin, according to you, leave it to boil, because the vinegar or tomato juice will not disintegrate, and if it is thick and you want more soup, add a little more water, but do not overdo it so as not to dilute it too much.

Serve it immediately after removing from the heat.


2. Recipe for chicken soup

A soup that is easy to prepare, and will always be pleasant. Great for some winter period to warm up and in summer with the addition of lemon juice to refresh.


1 chicken white meat

1 onion

1/2 primrose root

1/2 parsnip root

1/2 celery

2 shagrarepe

2 cloves garlic

1/2 teaspoon thyme

1 sour cream

2 egg yolks

1 tablespoon flour

with, pepper, dry spice and primrose leaf


Wash the meat, then put with 4 liters of water. (The water will boil while it is cooking, and less can be added if desired)

When it boils, add the vegetables, washed, cleaned and chopped.

When it boils again, reduce the heat to simmer.

When everything is soft, mash the garlic and add.

Add spices (salt, pepper, dry spice, thyme).

If you wish, strain the soup, then return the meat and vegetables, and you don't have to.

Chop the meat into smaller pieces, and if you cooked with bones, remove them.

Whisk the egg yolks, flour and sour cream, then remove the pot from the heat, then pour slowly and mix.

Return to the heat for a few minutes to simmer.

Finally add the primrose leaf and serve warm.

3. Cream soup with veal

The soup is similar to sour, veal soup, but without eggs. This soup can also be prepared with chicken.


250g boneless veal cut into cubes

3 carrots

1/2 parsnip

1/2 celery (smaller)

1 clove garlic

1 bell pepper

4 tablespoons rice

1 tablespoon flour

150 ml milk (or sour cream)

1 bunch of primroses, can and dried

optional lemon juice to taste


Put the meat in a pot with a little water to simmer for 10-15 minutes.

In another pan, put about 3 liters of water to boil, and during that time chop the onion, paprika, carrot, parsnip and celery.

When the water boils, lower the vegetables and add the meat.

Leave everything on low heat to simmer until everything is cooked through.

when the vegetables and meat are soft, add rice, salt and pepper to taste.

Add the crushed garlic.

Let it all boil.

Then whisk the milk and flour or with sour cream and pour into a pot and mix.

Add lemon juice if desired.

Finally, add the primrose and let it stand for 10 minutes, then serve warm.

4. New Year's soup

For the New Year, it is somehow a tradition to make white or sour soup, as well as for Christmas. Here is a suggestion with dried meat, rice and sauerkraut. A unique blend of taste and tradition.


2 tablespoons butter

1 medium onion

2 large cloves of garlic

1/2 teaspoon red, ground pepper

1/4 cup wholemeal rice, white can also be used

4 cups of chicken soup, whether homemade or made from cubes

2 cups minced dried meat

1 cup sauerkraut, drained

3 medium potatoes

1 tablespoon Worcester sauce

1 teaspoon dry spice

1/4 teaspoon cumin

2 bay leaves

1/2 cup milera

with, to taste

freshly ground black pepper, about 1/2 teaspoon

1 cup Emmentaler cheese or some hard if you don't have that rye bread to serve


Melt the butter, then add the finely chopped onion and simmer for about 5 minutes. Add the crushed garlic and red pepper, then leave for a few more minutes to simmer. Sprinkle with flour, stir, then leave for 3 minutes.

Add the soup and stir with a whisk all the way down the bottom.

Add dried meat, diced potatoes, rice and sauerkraut, Vircester sauce, spices, cumin and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

Remove from the heat and let stand for 15 minutes, then stir in the mileram and remove the bay leaf.

Try it and add pepper if necessary.

Serve with diced cheese and rye bread.

5. Lean cream soup of mushrooms and spinach

It's necessary :

250 g of mushrooms

400 g of spinach

1 onion

2 tablespoons flour

1 liter of soy milk

oil, pepper, salt, dry spice

Fry finely chopped onion in oil. Cut the champignons into slices, add to the onion, then fry until the liquid that the champignons release boils. Then add flour and mix well. Slowly pour in the milk, stirring gently. Add chopped spinach leaves, salt, pepper, add dry spice and, stirring occasionally, cook for another ten minutes until the corba becomes creamy. Add a little water if necessary.

You can serve this soup with cubes of toasted bread, the effect is great, I even liked it despite the spinach!

