Hunting steaks in sauce

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1 kg of steak, whether beef or pork

5 tablespoons flour

1 tablespoon ground, small peppers

dry spice (vegeta), salt and pepper

primrose and bay leaf

200 g of mushrooms

submersible water

more spices to taste, optionally chopped hot peppers, turmeric, garlic


hunting since

Beat all the steaks with a meat hammer and salt and pepper them well on one side.

While standing, mix flour and ground paprika in one bowl.

Pour oil into the pan, a little less than 1 cm high.

When the oil is heated, reduce the frying temperature, it should not be the strongest

Roll the steak in a mixture of flour and paprika, then lower it into the hot oil.

Fry on each side for a few minutes, until lightly browned.

Stack on a poor plate.hunting single

Watch out for the fire, because the oil and flour in the pan must not burn.

(If this happens to you, sleep and drink new oil)

Put one and a half tablespoons of a mixture of flour and paprika in the oil leftover from frying, you have leftovers from rolling the steak.

Fry for a few minutes, then pour 700 ml (7 dl) of water or soup if you have and stir.

Add all the spices you intended to add. I put all of the above.

Arrange the meat in the resulting juice, then reduce the heat to low, so that it still boils.

Chop the champignons, do not grate them, because they will be too thin, but chop them with a knife and put them over the meat.

As the food simmers, so will the champignons.

Occasionally shake the pan, the steaks should not stick to the bottom.

You can move them a little with a pendulum if you think they are sticking to the bottom.

Simmer for about an hour while you prepare the side dish and salad.


$ 0.00


Uh ovo ti je top ovo sam probao u Begecu na Jami lovcni pravili doslo mi i tanjir da pojedem svaka cast za objavu hvala na deljenju recepta ovo moram praviti uhh kad se setim ukusa jaooo udari voda na usta Kad sam bio madjan lovac jaaaa jedna me je cura volelaaaa zec liscaa jarebica, divlja patka, prepelica i po koja komsinicaaa jojjjj hehehe

$ 0.00
4 years ago

E bas mi je drago to sto cujem :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago