Is School really necessary?

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Avatar for thefirstsammy
2 years ago
Topics: School

To be Human means to learn, to understand what occurs around us, we always want to know why things are the way they are, unraveling the secrets of the universe is what gets Humans moving. As people, it is necessary for us to pass our knowledge on to the next generation of people so they can do better and not make the mistake of the past generation.

The idea of an individual teaching others is most likely the foundation for schools all around the world. In today's world; there is emphasis on putting children in school so that they can learn. While it is a good one, we also have children who are homeschooled, these children often perform as well as their counterparts in the classroom.

School might be necessary to an extent. However, one might argue that beyond the secondary school/highschool level, school is not necessary. Why do they say so? In a country like Nigeria, where thousands of university graduates enter the job market and a large majority of them will not get jobs. If at the end of the day an individual graduates without a job to show of it, what is the gain.

The world is seeing a shift in ideas, the degree is not the ideal focus these days, the focus is what can you do when you a faced with a challenge. How can you help a company move forward? Furthermore, the today's teenagers and young adults are into working on themselves.

For a long while society has downgraded anything not related to academics when it comes to money making; the narrative is changing. Now there are people who stream themselves making money and they'd earn more than the average degree holder, people doing things they love and making money from these activities.

So here is the million dollar question, " is school really necessary?" Yes, it is necessary. After reading through this article the reader may have the assumption that I the writer would say no.

School is important, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. School teaches people how to lead, how to follow, how to listen, how go listen and it teaches is how to understand our basic human emotions through our interactions with others. Nevertheless, we as individuals should understand that on today's world going to school is not a guarantee for success.

In the past, a degree from highschool would be enough for a person to secure a job. In today's world, there is competition, where the best take it. This is why there is need to emphasize being educated whilst having skills to employ one's self.

In conclusion, school is important, but being educated with extra skills is an added advantage.

$ 1.14
$ 1.10 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Ayaan258
$ 0.02 from @Kristofferquincy
Avatar for thefirstsammy
2 years ago
Topics: School


I once heard, "even if you're the greatest entrepreneur of all times, you still need education to avoid being cheated". Education is important.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes there is need for additional skills to academic qualifications.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agreed, school is important with extra skill especially in Nigeria.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, school is important

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeap. School is definitely important. But like you mentioned, extra skills is key. 🤌🏾

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for agreeing with my suggestion, the need to acquire new skills is simply irrfutable

$ 0.00
2 years ago