War is Not Solution of Any Strife

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Avatar for shahzadkhan
1 year ago
Topics: War
Date : October 23,2022

I am really fully depressed and sad today because of my trading.. I have lost almost 15$ in Binance spot trading. I shall remember such day as bad day of my cryptocurrency life. Until, I am writing article in full depressed situation. I don't know what am I writing!!

Sadness has covered my whole brain. My brain is feeling tired because of stress. I am finding solution of my stress. Happiness needs to remove stress. Two earning platforms can provide happiness through surprise..

Noise.cash earning has finished.

Noise.app is not giving good #BCH

Trading has broken my targets

"Random Rewardwer" is not visiting my articles from two weeks..

Sometimes ,I ask myself why does it happen with me!! Bad days comes in my life as disaster really..

Actually, I am really lover of international news. Because, I always take interest in American and other countries politics..

Powerful countries are using their power to poor countries through war.. Why!!

"Peace is beauty of nature "

War leaves dangerous symptoms.. War destroys nature. Peace goes waste...

World is facing such controversials today ::

American and Afghanistan war :

Afghanistan war had been started in 2003 after 9/11 incident. America considered that "Any Muslim Terrorist Organization is responsible of such incident ". America was absolutely wrong. A member joint investigation commission of American Government was stated that terrorist can't attack To World Trade Center....

But, America was hiding own failure. America had been started military operation in Afghanistan against Taliban, Alqaida and other terrorist groups.

Pakistani Army also participated in this War. It was big mistake of Pakistani Government. Why are we entering in America war! Almost 70,000 Pakistani soldiers have died in America war. But America doesn't accept any mistake..

America had been fighting for 16 years in Afghanistan. America Government always destroy peace in world because of selfish policies.

America has left Afghanistan after dialogue. International leader should consider that "War is not solution of controvercy".

Always prefer to Peace not war..

America has implemented huge restrictions in Iran :


America doesn't want to see any country strong. America always weak economy position of country through strick restrictions.

Irani currency has crashed in whole world because of America restrictions. America blames that 'Iran is making lethal weapon and Atomic Bomb ".i don't know about reality.. But America should also watch other countries..

I think that lethal weapon has become protection of every country. You can watch situation of Ukraine easily..

America doesn't want to sit with Iran.. Iran also doesn't want dialogue with America...

Both countries should think about Future of own people. Both countries leaders decisions directly affects public..

Putin should hug peace not war ::

Do you know that cryptocurrency and other national countries markets have crashed because of Russia war.. Inflation has broken whole record including vegetables,Oils, Sugar and milk prices etc.

I consider that "Putin is Attractive and impressive Leader in world ". But Putin has broken my heart. Because Putin should think that "war is name of destruction "..

Putin should find middle way. America and other European countries also take action against Russian

War loses everything..

I don't accept leader to Putin.Because,putin is not watching humanity.

Kashmir Issue:

Kashmiri people are fighting for their freedom. But, Indian Government doesn't accept Kashmir.. India Governments has occupied in Kashmir from one year. Kashmiri people have closed because of implemention of Article-144.

India Government is working against UN resolution. But America and UN institutions are not speaking against India step.... India Government should feel shame on such step..

Pakistan is calling to India for solving Kashmir issue. But India doesn't want to talk with Pakistani Government.

Every country leader should give message of peace not war..

If any leader is spreading war, I don't accept.

We want 👇

Their are huge critical world issues :

1)Iran-Saudia Arabia

2) Israel -Palestine

3) Syria,Iraq and Lebanon Wars


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1 year ago
Topics: War


Some people feel violence is the best but it is not the solution

$ 0.00
1 year ago

War is not a solution, but when you are under attack there is not other answer if you want keep your liberty and rights.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

People that engage in spot trading in binance are gurus. I don't dare to do that because I don't want to loose my hard earned money...I have no idea. I feel your pain bro.

Noise.app, I don't really know what's happening with regards to their payment. It seems they're yet to settle and implement a good payment

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's sad to know that countries are fighting each other that spend the citizens security. May the Iranian, Russian, Palestinian and other countries like Korea and China, Hongkong etc find peace & love as a common ground so humans can thrive together.

Whether the 9/11 was a muslim or not attacked, may we learn from history and may we save both muslims and other religions from destruction.

We always thought that we do things in the name of God yet we destroy His first holy temple which is us, our bodies, us humans.

Peace & Light.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True my friend. War it doesn't help but it make the situation worst. I always prayed for the peace world friend. I felt broken hearing or watching those news about war.

$ 0.00
1 year ago