6. Chicken sour soup

A real refreshment for these tropical days. As we eat much less in the summer, this chicken soup with rice and vegetables easily becomes the main meal.


1 chicken 1-1.5 kg

1 large onion

2-3 carrots

2-3 white greens

celery, egg size

2 bay leaves

1/2 cup rice (125 ml.)

2 lemons

3-4 egg yolks

150-200 ml. sour cream

spice and primrose

salt and pepper


Put the chicken in a deeper pot and pour 4-5l of water. Add salt and bring to a boil. when it boils reduce the heat and remove the foam that is being made.

When you remove the foam, add chopped carrots, white greens, bay leaf and celery, and let it cook.

When the chicken is cooked with the vegetables, take out the chicken, then the bones and skin, chop and return to the pot.

When you add the meat, add the rice. After 15 minutes of cooking the rice, beat the lemon juice with the egg yolks, beat well, then add the sour cream and mix well.

Slowly pour this mixture into the pot while stirring.

Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the parsley and spice and serve the chicken soup warm.

7. Vegetable soup


1 kg of cauliflower

500 g of carrots

2 red peppers

1 onion

a piece of ginger

curry (powder)

5 cloves of garlic

1 teaspoon nutmeg

500 ml of tomato juice

1 green pepper

enough water to cover the vegetables



Chop the onion and sauté it. Add diced bell peppers, hot peppers, ginger and garlic. Leave to simmer, then add the cauliflower and young carrots. Pour enough water and tomatoes to soak over the vegetables and continue cooking. Towards the end, add curry powder, nutmeg and salt to taste. Let it cook for another 10 minutes, then remove from the heat and serve warm.

8. Cream of mushroom soup


1 onion

300 g of mushrooms

1 dcl oil

2, 5 dl of milk

1 cube for soup, take off

3 tablespoons sour cream

2 tablespoons flour

dry spice

salt and pepper


Finely chop the onion and fry it in oil. Add the sliced ​​champignons, then continue to simmer. when the onions and mushrooms are soft, add the flour and fry a little more, stirring constantly. After 5 minutes, pour half a liter of water and add the soup cube. don’t add spices yet because the cube is already salty. When everything is cooked, try it, and if necessary, add spices, remove from the heat and stir in the sour cream.

Serve the creamy mushroom soup warm.

9. Tuscan soup

Tuscan soup is a soup made of minced meat and potatoes. It can be served during the holidays, when guests come to you, and on ordinary weekends at home. It is universal and therefore more than good in every combination.


1 onion

about 750 g of potatoes

about 300 g of sausage, fresh

1 clove garlic

spoon of flour

oregano, thyme

sour cream and pepper

juice of one lemon

2 tablespoons oil

1 tablespoon butter

250ml of milk

3l of water or soup


Finely chop the onion, then add salt, oil and butter and sauté it a little. Peel a squash, grate it and add a little onion. Cut the potatoes into cubes, then add the onion, pour the milk and bring to a boil. When it boils, pour soup or water and leave it to cook. When the potatoes soften (about half an hour) and the sausage is cooked add garlic, oregano, thyme, salt, pepper. finally add the flour mixed in a little water. add sour cream and and lemon juice.

Your Tuscan soup is ready, listen to it hot.

10. Greek meat soup

This time we took a walk to Greece, to see how they prepare a soup that is similar to our white soup. Yes, almost everything is the same, except that instead of finely chopped meat, they make small meatballs.


* 400 gr. minced meat (pork and beef)

* beef bone or pork, fat

* 2 tablespoons rice

* 2-3 carrots

* 1 onion

* 2 tomatoes

* 2 small potatoes

* 1 small celery

* 1 cube of vegetable soup

* 2 egg yolks

* 100 g sour cream

* with pepper

* primrose leaves


Bring water to a boil. Add beef or pork bone. When it foams, pick up that foam with a spoon and throw it away, then strain it, so that there are no bones left by chance. Add diced vegetables to cook together. Soak the tomatoes in boiling water, then peel and blend and add to the soup.

Meanwhile, prepare the meatballs. In a bowl, mix the minced meat with rice, salt and pepper to taste. When the vegetables soften, after about 20 minutes, make small balls, about 2 cm in diameter, and add to the soup. Finally, stir in the egg yolks with the sour cream and primrose and add slowly to the soup and mix gently. Season to taste.


