Fasting capri cake

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Instead of crust biscuits, chocolate topping, strawberry jelly (but it can also be made from raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, fruit mix) and another cream of juice and vanilla pudding. This lean Capri cake has an absolutely fantastic taste, a great combination of ingredients, so it can be made even when it is not fasting, in the summer period, so that we don't spend much time around the stove.


4 x 16 pieces of petit biscuits, that is some 800 gr, one row is 16 pieces, then 4 such rows

300 g of cooking chocolate

6 tablespoons oil

File I:

1l of orange juice

3 vanilla-flavored puddings

3 tablespoons sugar

200 g of margarine

100 g of powdered sugar

Phil II:

300 gr raspberries (strawberry, I put raspberries because we prefer)

400 ml of water

2 raspberry or strawberry flavored puddings

8 tablespoons sugar

50 g of margarine


Stir the pudding and sugar with 200 ml of juice, and bring the rest to a boil.

Boil the pudding when it boils, then stir until it thickens. Remove from the heat, cover with foil and leave to cool.

Add 5 tablespoons of sugar and 200 ml of water to the raspberries.

Bring to the boil, mash with a potato masher and simmer for another minute on high heat, stirring occasionally.

During that time, stir the pudding with the rest of the sugar and 200 ml of water and cook it in raspberry or strawberry puree.

When it thickens, add 50 g of margarine, stir until it melts, then remove from the heat.

While we wait for the fillings to cool, divide the biscuit and melt the chocolate with the oil, mix it, it should be thinner, it should be easily spread on the biscuit and it should be for all 4 rows. If it thickens a little, heat it up again.

Arrange the first row of 16 pieces of biscuits in a shape that suits you, then coat with chocolate and leave to set.

Whip 200 g of margarine with powdered sugar until foamy, then add the cooled pudding and whisk everything.

They want to whip up the mixer with a mixer and release.

Apply vanilla filling and raspberry filling on the biscuit and place it over the biscuit again, then coat it with chocolate.

Repeat the process until you have used up the last row of biscuits, also coat it with chocolate. If you don't have anything left, it's not scary, the top row will be without chocolate and that doesn't matter.

Decorate as desired. Lean whipped cream has to be bought in healthy food.

Be sure to leave it overnight to release the biscuits.


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