The Elusive Magic of Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction or Reality?

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2 years ago

Artificial intelligence is pushing science and technology at an unthinkable rate. (Picture: Pixabay)

What is AI, really?

The term artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for a long time, and the definition keeps evolving. As artificial intelligence becomes more commonplace, many people are still unsure of what it is and how it is being used. For many people, it still conjures up images created by Hollywood. In reality, AI is much more than self-aware robots that speak to you and give you advice. There are no such machines walking around yet (at least none that we know of).

What does AI actually mean?

At its core, AI refers to machines that can learn and work independently without any human input after being taken into use. They can analyse data sets, recognise patterns and make decisions accordingly. This could be anything from automatically sorting your emails into folders to recommending products on Amazon based on your search history, to driving your car while you are reading the news and sipping your coffee.

Among the most common forms of AI is machine learning, which involves letting the machines make statistical analyses and deductions based on training data. It somewhat resembles how a human learns from experience and experimentation but much faster. It includes programs that can find patterns in data, predict future behaviour and make decisions based on gathered information. This is used for everything from smart appliances to self-driving cars.

There will be times when an AI's understanding of a problem goes beyond the capabilities of humans. (Picture: Pixabay)

Levels of AI

There are different levels of artificial intelligence, but so far, there are no fully autonomous AI entities. The first level of AI is a basic program that can only do one task or a very limited number of tasks. For example, you may have an app on your phone that can recognise specific faces or objects. The next level is more complex and can handle multiple tasks, such as recognising both facial features and body movements. Finally, the most advanced form of AI is self-aware and able to operate independently and make its own decisions based on data it has collected. However, we are not yet at this point with any type of AI technology.

Types of AI

  • Machine learning: This is a type of AI that allows machines to learn on their own by analysing data. They can then apply this knowledge to new situations.

  • Natural language processing: This type of AI helps computers understand text and respond in a way that is natural for humans. It can also help translate texts from one language to another.

  • Robotics: Many robots are expected to autonomously carry out tasks or missions. They are often used for scientific experiments or manufacturing.

  • Computer vision: This form of AI is primarily concerned with allowing computers to understand what objects are seen in a picture. It can be used in a number of different applications, like self-driving cars.

  • Speech recognition: This type of AI allows computers to understand language and speech. It can then be used in a variety of applications like voice-activated assistants

  • Computer animation: The use of computer-generated graphics, visuals, and voice acting in movies. There are some mobile apps capable of that, too.

  • Virtual personal assistants: These are computer systems that can carry out a series of tasks or provide information to users on request, like Siri by Apple.

Robots are getting more popular. Robot vacuum cleaners are among the common examples. (Photo: Pexels)

Where is AI used?

The AI revolution is already leading to some fantastic achievements. It is used in various research fields, including drug discovery, but also for some not-so-noble needs. It is quite handy that Amazon gives you good suggestions about what to buy, right? (Well, not always, but often.) It achieves that by analysing user behaviour.

Likewise, search engines such as Google interpret words and give results that resemble what a human would ask for. Serious content writers using SEO tools come across that regularly. Of course, this comes with the annoying downside that even if sometimes you try enforcing the presence of a multi-word search term by putting it in quotes, it is still being ignored... grrr...

AI has a major contribution to online advertising and search engines. (Photo: Pexels)

And then, of course, ads... Please, use an adblocker on all of your devices. My mother was telling me how she does not care if somebody tracks her since she is not sharing personal information or buying online... well, still, it is not a single individual that matters, but the algorithms are looking for trends in the population. Marketing heavily relies on that, and lots of money is earned as ad revenue. Know your rights and how your online presence is being processed.

This article is reposted on my other blogging and social profiles.

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Written by
2 years ago


Nice write up, I love reading it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! We were just talking about this with my boss! Nice, thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many thanks! Somehow I missed your comment.

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