11. How to use mashed potatoes

You have leftover mashed potatoes from lunch, what about it? Simply, a little flour, milk and yeast and here's dinner. I worked according to the amount of potatoes I had left, sometimes more, sometimes less, but I always add the same amount of yeast and milk, only the amount of flour changes because of the amount of mashed potatoes left, so you know, that flour can to vary.


400 g mashed potatoes (which was really cold)

200 ml of milk

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon salt

500 g of flour

20 g of fresh or 5 g of dry yeast


Heat the milk to keep it warm, add sugar and yeast, then let it stand for 10 minutes.

Put mashed potatoes in a bowl in which you will knead, pour milk with yeast, salt and add 400 g of flour.

Stir with a spoon.

Since it is thick, you can only shape it by hand at the end, or if it is easier for you to knead it by hand, but if you get your hands dirty unnecessarily, everything can be done with a spoon, only at the end, round everything by hand.

If necessary, because the dough is too soft, add the rest of the flour to 500 g.

Leave it to stand for 20 minutes, then stretch it with a rolling pin to a thickness of 5 mm and cut it into the desired shapes.


Pour two fingers of oil into the sherpa and let it heat up.

During that time, mekica or piroška, ​​call whatever you want :) will stay.

Reduce the heated oil between medium and strong and lower the pies upside down as they are sour.

Bake until golden brown.

Drain the roast on a napkin and add a little salt.

Serve with yogurt, sour cream, cream or some other spread or dressing.


12. Fasting pizza

Lean pizza made of wholemeal flour and vegetables is also vegetarian, and can be prepared on the day of the UN when keeping a UN diet. The dough is mixed, and in case of hurry, you can also use the wholemeal crust.

I kneaded the dough by pouring 200 ml of water and adding one piece of fresh yeast, tearing off only the spitz. Dry yeast can also be added on top of a teaspoon. Add a teaspoon of sugar and stir.

Add integral flour to this mass to get a mushy mixture and mix with a spoon.

Add salt and white flour to make a soft dough sticky to the hands. Almost as if mixed, but do not mix, just mix with a spoon.

Pour 2 tablespoons of oil on all sides of this sticky dough and leave it to soak. If fasting is on water, do not use oil but sprinkle flour on all sides and leave to soak.

When it is sour, sprinkle the table with flour, shake and mix.

The dough is no longer sticky.

Stretch to the dimensions of the tray, about 30 cm. If you have excess cut off.

Place in a baking tray and coat with a few tablespoons of mashed tomatoes or tomato puree.

Grate 150 g of fresh mushrooms on top and add salt.

Over the slices of half a pepper, cut thinly to bake the rings of a whole tomato.

Sprinkle with oregano, basil and sesame seeds.

Olives and other vegetables can be added.

When filling, turn on the oven to 250 degrees and when it heats up, put it to bake.

It takes about 10 minutes to bake from the bottom and then put it on the grill in the middle to bake all those vegetables a little from the top, for another 5 minutes.

Take out, cut and serve.


13. Integral sticks

Integral sticks are sticks similar to crackers "as much as" in composition, and instead of cheese, a cheaper variant with sour cream, and the taste is excellent in which a combination of integral and white flour participates. They are quick to make and bake, they can stand for a few days and do not change their softness and taste, great if a birthday party is being prepared.


400 g of margarine

300 g sour cream

2 equal tablespoons of salt

200 g of pure wholemeal flour

450 g of white flour type 400

10 g baking powder

1 egg for coating

sprinkle as desired (I combined coarse sea salt, flax and ground pepper)


Melt the margarine in the pan.

In another bowl, mix the wholemeal flour, sour cream and salt.

Cool the margarine and add it to the bowl with the wholemeal flour, then add half of the white flour and whisk with a spoon.

Add baking powder and the rest of the flour and knead the dough.

The dough is soft and greasy, that's how it should be.

Leave in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

During that time, the dough will be additionally tightened due to the integral flour that subsequently picks up water from the dough.

Take out the dough and mix. No matter how hard it seems, when you mix it, it releases.

Turn on the oven to 200 degrees to heat it, then roll out half of the dough, cut it into strips, cubes or take it out with molds.

Place in a pan that does not need to be greased because the dough is greasy enough.

