Anyone CAN COOK!

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2 years ago

After re-watching the 2007 film "RATATOUILLE," I was inspired by how Mr. Auguste Gusteau, the movie's famous Parisian chef, inspired Remy, a rat who has a dream of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. His passion for cooking led him to Linguini. Linguini was a young boy who aspired to be a great chef, but he lacked the necessary culinary skills. Linguini went to the famous restaurant to apply for a job after Gusteau's death, but the head chef made him a garbage boy.

Image from Left Oye and Disney Pictures

In Remy's point of view, Gusteau led him to his famous restaurant because he loves cooking, which is why Gusteau encouraged him to cook and told him that this was his chance to show what he had. Linguini, on the other hand, moved the soup and it leaked, and it was being prepared by other chefs, so he added some spices to fix the problem, but the taste was bad. So now is Remy's chance to show off his culinary skills. To make the soup taste better, he added some spices. Linguini witnessed what he was doing and decided to make Remy his partner. Linguini was promoted to chef after serving as a garbage boy. So, this is the start of Linguini and Remy's cooking show in this film.

I know some of us have finished watching Ratatouille, but for those who aren't familiar with the film, I'll skip over some of the plot points so you don't get spoiled.

This film was highly recommended because it emphasized moral values such as pursuing one's dreams, maintaining strong family ties, prioritizing friendship over popularity, and unconditional love. Remy, on the other hand, should obey his father's orders because he is a rat, but Remy has a dream, he wants to be a great chef, and he has a talent that he can use. Forget about the rat, because if you have a dream and no one believes in you or supports your dream, remember that you have yourself. Believe in yourself so that you can keep striving toward your goals and dreams even if others don't. Always trust the process that you can make it, and by following the step-by-step process, you will be surprised that you have already accomplished it. :)

Everyone begins with nothing. Linguini believes he lacks talent because he cannot perform better in the kitchen. He wants to cook, but every time he attempts it, he fails. In some cases, many of them have the same case in Linguini, where they believe they have no any talents because they have always failed. To tell you the truth, I'm one of them. I didn't think I had any talents at first, especially when it came to cooking. My parents were great cooks, as was Linguini's father, Mr. Gusteau, yes you read that correctly! Linguini is Gusteau's biological son in the film, which is why the head chef didn't believe in him because he didn't perform as well as his father. And that is one of the reasons I wrote this, because I am similar to Linguini.

I admitted at the time that I am not a good cook. They even said to me, "Your parents are great cooks, but look at you, you know nothing at all." I was discouraged by what they said, but you will never be discouraged if you use them as inspiration. They will never stand in your way of creating something incredible. Allow no one to bring you down by saying hurtful things to you; if they do, your eagerness to do your profession will make it happen.

First and foremost, remain true to yourself. Allow yourself to be a learner, a beginner, so you can begin by persuading yourself that you can do it, that you can cook despite your lack of talent or skills. Everything is possible if you practice. I start watching cooking videos in which they teach their viewers how to cook properly, including how to use different measurements, what tools and equipment to use from the smallest to the largest, and even what to wear. By allowing myself to be a learner, I am able to put what I've learned into practice when it comes to cooking. That is why I'm here telling you that ANYONE CAN COOK, and because I can cook any dishes right now and I was the one who cooks in our house.

Always remember that "Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great." -Mr. Auguste Gusteau

Lead Image from Pexels.

Thank you for taking the time to read this far, and thanks on reaching the end. So as not to waste your time, you could even go here:

It'll be a busy days-Part 1

How to handle negative feedbacks?

How can you become more attractive in a month?

Yours truly,

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2 years ago


My papa was a good cook too but I am not because I didn't have the chance to practice cooking. Perhaps all we need is a good kitchen and a great pantry like Masterchef Pantry lol.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Well, try to cook small dish for you to trained yourself so that you can cook for your family. Yeah, I also dreamed about having good kitchen and pantry.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am good at sunny side up lol and hard-boiled egg and fried chicken :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's okay LOL! But, next time you can try something different, so you can explore more 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Heheh yeah I will :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago