Never Give Up!

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2 years ago
Topics: Inspirational

When someone says they will never do something again, it means that they have decided to stop doing whatever it is forever. However, there is one definition of the word "never" which you may not have heard before: never give up! This might seem like an oxymoron because how can you give up if you've already given up? The answer lies in what people usually think about when they hear the phrase "give up". When most people say this, what they really mean is giving in or quitting instead of continuing on with their .

You can't always get what you want. You can't always be who you want to be. But if the worst thing that happens in your life is that you have to settle for being a little less than perfect, then I say "good enough."

If anyone wants to know what is the benefit of never giving up, I will say ---

I grew up with parents who never gave up on me when things were rough, and now it's my turn to pay them back - by never giving up either!

At the end of the day, if you want to achieve something in life, never give up. We all have days where we feel like giving up on whatever it is that we are doing but instead of letting go, try staying back and working harder than ever before. It's okay not to be perfect at everything because no one really is so just take your time and don't let anyone or anything get in your way. Never give up because you never know what could happen tomorrow!

The importance of never giving up :

As humans we are naturally wired to give up when faced with adversity. This is because the human brain has evolved to conserve energy and resources when possible. However, in today's world this can be a fatal strategy in many cases so it is important not to give up at the first obstacle or failure. Successful people do not allow themselves to succumb to defeat and instead use their failures as an opportunity for learning and growth.

There is a quote that says, "If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit.

There's no use being a damn fool about it." This is something that most people live by and never give up on anything they set their mind to doing. In my opinion this is extremely wrong because there are some things in life where if you fail the first time around, then trying again will not make much of a difference or even worse make your situation worse. I believe that when it comes to certain aspects of life such as relationships and careers one should never give up no matter how hard it gets and always keep working towards their goals until they get what they want out of life which may be different for everyone depending on what they want from.

Examples of people who never gave up :

Take a look at some of the most famous people who didn't give up when life got tough. They are just like you and me but but there are some people whose stories of perseverance will inspire you to keep going.

From "Oprah Winfrey" who overcame a difficult childhood and went on to become a world-famous media mogul. "Maya Angelou" who had her first child at the age of 12 and became an internationally acclaimed writer despite the prejudices she faced as a black woman in America before civil rights movements took place.

Life is tough, but you're tougher. If the following people can keep going even when times get rough, then so can you!

*The Beatles: John Lennon was kicked out of school for having poor grades and *George Harrison had an operation on his tonsils when he was three years old. They still became one of the most successful bands ever with hits like "I Want To Hold Your Hand" and "Can't Buy Me Love." *Stephen King: He couldn't go into college because he was just 18 minutes short on credits from graduating high school. He wrote over 50.

You might not have their success or wealth yet, but these famous people activities show us that with hard work and persistence anything is possible!

Lesson To Apply

"What's the point of life if you can't enjoy it?" This is a question that has been asked by many people who feel like they are stuck in a slump. If you're feeling discouraged because things haven't gone your way, here are some ways/lesson to keep trying and never give up on yourself!

1. Make a list of all your goals for this year .

2. Write down how you feel about each goal, are they realistic or not .

3. Think about what you can do to achieve that goal - do you need more time or money or energy to make it happen .

4. Try and break the big goals into smaller ones so it's easier to get started with them .

5. Celebrate every small win because even if it doesn't seem like much, it's still progress!

6. Remember why you wanted the goal in the first place; think about what makes achieving that goal worth it for you personally ( feeling proud of yourself, knowing that making this change will help someone else) .

7 . Keep going no matter what - never give up on your dreams!

Note *

"Never say Never" that's the lesson that I learned from my friend when I found myself in a vacuum with a completely broken family bond. That's why One of my favorite inspirational quotes is "never give up." This quote reminds me how far I've come in life and encourages me not to let fear hold me back from reaching my goals.

Never give up, never surrender! That's the lesson that has been passed down to us from countless movies and books throughout history. It is a motto that all of us should live by. If you are looking for ways to apply this motto to your life, then look no further -

-Keep Trying: Sometimes we don't get it right the first time around. There's always a chance that if we keep trying, things will eventually work out just fine. We should never be discouraged because of one setback- there is always another opportunity coming our way!

-Never Give Up On Yourself: You should never stop believing in yourself because if you do then who will believe in you? And---

-Just keep trying! So go on, keep fighting the good fight and don't ever lose hope!

Author message :

"If You know that you're in the right place when it feels like the whole world is against you. It's about how much grit and determination you have to power through obstacles and never give up." We all need like this reminder every now and then to persevere! So you should always try, even when things get hard and that will make you more stronger .


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Inspirational


We are not aware of our skills and abilities, we do not face problems in difficult times. We all surrender to destiny. Just one example: one a cancer patient. His death is imminent, he prays for survival even after knowing it. However, I do not give up.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

YES; You will never give up in any situation in life, that's the spirit of life!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Success in our lives is not easy. Failure will surround you as you move towards success. But that doesn't mean you have to stop. You have to move on. You are right Never Give Up.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Our life is affiliated with trials and challenges to strengthen us, and we shouldn't give up no matter what happens. We should always keep on trying again and again for us to grow and develop more confident to achieve some goals.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Absolutely right ! No matter what happens in life, you always have to be focused on your goals and keep trying.

$ 0.00
2 years ago