Whisk the egg with which we removed half of the egg white.

Coat the sticks and sprinkle with the poppy you want.

Bake for 20 minutes.

They need to stay bright, they are soft to the touch and as they cool they shrink.

Eat in the next few days.

From this measure, 2.5 trays are obtained from the oven with densely arranged sticks.

14. The sausage roll

Great dinner, the dough is soft and delicious, except for the sour cherries, you can fill and roll it as much as you want… cheese, ham, even stewed mushrooms, bacon, sausage, if desired…. With this amount of dough, 12 hot dogs can be twisted, depending on how thick you cut the twisting strips.


200 ml of water

30 ml of oil

20 g of fresh yeast (4 g of dry)

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon salt

1 egg

125 g of margarine

400 g of flour


Add yeast and 1 tablespoon of sugar to warm water and stir.

Add half a measure of flour, salt, half a measure of oil and 4 tablespoons of oil and mix everything again.

Then add the rest of the flour and stir with a spoon, so when it becomes harder, that you can't mix with a spoon, add a little more flour and shape a soft dough with your hands, which you will sprinkle with the rest of the oil and leave to soak for between 30 and 60 minutes.

Lightly mix the sourdough on the surface sprinkled with flour and divide it into 8 equal parts.

Stretch each piece into a circle between 10 and 15 cm in diameter and grate margarine on each but the last one. Arrange to have on 7 rounds.

Fold in the eighth sprinkle with flour on top and bottom and stretch as much as you can.

Make it thin 5 mm.rol bag (2)

Now fold it tightly in half, then the resulting part again in half and leave it to "rest" to make it easier to stretch.

Roll out the dough again as thin as you can, 5 mm.

Cut the strips and wrap each one around the cooked hot dog so that the ends of the strip cross a little over each other (picture)

Arrange in a baking tray, spread with beaten egg, sprinkle with sea salt, sesame, cumin, flax po if desired.

Turn on the oven when you put the sausage roll at 200 degrees, and when it heats up, put it to bake until it turns brown on top, about 20 minutes.

15. Puff pastry with cherry filling

As I ran out of cherries, I bought ready-made stuffing from them. So let's try… These cakes can be made with cherries from the freezer by adding sugar and a spoonful of grits and filling them with homemade cherry jam, as well as with sweet, if desired.


400 ml of water

50 ml of oil

40 g of fresh yeast (7 g of dry)

1 tablespoon sugar + 4 tablespoons

1 teaspoon salt

cherry filling, fresh cherries or jam

1 egg

250 g of margarine

800 g of flour


Add yeast and 1 tablespoon of sugar to warm water and stir.

Add half a measure of flour, salt, half a measure of oil and 4 tablespoons of sugar and mix everything again.

Then add the rest of the flour and stir with a spoon, and when it becomes harder, add a little more flour with a spoon and form a soft dough with your hands, which you will pour with the rest of the oil and leave to soak for between 30 and 60 minutes.

Lightly mix the sourdough on the surface sprinkled with flour and divide it into 8 equal parts.

Stretch each piece into a circle between 20 and 30 cm in diameter and grate margarine on each but the last one. Arrange to have on 7 rounds.

cherry filling cakes (2)

Fold in the eighth sprinkle with flour on top and bottom and stretch as much as you can.

Make it 5 mm thin.

Now fold it tightly in half, then the resulting part again in half and leave it to "rest" to make it easier to stretch.

Roll out the dough again as thin as you can, 5 mm.

Cut one of them along the entire length of the dough and 7.8 cm thick.

cherry filling cakes (3)

Move the strip from the rest of the dough, stretch it up and down, to thin the edges and put the filling with a small spoon at a distance of 2-3 cm. ( the painting )

Fold and cut the dough between the fillings with a pizza knife. Since the dough is soft and sticky from the margarine, where you cut it will only stick, and then you will only close the edges where the fold is a little with a fork.

Stack. When you set the oven, turn it on at 200 degrees, coat everything with beaten egg and leave it to soak until the oven heats up, maybe a minute longer.

Bake until golden brown. Don't be afraid that they are not baked, they are, that dough is very thin and you get a large amount of these cakes with cherries, 5 large baking trays from the oven, so you can make half a measure of dough.

Sprinkle the roast with powdered sugar and serve.

Wait for them to cool down, and maybe not, be careful because the stuffing is soooo hot.


16. Fast spicy cakes


250 g of margarine

200 g of cottage cheese

100 g sour cream

1 tablespoon salt or to taste

350 g of soft flour

red (hot) pepper, can garlic powder

flax or sesame seeds, as well as spices you like


Mix margarine with cheese and sour cream with the addition of salt to combine everything.

Add flour and knead the dough.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm and take out the shapes or cut into sticks.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake for about 15 minutes, until slightly browned.

Allow to cool.


17. Calzone - Calzone

Calzone or Kalcona is a type of pizza but folded. The dough is exactly the same as the pizza filling, only it overlaps and the ends bend inwards. Calcona can be filled with other fillings. It is great for breakfast or dinner.


Crumble the yeast in warm water and add sugar and mix.

Add half of the flour, almost all the oil (leave a little to sprinkle around the dough, when it is kneaded) and salt, and mix well with a food processor.

As you add the rest of the flour, mix as well.

When the dough can hardly be mixed with a food processor, gently knead it by hand, just to shape it.

It does not take long to mix because the dough is already well made with a food processor.

Drizzle with the rest of the oil and let it soak for 30 minutes.

The dough will be soft and sticky and so it should be.

Sprinkle the table with flour, then take out the sourdough and mix it lightly.

From this measure, there is a test for 6 larger calsons, and you can make them smaller, if you wish.

The dough is soft and can be stretched with your hands, or with a rolling pin.

Divide the dough into 6 parts and roll each part thinly into a circle as when rolling out a pizza.

Fold the filling in one half in a slightly thicker layer because the dough will overlap and there will be two layers of dough so that it is not dry.

The filling should be of your choice - as a rule it is pizza stuffing (ketchup - peeled tomato, ham, cheese and mushrooms with spices, but I also made what I have left in the fridge like feta cheese 100 g, hard cheese 100 g, two tablespoons sour cream, a little ham, a little kulen and a little smoked neck, everything was a little, already chopped, so I used it, I added mayonnaise)

Fold, squeeze the ends with a fork, then bend that thinned part, roll inwards (bottom photo) and you can also cut off the excess (top photo).

Immediately place in a baking pan, then coat with melted butter or margarine and leave to soak for 20 minutes.

I sprinkle with oregano and a little sea salt.

During this time, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Bake until the top is golden brown.

You can grate the cheese on hot Calzone, pour over ketchup, or serve with yogurt.


18. Baking pretzels

Today I paid for two pretzels as if they were golden, more expensive than a kilo of flour. Well, you won't! I think to myself and make a bunch of children for that money without additives, the same as theirs. They burned so hot…


500 ml of water

40 g of fresh yeast

1 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoon sugar

100 ml of oil

1 kg of flour

Salt - salty, white part over pretzels (what we tore off and nibbled on as children before eating pretzels):

200 ml of water

7 tablespoons flour

1 tablespoon salt


Add crushed yeast and a spoonful of sugar to warm water and mix.

Add half a measure of flour, half oil and salt and mix well again, so that there are no lumps, to get a thin smooth mass.

Then add more flour, almost all and knead the dough.

It takes a kilogram of flour to knead the dough, but add a little at the end because it is possible that someone will have 950 g.

The dough should be smooth, medium hardness. It will shoot too soft or hard later.

Coat the tray or work piece by dipping the brush into the remaining 50 ml of oil.

Tear off pieces of dough weighing 120 g or a little less than the oven, not all have to be measured.

Shape each piece of dough into a ball, noodles and place on a floured part.

Do the same with the whole test.

Now coat each ball with oil and cover with a nylon bag, then leave it to stand for 20 minutes.

When the balls are sour, start from the first one you made, roll them on the table with your hands.

Now you don't need flour, but the dough sticks a little to the surface of the table, just enough to form a long, thin strip of a cylindrical shape nicely between the palms and the table.

The length of the strip is 80 cm.

Take the ends of the ribbon and cross them as when you want to tie a knot (but don't tie it), I call it twisting and then one end to the left and one right to the middle of the ribbon and turn so that these joints are on the underside.

Brush with oil, you will be left with "that" oil and leave it to soak for 10 minutes, then turn on the oven to heat to 220 degrees, that is another 10 minutes, then put it to bake.

