My love quotes

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"Lovers see only themselves in the world, and they forget that the world sees them. ”

- Plato

"A girl always trusts her beloved more than her mother. ”

- Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"Even a dress should not be patched, let alone love. It's better to leave. ”

- Meša Selimović

"Love is sweet slavery, marriage is slavery without sweetness."

- Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"No matter how hardened one's temper is, it will melt in the fire of love. If it doesn't change, it means that the fire was not strong enough. "

- Mahatma Gandhi

"He who loves for love's sake is blind."

- Plato

"The earth is liberated by love, and the great become deeds."

- Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"Be worthy of love if you want to be loved."

- Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"A coward is incapable of feeling love - that is the quality of the brave."

- Mahatma Gandhi

"When we are in love, then those we love to grow in our eyes. When we want someone else, then they shrink. All people on earth get used to it after a while and live, for the most part, without love, without being bothered by anything in particular. ”

- Momo Kapor

"Love conquers all."

- Virgil

"Love is first called trust."

- Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"Love is a severe disease of the soul."

- Plato

"When love wants to speak, the reason must be silent."

- Baruch Spinoza

"Art without love is nothing."

- Friedrich Nietzsche

"Souls are not defeated by weapons, but by love and nobility."

- Baruch Spinoza

"If you love only one being deep, all the others worthy of love will seem to you."

- Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"I am immortal. My immortality is necessary by the fact that God will not want to extinguish forever the flame of love that has been kindled for him in my heart. ”

- Fyodor Dostoevsky

"What is hiding love?" It’s kind of like hiding fire in wool and cotton for you. The more you hide it, the more you reveal it. ”

- Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

"Either you will open your heart completely to love or you will not open it at all!" There is no gray in love. When it comes to love, you have to opt for either black or white ... ”

- Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

"When people grow up emotionally, then they look at and accept themselves and others analytically, they have no need to idealize anyone and thus lose the ability to fall in love."

- Zoran Milivojevic

"Love is the ability of a man to give, without looking back at how much he gets back. The most important and wisest part of the language that the world speaks and that all people on earth can understand in their hearts, a little older than people, and yet every time it erupts anywhere with the same force when two eyes meet. ”

- Paulo Coelho

"If love depends on our free will, why don't those who would like to stop loving each other?" On the contrary, they weep with pain and enslave love, even those proud people who otherwise consider slavery to be the greatest evil; and they gladly deprive themselves for the love of something they never wanted to give up; and carry their love as sickness and shackles; and they live in fear of losing only the one they love. ”

- Jovan Ducic

"It may be necessary to go back to the beginning. Hear the original word - LOVE, experience it again, truly. Understand it as the main driver of the world. May love to be our path and may we never get lost again! ”

- Meša Selimović

"Because of that woman, the only one I loved in my life, I didn't get married. Because of her, lost, because of her, kidnapped, I became harder and more closed to everyone: I felt devastated, and I didn't give to others what I couldn't give to her. Maybe I took revenge on myself, and people, inadvertently, and unknowingly. I was in pain, absent. ”

- Meša Selimović

"If everything else disappeared, and he stayed, I would still exist; and if he were destroyed and everyone else was left, the world would become completely foreign to me, it would seem to me that I was not a part of it. "

- Emily Bronte

"Passions are like fire, and desires are like wood. The fire is extinguished when it is left without wood and the passions when their wishes are not fulfilled. ”

- Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

"Love does not love that changes when it encounters change or leaves with the one who leaves. Oh, no! It is an eternal signpost, strong and shaken by nothing. It is the guiding star of every lost boat whose value is unknown, but not its size. Love is not a toy of time, though ruffled lips and cheeks come under the swing of his sickle. Love does not change with his short hours, weeks, it lasts forever, until the very hour of judgment. If this is a mistake, prove to me or I never wrote, and the man liked it.

- William Shakespeare

"Seeking the way to love with reason is the same as looking for the sun with a lamp."

- Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

"All things in our lives, which we create for a long time and with a lot of energy, were created in the sand. Only our relationships with people are lasting. Sooner or later, a wave will come and take away what we have built with so much effort. When that happens, only those who have someone to hold hands with will be able to laugh. ”

- Harold S. Kushner

"And is there greater power and greater prayer than love ?! All obstacles are handed over to her, confessions are given, nights are given, violent ones are given away, ice melts, loud ones are silenced ... ”

- Jovan Ducic

"Love and fail, it goes with each other from time immemorial. The will to love is also to be ready to die. That's what I'm telling you - cowards! "

- Friedrich Nietzsche

"If you don't remember the slightest madness that love has led you to - you've never loved."

- William Shakespeare

"A man dreams of a complete woman. A woman dreams of a complete man. But they do not realize that God created them to make each other complete. ”

- Fyodor Dostoevsky

"Love does not ask unnecessary questions, because if we start thinking, we start to be afraid. It is an inexplicable fear and it is not worth translating it into words. Maybe it's the fear of contempt, of non-acceptance, the fear of breaking the spell. It looks funny, but it's true. That is why such things are not asked but done. We need to try our luck. ”

- Paulo Coelho

"Your task is not to seek love, but only to seek and find all the barriers in yourself that you have built against it ..."

- Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

"If you keep quiet, only the one who loves you will hear you ..."

- Mahatma Gandhi

"Whoever was loved, forgot. Only those who loved have memories. ”

- Dusko Radovic

"Talking about love is already a bit of loving. A woman never talks about love with someone she doesn't like as a man, and whom she could never love or desire. ”

- Jovan Ducic

"Love is a mild mental illness that can be successfully treated with marriage."

- Art Buckwold

"Love for man should be found, not in the heart, not in the stomach, not in the crosses, but in the head."

- Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

"Most people need less love than they deserve"

- Caitlin Matthews

"The difference between eternal love and a sinful relationship is that the latter lasts longer."

- Caitlin Matthews

"Lasting love is like grapefruit: it's juicy, but a little bitter."

- Caitlin Matthews

"Love is what we manage to create from that relationship."

- Caitlin Matthews

"Love is attracted quietly, and it comes noisily."

- Caitlin Matthews

"Love is that wonderful gift of seeing someone as he is not."

- Caitlin Matthews

"Love is not that lovers look at each other, but that they look in the same direction together."

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Love does not pay off: the more you give, the more you leave."

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"People don't realize that a kiss isn't always a kiss, it's often a knotty beating."

- Leonid Andreyev

"For lovers, time is always short, no path is long enough for them."

- Ivo Andric

"Friendship lives on rent, love seeks capital."

- Aristotle

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder


Lepi citati, ja bih imala problem kada bih zelala da napravim izbor sebi najdrazih.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

verujem ti :D ja se slabo razumem u citate ali naucicu ih lako :D

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3 years ago

dok se prisetimo svih citata zaboravimo dal smo dosli ili smo posli :D

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3 years ago

svaka cast majke mi :D

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3 years ago