My day and a Terrible experience at JRS Baguio

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4 years ago

Good day guys!

This was what happened during my day. My day started with rain and strong winds. I had to go to a courier shop called JRS located at session Road. I wanted to get my package that was in this branch since August 31. I couldn't claim earlier because their shop was closed since September 1 to September 14 for disinfection.

I got there are around 11:14am waiting in line. While waiting in line I was observing my surroundings.As you can see, this is the new normal in our City. You won't see anyone without a mask on. Most of the people are also using face shields because some shops and our malls require us to wear them. But I noticed some people are not wearing their masks properly. The worst thing that I saw while I was waiting in line was there was a lady who was staying in one place with her mask put down halfway, while it's down she started touching her face and rubbing her nose with her hands without even sanitizing. In my mind I was like " Do you even know whatever you're holding is the entry point of covid 19?". I think that the people here need to be more educated regarding the virus.

I also noticed that there are a lot of people going around already.

The sad thing was that, there were a lot of children outside walking around with their parents. It's really scary if you think of it, bringing your child/ grandchild outdoors increasing the risk of exposure.

At 12:41pm I was still outside waiting in line to go inside the shop. For some reason the line wasn't moving for a long time.

I was only able to enter their stairs at around 1:40pm.

At 2:00 I was wondering what was taking so long because there was only like 5 people in front of me. I saw some of their signs and it said they have a lunch break, that's why they probably took long. They want us to bring our own ball pen and practice social distancing.

I finally entered and if you look at it there's so many packages. There were only 2 people who were manning the station, looking for the parcels. They were explaining to some people that their package wasn't there yet. I was hoping that I would be able to get my package already.

When it was my turn, I asked if my package was there. They had no internet, but because of my data I was able to show them that it was here in our City already since August 31, 2020. Unfortunately, the person in the desk started explaining to me that they were not yet able to sort out the packages because of the influx of all the good that's supposed to be picked up during their lock down. They said it might be in the other branches located here at Baguio. I was really disappointed after hearing this. I had to leave my number with them so they could text me if I could get my item already. I ended here at around 2:30 pm. I really thought that my package was there already. I wasted my day off by just lining up for nothing. I just wish that they would come up with a better scheme when distributing our goods. When I was looking at all those parcels stocked up, I am kinda worried about my item. I hope that it didn't get crushed.

When I got home I took photos of our pond, I noticed that there was a toad staying by the leaves of the plant.

I also saw a worm traversing around the ponds plants.

Our pond is already full of these water cabbages.

Before going back inside my room, I took photos flowers.

Here's another photo of another flower. It was really therapeutic to look at the flowers after having a crappy day.

During the afternoon, it started shining again. Though it's still windy and cold.

Until now I really hope that JRS Baguio would fix their service.

Thanks for reading and Stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me .

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4 years ago


Such people with no discipline and its even raining. Kids could catch a cold in this kind of weather. Really it's so annoying to wait in line for how many hours and would get nothing in the en. They should work double-time, their reputation is at stake. Well, you have beautiful shots in your home.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, I agree with you. It's the worst time for a kid to catch a cold because they might screen him/her for covid. It's really frustrating when that happened to me. I really hope that they fix their service ASAP. Thank you so much for all your compliments. May you stay safe always!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Likewise brother.😊 take care always

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ugh, I can feel the amount of stress that you had on that day. I had the same experience with this well known online shopping app. My parcel got delayed for days and I have nothing to do but to wait. It is frustrating, most especially if you really need that item like a.s.a.p.

I feel bad looking at those bunch of boxes, I wish they made it to their respective owners. also I subbed. @sgbonus

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, it was really stressful just staying in line. I also know the feeling of getting stuff delayed online at least it still goes straight to the house. But I guess patience will always be a Virtue, that's what I learned hehe.

Thank you so much for dropping by! Stay safe always!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right on that. patience is a virtue @sgbonus

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Some are not actually taking this pandemic seriously. They don't even know the safety precautions to avoid getting the virus. They're risking their lives and might end up regretting because of carelessness. Let us all be safe and stay at home as much as possible especially for kids and our elderly ones. We cannot see this virus causing the pandemic, but we do have safety precautions that we should strictly follow. We've always been reminded by these safety precautions. Let us be cautious. Let us be vigilant pls. Thank you for sharing your day by the way.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, I really agree with you. People think that it's just a normal flu. It may have effects of a normal flu but the rate of how it is spreads so fast. I actually work at the hospital, it's really sad that I don't get to see my grandparents anymore, but better to be safe than sorry. It's always better to be precautious. Thank you so much for sharing all your insights. Stay safe always!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its really good

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4 years ago


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3 years ago

Your articles is very good

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you

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3 years ago

Your articles is very good

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4 years ago

hey please subscribe my id, I'm newer person!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good Article

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4 years ago

Thank you so much for dropping by

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3 years ago