When you put them to bake in another pan, do the rest of the dough so that they don't overcook if you do them all at the same time.

Whisk the water, flour and salt so that the mass is slightly thinner than the yoghurt.

When the pretzels are almost baked with this mass (salc), spread the pretzels and leave them to bake.

The pretzels are baked for about 15 minutes because they are thin.

They are usually eaten even hotter :)


19. Quick sticks

Components :

350 g of hard cheese spread, you can put 300 g of small cheese or feta, but if you put feta do not salt the dough because the cheese itself is quite salty

2 whole eggs

1 tablespoon of salt required, but whether you add more depends on the cheese you have, try it, so you will most easily assess whether you need more, I needed

200 g of corn flour

300 g white flour (type 400 or 500)

50 ml of oil

50 ml of milk

1 baking powder

More: spices for sprinkling and sesame seeds, cumin, flax, sunflower, pumpkin


Beat eggs with salt, then add milk and oil and beat again. Well sir. Everything can be done with a fork.

Then add both flour and baking powder and beat again.

Do everything with a food processor or fork, so when the mass has already combined, just stir by hand.

Turn the oven to 220 degrees now.

Take baking paper and tear off the size of a large baking sheet.

Divide dough into 4 parts.

Sprinkle flour on the paper and stretch one part on the paper thinly, 2 mm.

Cut the pizza knife into strips, then coat with beaten egg and then sprinkle with spices and seeds.

fast sticks (2)

Put to bake until the edges of the sticks turn brown, that is a few minutes, follow while baking.

You have about 5 minutes.

If you can immediately roll out the second dough on paper that when you take out the first immediately put another to bake.

If you don't arrive, work one at a time.

You will get 4 such piles, as in the picture.

When baked, they are soft and may look unbaked, but they are baked, and when they cool, they harden and are just for snacking.


20. Fast corn rolls

Components :

350 g of hard cheese spread (in the original it is 300 g of small cheese but I didn't have it)

2 whole eggs

1 tablespoon of salt required, but whether you add more depends on the cheese you have, try it, so you will most easily assess whether you need more, I needed

200 g of corn flour

300 g white flour (type 400 or 500)

50 ml of oil

50 ml of milk

1 baking powder


150 - 200 g of hard cheese, and can also be stuffed ham

egg and sesame for coating and sprinkling


Beat eggs with salt, then add milk and oil and beat again. Everything can be done with a fork.

Then add both flour and baking powder and beat again.

Do everything with a food processor or fork, so when the mass has already combined, just stir by hand.

Turn the oven to 220 degrees now.

Sprinkle with flour, roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm with a rolling pin, cut rectangles, choose the size yourself.

Put cheese or a piece of ham on the narrow side at the beginning of each and roll the roll.

You can also cut the dough into triangles, as you wish, but the rectangles are more practical and faster.

Bend everything, then arrange in a greased pan.

You press each one a little with your hand, so that it lies down nicely, so that it doesn't unwind, the lower apartment is the end that is wrapped last.

Whisk the egg with a fork, brush and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake for 15 - 20 minutes, depending on the size of the rolls and the strength of the oven.


21. Snails with cheese and spinach


400 ml of warm water

200 ml of yogurt

40 g of fresh yeast (10 g of dry)

1 kg of soft flour

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon salt (or to taste)

500 g of cottage cheese

250 g of fresh spinach

250 g of margarine

2 egg yolks

50 ml of oil + 4 tablespoons


Add yeast and sugar to warm water and mix.

When you mix, add approximately 400 g of flour and salt and mix again.

Then add oil, yogurt and as much flour and now make it all well with a spoon.

Finally add enough flour instead of a smooth dough. 900 g of flour is enough to make it, the rest we have left when the dough needs to be mixed and when it is stretched.

Knead the dough, pour over 2 tablespoons of oil and spread it around, then leave it to soak and double.

Meanwhile, peel the spinach. Bring the water to a boil, then when it boils, add the spinach leaves and leave for 2-3 minutes to cook.

Strain, wash with cold water, squeeze to drain further.

Chop and add the cheese that we salted if it is not salty. Mix everything.

The dough has arrived

Knead the dough and roll it out into a rectangle, approximately 40 x 60 cm (picture)

Grate the margarine on the entire surface and wrap the narrower side in a roll. ( the painting )

Leave the roll to rest for 10 minutes and then stretch.

