Let's talk about Infidelity and its Types.

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3 years ago


Since the human being began to think, to evolve, also began to perform some acts not so "correct or accepted by society" and was to be unfaithful, however in recent times, women also joined the acts of infidelity, resulting in being unfaithful, is no longer a man's thing.

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Let's start with the most logical question, What is infidelity? It is an act of betrayal, that person who shares a sentimental relationship with us, when we are unfaithful, we are abusing the trust they have placed in us and we give them a bad concept, without a doubt this act can destroy a relationship, and cause a lot of negative feelings, sadness, insecurity, confusion among others, sometimes we forget that when we start a relationship, we are "signing" a "contract", which implies loyalty, exclusivity, respect and love for that person. One of the many basic pillars of a relationship, is the Fidelity, and if that pillar fails, go, no doubt the relationship can end, although that depends on people, the intensity of love they have, and the reasons that led that individual to be unfaithful.

Source - semana.com

We must clarify that infidelity can be committed by both a man and a woman, that does not vary, perhaps centuries ago, but times have changed, in recent years infidelity has been increasing, and this thanks to new technologies, social networks, it is now easier to meet people, even if they are on the other side of the world, before it was a little more complex, and that's why we find it interesting to mention, that there are several types of infidelity, because let's be honest, when we hear or read the word infidelity, automatically our mind thinks about sexual relations, we explain ourselves better, we assume that being unfaithful is to sleep with another person, but it turns out that it is not like that, you can be unfaithful in many ways, it is curious and a little scary this eh! .

  • Direct Infidelity - When we talk about direct infidelity, we refer to that which is planned, which is planned, for example, there are certain dating sites, where the individual plans to attend that date, forgetting that he or she has a partner, and is willing to be unfaithful regardless of the consequences. 

  •  Indirect Infidelity - Obviously it is the opposite of direct infidelity, it is not planned, it simply happens because of the universe, perhaps by chance, mostly seen in those cases where the individual has problems with his partner, and finds love and affection in another person, having this as a consequence infidelity, but according to experts, in the end this individual ends up regretting what happened.

  • Virtual or Online Infidelity - Without a doubt this is very new, and as we mentioned before, it arises with new technologies, according to statistics in some countries, this infidelity is the most common in recent times, for the simple fact that it is one of the easiest to commit and that it has more advantages, even with the couple at home, mostly this is done under anonymity, in chat rooms, groups, forums, or some online game, however rarely the individual manages to meet physically with his virtual lover.

  • Forced Infidelity - We can already imagine their faces, forced, curiously this infidelity is about those individuals who suffer from low self-esteem, and can't find a way to end their toxic marriage or worn out relationship, so they look to other people for what they need at home, although this infidelity is somewhat controversial, because if you have the courage to be unfaithful, then why don't you have the courage to end up with that person you no longer love, then that's why there is a lot of debate about this infidelity in particular.

In total there are 9 infidelities (For now)Physical, Sexual, Affective, Sexual Addiction, Approval Infidelity. We already know the meaning of infidelity, and some of its consequences, we know the types of infidelity, but a question arises, maybe you still have it: Can an unfaithful person become faithful? We know that the answer is delicate, because it depends on each individual, firstly, his will power, his maturity, and values, secondly in the size of his love for that person, the value and respect he has for him, starting from that premise, he may indeed lead a healthy life as a couple, without looking for a third party, however, this also deserves professional help, according to experts, To find a solution to infidelity you must attend couples therapy, because you have to find the reason for this infidelity, you are unfaithful for something, then depending on that reason, you work on solving the possible causes of infidelity, to return to have a loving and healthy relationship, this is a long process, because the challenge of the couple is to trust again in that man or woman, who committed that act of infidelity. In short, if you can be faithful, and if you can solve these weaknesses that arise, the real problem is if your partner returns to trust you, and gives you the opportunity to repair the damage caused, after all all this goes hand in hand with psychology, and if we do not accept our mistakes, we will never solve anything. As we warned you in the introduction of this post, it is a rather controversial topic, that's why we want you to tell us, Would you forgive an infidelity, if so, why, we look forward to your comments.

Source - freepik.com

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