First Day of the Month of April

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3 years ago
Topics: Diary, Life, Philippines, 2021

Good Day Guys

It's the first day of the month of April. Here in the Philippines, it's the start of the Holiday because of Holy Week. I'm really lucky that our department doesn't have to enter the hospital during the holidays so I'm just here resting. It's Holy Thursday/ Maundy Thursday. Let me share with you how I spent the day.

I was just using my computer up to 2:30 am watching anime and reading which is unusual because I usually feel really sleepy around 12 am already these past few days. I was thinking why didn't I feel sleepy at this time and I remembered that the day before that I was able to sleep from 2:30-6:30. I slept because we had a power outage that time. That may be the cause of it. I forgot to turn off my alarm at 6 in the morning so I woke up and continued to sleep around 6:45 where my phone alarmed again. I wasn't done finishing writing my article so I finished it. For some reason, I wasn't sleepy afterward even though I was sleep-deprived. So I continued using my computer until my brother opened my door. He always comes in and the first thing that he does is check on all his tarantulas to see if something new has happened. He was deciding if he should try to pair his adult tarantulas again.

According to his friend, he should try to make them mate every week until the female rejects the male. My brother and cousin did it last week so he finally decided to do it again today. He asked for my help just in case something happens. The first thing that he did was to bring both enclosures in a storage box just in case they try to run away. He then got a catch cup and a paintbrush to put the male inside the setup of the female. This was when he asked for help from me because there's a chance that the male will die and get eaten by the female if she wasn't in the mood or if she was hungry. So I was also holding a paintbrush and observing what will happen. It was really thrilling to watch this because as soon as my brother put the male tarantula it was looking for the female. It went to it and we were ready to separate them just in case the female doesn't want to do it. The female accepted but the problem was we were not sure if the male was able to insert because it happened really fast. After the insertion, the female looked really angry and was in a defensive pose so we hurriedly removed the male from the females enclosure.

This was where we thought that the insertion happened.

They suddenly separated after.

My brother said that he will pair it again next week. The problem with male tarantulas is that their life span is really low so I was joking with my brother that the next pairing it might get eaten already.

The female really looked so angry after the pairing. but the tips of the legs really looked so cool when I used the flash. I couldn't use my flash during the pairing because it might disturb them.

After that, I said to myself that I should be reviewing. So I reviewed the Nervous System. Let me share with you some of the lessons that I read. The Nervous system has two components which are the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous system. The Central Nervous system is composed of our brain and spinal cord while the Peripheral nervous system is composed of our Cranial Nerves(Which have 12 pairs), Spinal Nerves(31 Pairs), Plexuses(which is composed of the Cervical, Brachial, Lumbar, and Sacral Plexus), and Ganglia(relay station). Under the Peripheral Nervous system, we have the Autonomic Nervous system where the nerves supply the visceral organs and glands, and the Somatic Nervous System where the nerves supply skeletal muscles, joints, and skin.

After reading, I went out of my room and took a photo of Pierre and Yoda. Whenever Pierre is excited he always has something in his mouth. When I saw him he had a slipper on his mouth. Yoda was just lying comfortably on the couch and here comes Pierre running all over him and he also hit Yoda with the slipper.

When it hit 12 o clock I prepared my lunch, ate, and then continued reviewing and using my computer. I was really sleepy so I slept at 2 and alarmed at 3 o clock. I didn't wake up with my alarm and I woke up at around 4. I got ready because we were going to attend virtual mass upstairs together with my cousins and my grandparents. It was really hot while attending mass, I was sweating.

After the mass, we were listening to someone on youtube to reflect on this Holy Thursday. We were also waiting for my uncle and aunt who attended mass outside.

Finally, they were here already, so we ate dinner. My mom prepared Arroz Caldo for dinner because my grandpa requested it. Arroz Caldo is chicken rice porridge. It was really delicious. I enjoyed eating my meal. I even ate 2 bowls of it. While we were having dinner, I was just catching up with our other cousins recommending some anime to watch. It's really fun to bond with my other family members over dinner.

After dinner, we went to our house and I continued watching anime. I was also able to speak with my girlfriend to ask her about her day. It was really fun starting April like this. I hope that you have a great month ahead!

Thanks for reading and Stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me .


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3 years ago
Topics: Diary, Life, Philippines, 2021



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