This is also the most difficult part of the job because the roll itself stretches more in length than in width.

It doesn't fit the whole table, so when I stretch it along the entire length of the table, I cut it (picture) and remove that one part, so I stretch the part I left afterwards, so that it is 0.5 cm thick.

creeps with cheese and spinach

Roll out the first dough to a width of approximately 60 cm and a length of 40 cm.

Cut horizontally into two equal parts (picture) and coat with a mixture of cheese and spinach.

Wrap both parts in a roll (picture), cut to a thickness of 1 - 1.5 cm and arrange in a pan (picture)

creeps with cheese and spinach-1

Coat with the mixture of beaten egg yolk and the remaining oil and put it to bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for 20 minutes, depending on the oven, or until it is finely browned.


22. Cheese sticks


400 ml of warm water

200 ml of yogurt

40 g of fresh yeast (10 g of dry)

1 kg of soft flour

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon salt (or to taste)

500 g of cottage cheese

2 tablespoons sour cream

250 g of margarine

2 egg yolks

50 ml of oil + 4 tablespoons


Add yeast and sugar to warm water and stir.

Add 300 - 400 g of flour and salt, then stir again.

Add about as much flour, 50 ml of oil, yogurt and mix again.

Gradually add flour (900 g of flour is enough to make the dough).

Knead the dough, pour over 2 tablespoons of oil and spread it around, then leave it to soak and double.

If it is not salty, add salt to the cream cheese, add sour cream and stir.

Knead the dough and roll it into a rectangle, approximately 40 x 60 cm (picture)

Grate the margarine on the entire surface and wrap the narrower side in a roll. ( the painting )

Leave the roll to rest for 10 minutes and then stretch.

This is also the most difficult part of the job because the roll itself stretches more in length than in width.

It doesn't fit the whole table, so when I stretch it along the entire length of the table, I cut it (picture) and remove that one part, so I stretch the part I left afterwards, so that it is 0.5 cm thick.

Apply half of the filling on half of the dough, and leave the other half for the other part of the dough (picture)

cheese sticks - 1

Fold and cut into strips (picture)

Twist each strip (picture)

Twisted strips that now look like sticks and stack in a greased oven tray.

When you place the trays, whisk the egg yolks with the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil and a pinch of salt, then coat the sticks.

Leave the first pan to soak (just as much is obtained from half the dough, full one pan) while filling the second pan.

cheese sticks - 2

When you are done with the second dough, turn on the oven to heat to 220 degrees and the dough will just stand for a while while the oven heats up.

Bake for 20 minutes.

I folded for 15 minutes and then another 5 minutes with a fan.

The length of baking depends on your oven, it will take someone maybe 25 minutes.

It's over when it turns nicely brown.

23. How to make a celebration cake

No Krsna glory passes without a glorious cake. The celebration cake is not bought, it is made. It is made by the housewife early in the morning on the day of the celebration or late in the evening. In the morning, the cake, together with red wine and slav wheat, is taken to the church, where it is consecrated and brought home, where guests are served with food that has been prepared. Each celebration cake consists of several parts - 4 noodles at the bottom, braids around them and crossed braids over. A piece of dough called poskurnica is placed on top and a real wreath or braid is placed around it. A poskur (seal) is placed on it and a twig torn from the basil is inserted into it. The feast cake symbolizes Christ and the bread of life, and the wine which sanctifies the blood of Jesus, while the wheat represents a gift for the harvested fruits. I made this celebration cake for the occasion of the church godfathership and it is very large, its diameter is 60 cm, you can adjust the measurements to your mold.


1.5 liters of water

200 ml of oil

3 teaspoons sugar

80 g of fresh yeast

4 teaspoons salt

2.6 kg of soft, white flour + enough to mix

100 g of lean margarine for coating because it was lean, and if you make greasy you can coat with egg yolk


Crumble the yeast in lukewarm water and add sugar and stir.

Add almost all the flour and mix by hand.

Add with, then almost all the oil, leave a little to spread around the dough when it is sour.

Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough.

Coat and mix with the rest of the oil and leave to soak until doubled (picture)

Sprinkle the work surface with flour, shake out the dough and mix.

Divide into two parts, one is one third and the other part is two thirds.

