Me, Myself & I...

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Avatar for the_northstar
2 years ago

Good day fellow readers and writers. Hope we're doing good and staying safe? And I hope we're taking care of our mental health? For me, I've been fine and really occupied but.. it'll get better.

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Well today, I'd be telling you all few things about me. I ought to have done this since but, it's never too late.


I'll start with my name. Well, my name's Benita. Nickname's Polaris, which explains why "the_northstar" is my username. Polaris is a star in the sky. The north star, to be precise and it's very significant. Maybe some other time, I'll write about it. Moving on, I'm a citizen of Nigeria and I hail from Edo state. I'm an introvert, I have a very small circle of friends. I'm from a family of 3.. My Dad, My Sister and I.


I'm a final year student studying Entrepreneurship in the National Open University of Nigeria. I really love the course cause it shapes one's mind and helps one see why they should be self-reliant. It opens one's eyes to see the bigger picture and be vigilant cause opportunities don't come by easily. When I was younger, Entrepreneurship wasn't what I intended on studying. But now, I'm really glad I chose the course. Dedicating my time to study and fully understand it has made me wiser and has broadened my knowledge on so many things. Two of the numerous things I've learnt from this course and I've been practicing are: Being Innovative and Taking Calculative Risks.


Not to brag but I'm really talented and I'm really sure there are other talents within me yet to be discovered.


I'm quite the singer. My sister and a musical movie helped me discover my talent in singing. "High School Musical" I saw this movie when I was very little and all the songs stole my heart. I would always sing them and act like I was doing so on a stage. Lol superstar moves. My sister noticed my interest in music and asked if I'd love to join the church choir. At that moment, I felt like I had just won a trophy. I told her I'd love to even though I didn't actually think it was possible cause I was very young. She assured me that it was possible and so, I joined and I received a very warm welcome. I've been singing in the choir ever since and I've come to learn so much about music. I can actually read music now and hopefully soon, I'd learn how to play one or two musical instruments.



Creating works of art has always been my thing. I also discovered this talent when I was very young. I would get crayons and postal colors and draw and paint. I never got tired of it, it felt really good that I could create really beautiful things with my hands. There was a time when I didn't draw for years. It was like a part of me left, which is why my artistic skills is a bit rusty now but.. I'm trying my best to revive it. I haven't drawn anything of recent but one of these days, I'll find the time and inspiration to do so.

I drew this.
This too.


I started writing during the lockdown. When the pandemic began in 2020, I was devastated. Everybody was. Almost everybody discovered one or two talents during that period. Mine was writing. It helped me escape from reality. I found solace in it and it has been a coping mechanism for me ever since. When I found out that there's a site I could write articles on, I didn't hesitate to join. I felt if I participated, my writing skills would improve. And they have. I'm glad I challenged myself and I'm grateful for

I wrote this few months back.

There are other talents but I'd stop here lol..

Seven fun facts about me:

1. I'm acrophobic. Heights make me cringe.

2. I'm allergic to most seafood. Because of me, we hardly prepare fish in my home lol.

3. I love babies. I think they're so adorable.

4. I have a deep voice. 🌚

5. I love dictionaries. I mean, I think it's amazing how thousands of words and their meanings are compiled in one book.

6. When I was a kid, I'd always say "I want to be a newscaster!" And now, I think it's really hilarious cause I'm not much a talker.

7. I love to love. I just think the concept of love is really beautiful.

I think I'm an interesting person. I'm a mystery sometimes but what's the fun in being an open book? 😌

So now that you know a few things about me, I hope you don't mind telling me one thing about you in the comment section.

All images are gotten from my gallery.

$ 1.18
$ 1.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Ellen-he
Avatar for the_northstar
2 years ago


i like to sing song. you know what when a singer sing a song feelings come from heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You do seem like a lovely person, and super talented too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you! 🖤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I read this a while ago but couldn't find the right words to say. I love how we've watched each other grow, how I have watched you grow into this self dependent and strong woman. You have so much more to do, too much to accomplish. I just hope I'd be there with you every step of the way

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So much moreeee to accomplish. Thank you love. 🖤

I hope so too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Alexa play me “Way too Big” You are just so lovely 🌹🤩 I fell in love with this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😹🤭🤭 Because I'm way too big! 😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its the art for's really beautiful and you should try real hard to revive the spirit of art in you :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will, thank you 🤍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My friend, you are an artist girl and you have a very beautiful voice, I wish I could hear your voice. Your name and surname are very beautiful. You are a very special girl. Keep writing. Good luck dear...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww thank you Ellen! 🥺

$ 0.00
2 years ago