What I think about giving up?

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Avatar for scelesticbae.
2 years ago

Some people question what they should do when they feel like giving up on something they enjoy.

Giving up

Struggling has become a habit for me; my day would be incomplete if I didn't work, whether physically or mentally. Of course, it is natural for humans to struggle, but the outcomes of these struggles will differ depending on whether we give up or fight for them.

Accepting or renouncing a defeat is the state or act of giving up. To put it another way, surrendering. Either you attempted all of the possible solutions to the problem or you discovered that the situation is too difficult to solve without ever attempting to do so.

Thinking twice

Many times in my life, I've come close to giving up on something I'd fought so hard for. You see, the brain, mind, or whatever you want to call it, is full with options, and anything we choose has a corresponding consequence.

It will advise you on the best course of action, whether it is the simplest or the most difficult. It takes a lot of critical thinking abilities to assess particular scenarios and foresee all possible consequences once you've decided on an action to take. In any case, you'll come out with one of two outcomes: either you made progress or you learned a good lesson. In other words, you either benefited or made a mistake.

Surrendering, on the other hand, is an option. As I previously stated, our minds will always select the simplest option since no one likes to suffer, right? So, even being desperate, giving up is still considerable.

Giving up: good or bad?

I can't say it's horrible, but I also can't say it's good. Accepting loss is a situation-specific decision.

Giving up may be good to ourselves and those around us at times. In a relationship, for example. Giving up on someone is sometimes the wisest thing to do. If things aren't working, are getting toxic, and both parties are unhappy, it's time to call it quits. But keep in mind that if you're unhappy, you shouldn't look for someone else. Cheating, on the other hand, is a different story.

It's fine to quit up since it doesn't imply the world has ended. Because we don't all have the same conditions in our lives, some people will never have a second opportunity, but there is always a chance to try again. It's sometimes the wisest option to avoid more damage. Surrendering can also help us shape our personalities in order to live a better life.

In my situation, I'm dying along with the enormous list of my school activities (like honestly bruh, academic break who?) and their approaching due dates while I write this piece. I want to quit up, but I can't since I'm living up to the expectations of others. I desperately want to flee, yet I'm unable to do so. However, I estimated my time to do the remaining chores, so I don't believe meeting the deadline will be a problem.

Final Thoughts

We all have to give up at some point in our life. We are human beings, fallible, flawed, and prone to making mistakes. It is up to us whether we will succumb to our flaws and get trapped in the past, or if we will learn from our mistakes and move on while never forgetting.

So, when I'm on the edge of giving up, what do I do? I ponder, assess, and take a breather.

Before making a decision, I give it some thought. Because trusting myself isn't one of my strong suits, I assess everything first before acting.

It's acceptable to give up; it's also understandable to strive. The world can exhaust us, and we can either succumb or take a break before continuing to pursue what we've always desired.

It's okay to rest for a while.

Lead image by Unsplash

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$ 0.12 from @Kristofferquincy
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Avatar for scelesticbae.
2 years ago


Personally, I experienced it a lot of times. I just felt like I want to end my life.. But it turns out, its because I didn't do the best that I can. In fact, I just waited without doing something to solve it. Giving up is inevitable, maybe. But, looking at the other side, we should think if it is really necessary. As you said, think twice. Well, perhaps, it should be thrice or more.. :))

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yep, we just all want what is the best for us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Irrespective of the struggles we go through, giving up is not an option! Things will get better with time.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I hope everything will be alright, my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My friend we might encounter struggles in life and we often surrender and just stop addressing those problems. We must be firm to that don't just give up, make everything is fine, I'm pretty sure struggles are just temporary and that can solve by on our own.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

But sometimes the best solution about something is giving up. I mean, what's the point of fighting towards our downfall?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes , I agree with that the best solution is about, just giving up. We just giving up because we seems to have perception that, it cannot be solved by someone or even you. There no point for that .... instead we we will forget it and step up with another choices.

$ 0.00
2 years ago