Divide the larger part into 4 equal parts and shape into round noodles.

Grease the pan well with margarine, it is better than oil because it is firmer.

Put all 4 noodles (picture)

Divide one third of the dough into two parts and make a braid around that 4 noodles from one part.

Then knit another braid from half of the remaining dough, divide it in half and cross it over the dumplings.

From the small dough that is left in the middle, put half shaped into a flat ball, and then make a wreath or braid from the dough that is left at the end.

Now coat the whole celebration cake with semi-melted margarine.

Glue decorations for the celebration cake on the cake.

Seal in the middle and one on each large dumpling.

Insert a sprig of basil in the middle.

Turn on the oven while placing the decorations at 200 degrees.

Arrange the decorations.

Wait for the oven to heat up and put the bread to bake. Before putting it out, take out the twig so that it does not burn, and then return it, you will already have a hole drilled for it.

I baked for an hour because it was big, but the average for baking a smaller loaf is about 30 minutes.

If you quickly tan on top, you can always put over a piece of aluminum foil and continue baking.

Coat the baked and still hot celebration cake with melted margarine, then wrap it in a large kitchen cloth or cotton tablecloth.

24. Rustic cake


300 ml of water

5 g of dry yeast (20 g of fresh)

1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon salt

650 g of flour

1 egg

1 egg yolk

2 tablespoons oil

100 g of margarine

180 g sour cream

I filled one loaf with 100 g of sour cream, 100 g of Trappist, 100 g of ham

I filled the second cake with 100 g of hilarious, 100 g of meat bacon, 100 g of Trappists


From 600 g of flour, yeast, water, sugar, salt, sour cream and yeast, knead a soft dough, it will stick to your hands.

Oil and leave to stand for 45 minutes.

Mix with the rest of the flour, divide into 2 parts and develop one part into a circle.

Make it as thin as possible.

Transfer to a baking tray, never on baking paper as it will stick.

Put the filling in the middle - sour cream, ham and cheese.

The remaining edges are shifted inwards, towards the middle.

Switch one end first, then immediately over the end that is next to it and so on until the end.

Coat with egg yolk and chop 50 g of margarine along the edges.

Leave to stand while the oven heats up.

The same procedure is with the other.

You can choose the filling yourself, what you like.

Bake at 250 degrees until the edges turn brown.

Serve when slightly cooled.


25. Boats with cheese

I had to put boats with cheese because if I just write boats, a real boat will come out instead of a boat made of dough: D The filling can be as desired, whatever you want. I had three types, one was pizza filling, the other was small cheese and a little hard on top, with parsley and basil, and the third was small cheese and mushrooms, so I beat one egg in the boat halfway through baking.


500 g of flour

250 ml of water

70 ml of oil

15 g of yeast (3-4 g of dry)

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon salt

1 egg yolk

boats with cheese


Crumble the yeast in warm water and add sugar and mix.

Add half of the flour and almost all the oil, leave a little to spread around the dough, when it is kneaded with salt, and mix well with a food processor.

As you add the rest of the flour, mix as well.

When the dough can hardly be mixed with a food processor, gently knead it by hand, just to shape it.

It does not take long to mix because the dough is already well made with a food processor.

Drizzle with the rest of the oil and let it soak for 30 minutes.

The dough will be soft and sticky.

Sprinkle the table with flour, then take out the sourdough and mix it lightly.

Then divide the dough into as many parts as the boat you want to make.

From this measure you can make 6 larger ones.

Roll each piece of dough into a rectangle, place the filling in the middle and bend the ends inwards, 1 cm each.

It would be best to immediately transfer each boat into a pan immediately when you stretch the dough into a rectangle, fill it and bend it, so that you will avoid possible disintegration when you transfer the boat.

Coat the bent ends with beaten egg yolk and leave to soak for 10 minutes, then turn on the oven at 220 degrees to heat and when it heats up, bake until the bent edges turn brown.


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osetim da je veca zarada

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ok ako mislis da je tako guraj samo, pa cemo videti

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juce imao 140 poena od jutros opet 107 polako ali sigurno radim na tome

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Redovno citam recepte koje objavljujes i mislim da su stvarno dobri. Hvala na ovim i svim drugim divnim receptima.

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e hvala ruzo na lepim komentarima ,nastavi da pratis moje recepte

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