Headphones are often a neglected but necessary office tool. Real music can inspire you, sharpen your focus and help you deal with new projects with complete confidence. But what kind of music does all this?
According to research, instrumental music is the best kind of music when you are trying to learn something. Research shows that it can help you recognize information faster, while songs at 50 to 80 beats per minute are ideal for creative work. This pace can help you trigger an alpha state in your brain, making you more focused and relaxed. If you are working on something boring, any kind of music can help you get in the mood. However, if you have to complete a difficult task, you will probably need to turn off your favorite song list - even the quietest notes can cause cognitive impairment.
If you do something you know you are good at, then you can listen to what you want. Research from the American Medical Association reveals that surgeons have a better and more accurate job while listening to their favorite songs.