My Daily Life#34 Hello March 2021!

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3 years ago
Topics: Philippines, Diary, Life, Pets

Good day guys!

It's finally March, another month has passed and I'm still thankful that I'm alive and all my loved ones are safe. Today, I'll tell you about my day and show you some photos of my workmates' pet.

To start my day, I was writing but suddenly our internet service provider wasn't working. I tried restarting the router but it didn't do anything so I decided just write and upload the photos later and went to sleep and decided to wake up early in the morning to finish it. When I woke up, there was still no internet. I was kinda worried because my sister has an online job and my brother also has online classes. I really think that we are so dependent on technology right now. I got ready and tried using the internet one more time and it finally worked. That was around 7:25 am. So I was rushing and I finished after 10 minutes. I was thinking if I would bring a car there won't be parking for me anymore so I asked my mom to bring me to work. Pierre was with us and I'm glad that I wasn't late for work.

When my colleague came in, I was wondering what was inside her lunch box and she said that she brought "Forest" which is the name of her bearded dragon. One of my colleagues if fond of him so she picked her up and I decided to take a photo while she was holding it.

Forest is a girl. This was her box. Her owner was making her sunbathe. According to her it stimulates her and makes her eat.

While waiting for our Doctor, I was just taking photos of Forest. She gave her a bath because she took a dump. It just looked so cute staying in the water and it looked like it was so relaxed and she was enjoying getting soaked in water.

I tried making the photo black and white and I love how it highlights its scales. Our Doctor finally arrived and endorsed us on what to do. We went to patient 1 and made him short sit on the bed for the very first time. It really looked like he was enjoying it. Patient 2 was the patient who I treated yesterday, we were less tired today so we were able to make her sit for 15 minutes, it was our first time meeting the daughter and she was so kind to us. After finishing her, we went to patient 3, before entering the room, I noticed that the names of the doctors were different. We asked the nurses station about it and they said that he was transferred to a different room. We tried going inside the room but there were nurses inside and they were cleaning him. So me and my colleague had to wait outside. After around 10-15 min we were able to treat him. To be honest, I'm getting frustrated with him because he's so uncooperative. He doesn't listen and performs commands even though he's strong, it's like. The question in my mind is "How will you make your patient progress if he doesn't like to help himself?". I hope and pray that he gets better soon. I thought we were done but as soon as we reached our department, our secretary was given a piece of paper and it was a referral. So we went back up and treated the new patient. I'm just glad that we could talk to this patient and he's really open with his life and it was easy to treat him despite his condition.

We went back down and disinfected then ate lunch. After lunch, she brought out Forest again. I'm just mesmerized by how she looks.

She's really photogenic. You could even see her smile from this photo.

She was looking at the barrier, I'm not sure whether it sees her reflection because most of the time she was just staring there.

She just looks so cool and I love her color.

I never thought of owning a lizard as a pet, I think their maintenance is high. And my girlfriend is also afraid of lizards and told me you can take care of anything you want as long as it's not a lizard. I'm just being obedient haha.

It was feeding time for her and she was fed some mealworms. I love the action of how it uses its tongue and stuffs the worm inside its mouth. It really looked like she was enjoying her meal. She doesn't only eat worms but also vegetables. It sounds healthier than me. The owner said that she's practicing her to potty train. And she would pee on a piece of tissue.

Before leaving she brought her out one more time.

This was where she was staying. I'm just surprised that you can bring a bearded dragon anywhere and it amusing to watch it. I showed some photos to my cousin who used to take care of bearded dragons and he said that he doesn't recommend taking care of them because their dump smells so bad. He even said that their crap has the worse smelling crap in the entire pet kingdom haha. He couldn't even handle cleaning their crap.

When it hit 5 pm it started raining. I'm just glad that my mom was there to pick me up. Pierre was with us again. He really loves car rides. After my mom picked me up, we went to buy a sack of rice and she needed to go to the grocery after. The photo here was when my mom left, he was just waiting for her to come back. After the grocery, we went to gas up the car because gas is going to increase again. I don't know why but gas has been increasing every week.

I came home to this guy just lying on a table away from Pierre. I really think that nothing could replace having a cat and a dog. Their affection is really different, though my cat doesn't show affection that much. Thanks for reading and I hope that March will be a great month for you!

Thanks for reading and Stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me .


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3 years ago
Topics: Philippines, Diary, Life, Pets


Nice. keep it up

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