A Woman's Independence and Security - From Financial Freedom to Independence in Other Areas of Life!
Women are a valuable and integral part of the workforce. They are now at the forefront of the fight for gender equality, standing shoulder to shoulder with men and fighting to dispel any perception that they deserve less simply because they are women.
Thus, the desire for female empowerment has seen an increase in women's labor force participation rate. The global average is 57% of women in the workforce and 46% in OECD countries. This has caused a demand for policies to promote gender equality and economic independence.
But all is not well in the world of work. The rate of women’s participation in the labor force has fallen during this period, as has their earnings relative to those of men. And while some might argue that this is due to a shift away from traditional “women’s jobs” to more male-dominated sectors, it seems unlikely that this can be the whole story given how large a majority of those working in female-dominated occupations (such as teaching or nursing) still identify as female.
As a result, there is a demand for more women-friendly work policies that are meant to empower and reward women who are working. These include parental leave, childcare provision, pay parity, and support for mothers returning after maternity leave.
In the last century, women have been fighting for their right to equality. The movement has reached a new level of empowerment with the #MeToo movement. Even though they are now more powerful than ever, they still face many challenges in their way.
The Times They Are a-Changing: Women Need To Demand Equitable Treatment provides with an account of how women are being left behind in today’s society and what we can do about it.
Women have to work twice as hard to be recognized as good workers, and they are constantly undermined. This gender inequality is not only damaging to women, but also represents the inability of companies and the economy as a whole to fully utilize the raw talent of half the population. The best way for society to fully achieve its potential is if both sexes are able to contribute equally.
Female independence has been on the rise since 1970s with feminism gaining momentum in Hollywood, professional world and even within households. Today females have more rights than they ever did before- they are able to vote, get educated, marry who they want and even choose how many children they want. They are also taking control of their careers by becoming more assertive with their bosses and negotiating salaries. However all this progress doesn’t mean that there won't be any gender inequality anymore- it just means that some people still don't understand what this word means or what it signifies for society at large.
The Asian countries have different levels of gender inequality. The key is to understand that there is a correlation between the gender disparity on wages with the level of economic development within a country.
Women as wage earners are disproportionately affected by these inequalities and all other inequalities (income, power) in society.
Prejudices put women at a disadvantage from the outset: they face barriers to being educated, becoming entrepreneurs, and participating in politics.
Women are staying at home because they feel like they have no opportunity to live a good quality of life considering their income and rank in society. This is especially prevalent in rural areas.
Prejudices against women still exist today despite legislation enacted to help lessen gender inequality.
The process for women to overcome these barriers requires more than just change for her: it requires change for all members of her family unit and community.
Original content by @sj0820
Yeah you say right . Financial independance are very important for women in whole world . Your thought is really very very good . I like it.