Science and technology have reached in a unique height through the invention of mobile a blessing of modern science mobile phone has brought a revolutionary changing our communication system. It is a wireless device which help us to communicate with the world. As a result it has changed the role of telephone. It is used for listening music taking photographs is storing data playing games computing browsing net etc. Even we can send message in a distance place within a second.
We can exchange information from one part of the world to another part. It is also easy to bear because of its small size. At present the popularity of mobile phone is increasing day by day. The price of mobile phone and call rate are decreasing. As a result for people can use it easily. It has some negative sides to. It also create problem in hearing and hearts. Calories 10 criminals use it for their anti social activities.
এমন কোন লোক নেই যে তার কাছে মোবাইল ফোন নাই । দিন যত বেড়েই চলেছে মোবাইল ফোনের ব্যবহার ততই বেড়ে চলেছে। ধন্যবাদ রাইটার কে এমন গল্প উপহার দেয়ার জন্য।