I am not an expert, can I still blog?

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Avatar for tpkidkai
2 years ago

This has been one of the major roadblocks that a future content creator usually encounters and if you will be asking me if you should start a blog even though you are not an expert in that field, I will say NO don’t. Don’t waste your time creating a blog and come back once you are a pro.

I am kidding! Of course, you can, and if you could then you should.

Am I making sense there? Probably but hear me out, first young man. Before I started on my blog, I was not an expert welp, I am still not an expert as of writing this blog post but that doesn’t matter my friend.

Blogging isn’t in my roots especially writing in English. I always have a hard time translating my thoughts from Tagalog to English and there are times wherein if I translate my idea it was the literal meaning and more often than not, out-of-the-context translation.

But those didn’t stop me from writing and creating content. I think that being raw and “untalented” pushed me and helped me to strive for better.

Why do you want to create a blog?

I think that should be your first goal in mind. Why and for whom do you write your stuff? Are you just writing for the sake of existing? Are you blogging because you want to get monetized in the future? Or perhaps you want to use this blog for future employers?

I believe that whatever your reason is, those are valid points to start your blog. When I started my blog on Steemit.com ( A blockchain integrated platform), the idea in my mind was to earn money by creating content. I am familiar with Blogger, WordPress, and other platforms but since getting paid to write stuff is my goal I didn’t even bother to write on them at first. My blog was a mess and I think it is still a mess since I write everything that comes to my mind.

Looking back - I should have focused on certain topics hence I am now trying to consolidate everything.

So before you start your blogging journey, first, ask yourself why?

No one started as an expert in their field. Everyone was a beginner at first.

When blogging, you need to understand that it would be easier to write about the things that you are interested in. Blog the things that you are studying, put them in your own words and phrases show up, and do your job.

At times, when a newbie stumbled on a post coming from an expert on the said field, readers experience an invisible wall from their post. Probably because of the jargon and terminologies used by the writer. But since you are quite versed on the topic and you know some basic stuff definitely you can be of help to them.

As you go along the journey and engagement with the community that you have built you are also learning about it. I guess you will be forced to learn and upgrade from time to time as your readers will be asking you for more and will be seeking your expertise.

Stuff that you need to consider even if you are not an expert.

Do not pretend, be transparent.

When creating your blog, make sure that you share things that are true. If you are a newbie, then say that you are also new to it and you are also learning along the way. Your readers will know especially if they are well invested in consuming your content.
Most likely I will interact with a blogger who is new in the field, and willing to learn rather than with someone who’s already an “expert” as it is hard to connect at times with them.

Strive to learn more, and read a lot that is connected with your niche.

As Ka Ernie Baron said “ If there’s no knowledge, there’s no power” this will also hold true to your blog. You need to continuously learn and unlearn new stuff as you go along the way. Be open to corrections and feedback from other folks. A dislike button or a negative remark doesn’t merely attack you as a person but rather it will probably be a disagreement with your content.

What are the things that you can write?

Write about the things that you have learned.

Do you hate writing when you are studying? Same here! I hated it to its core! I would always remember myself cramming every last day of the grading period just to finish the notes in my notebook back then.

Writing it from your perspective can give a topic a new life. A new take or new learnings that your reader can pick from. No mind thinks alike thus even though you already found the same article somehow it is still fresh if you give your spin on it.

Plus it will be easy for people to relate to you if you do that.

How about an interview?

Aside from reading why not do an interview with the expert on the said field? As a starter, you might find it a challenge interviewing people for your blog but if you are well invested in a certain topic for sure you have a list of folks that you are following. Ask them some questionnaires that you want to be answered and for sure they will have some available. This works perfectly for content creators who are also new or their reach isn’t that high. Most probably they will do it for free as they will also need that for additional exposure.

Now that we talked about that it is not needed to be an expert on a certain topic before you create a blog, what’s stopping you?

If I can be of help on your journey in blogging - let’s talk in the comment section.

$ 2.22
$ 2.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @SocialSatoshi
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
Avatar for tpkidkai
2 years ago


Heyy Welcome to the Platform, Of course, you will be perfect once you start writing more articles. Some points to remember here so you don't get blocked.

  1. Mostly publish 1 post per day max 2 (rarely)
  2. do not spam comments, only comment that adds value
  3. Interact with other and make friends.
$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my thanks for dropping by. I will take note of it. Creative juices are just enough for 1 post a day haha I can't create more than that. Maybe in the future once I gets better.

Appreciate your guide and I'll take note of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

from where and how you get to know about this platform?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I saw it on Hive blockchain some folks are sharing this site so I decided to jump in too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's my first time hearing about steemit, is it the same as read cash? Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here, the people in this platform are so supporting to one another and learn from each other as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes it is - almost same the interface though is quite different but both are legit and we get paid via tokens

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tokens are different from cryptos right?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They are the same I am more used to using tokens sorry.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, it's okay. I'm actually new to the world of cryptos so I'm not familiar with most of the terms.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So much information here...nicely done bro..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks Mhizutty for dropping by - I am just new in this platform and looking at it right now it seems a great site to explore!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you have fun while exploringm

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I do brother currently enjoying the ride here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago