What is Sanctuary ?

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Avatar for sanctuary.the-one-law
2 years ago

The Epiphany, continued

How can we describe a Sanctuary in rational terms ?

This leads with a brief video - the transcript is here:

What is a Sanctuary ?

Is a Sanctuary a building, a place, a pile of rocks,
some kind of gathering point ?


Sanctuary is a place in Space and Time
where we can live within our consent,
where our consent is not violated.

That is a Sanctuary.

What makes a place in Space and Time a sanctuary
is the integrity of our consent.

Some may ask: where is the "sanctity" in that ?

Any Sanctuary is populated by individuals
who regard Consent as sacred.

Consent is a wholly personal decision.
Consent is not 'shareable'.

No family, no organization, no group can consent.

Only individuals can consent, or withhold consent.
Groups are not individuals and can not be wholly responsible.

Consent, given or withheld, is wholly personal.

To honor Consent as inviolable
is synonymous with
regarding Consent as sacred.

To regard the personal choice of someone
to consent or withhold consent as sacred
is the foundation upon which Sanctuaries build.

Where inhabitants honor Consent as sacred,
violence is absent.

"Where Consent is shielded" describes Sanctuary.

The-One-Law is the basis for Sanctuaries
shielded from violations of Consent.

You may also reply at https://t.me/sanctuarians_info if you wish

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Avatar for sanctuary.the-one-law
2 years ago


Hello I am JerryfromV

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah, consent is pretty great and deep and stuff on first glance. But if you're thinking it through for dealing with a community of some size, like a small city (or even a big village) you'll soon realize consent isn't going to work. Because humans are... well... humans. And it is very rare to get more than 10 humans to agree with each other on 90% of topics. So basically:

IF $humans >10 THEN $humans = $disagreement $disagreement+$humans=

Everything but consent. And I should clarify that i consider compromise to be a failure to consent by all parties involved.

In fact what we call criminals are simply individuals that violated the sacredness of not consenting by disregarding consent and doing something specifically without consent.

That is why we need government: For when not everybody gives consent, and/or does things without consent.

And a sanctuary is a place created to be a safe place for those that aren't safe outside of that sanctuary for any reason. Basicly if a place protects you from something then its a sanctuary.

The word used to be used for religious places inside temples or churches where the most holy relics or rituals were located, like the place where the ark of the covenant was kept, or the place where the aphophis bull was located. oh darn i gotta go, i am soooooo frikking late!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

An interesting perspective,
I see the concept of the 'hive mind' is something worth addressing.
This reminds me to someday go into
why consent is strictly a p2p mechanism.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me the concept of a hive mind is actually disconcerting. It scares the hell out of me even more than a Super AI. Mainly because that Hive mind is going to be made by, for and with HUMAN minds. And the human mind has always proven it will always produce just enough deviant minds among the populace to at first be disruptive to any consensus or statistical democracy driven community, society and civilization processes. Seeing the hive mind is reliant on efficient and fast processing of many different datastreams for it to function properly a similar number of deviant minds inside that process would render it disfunctional. So this tells me that for a hive-mind (like) thing to have any chance of working (as it must to be able to govern) this deviant element must be forcibly contained, controlled or eliminated from the hive. This in and of itself will cause appalled citizens to at least doubt the justice and righteousness of their governing algorithms are morally ethically good, or if they can only be created from, consist of and perpetuate evil itself.

Woow... Yeah... I'm hungry. Have a nice one y'all!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This shows that anybody can be sacred if we desire to be. Nice reading

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Truth, Yes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your Great Brother Big Fan Of You

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wonderful Place

$ 0.01
2 years ago

What I learnt while growing was that a sanctuary is a holy and scared place where the priest and his assistant go in to offer sacrifice to the lord. Well the video has made me understand more.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Anyone can be sacred if they choose to be so.
That is what a Sanctuary is:
a space made sacred by
someone choosing to be sacred.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

sacred place, such as a shrine.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is the presence of people
and the spirit they bring with them
that can create sanctuary.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you I learned a lot from this article

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2 years ago

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$ 0.00
2 years ago

Back then I really thought that sanctuary is sacred, it's peaceful as well. Nice article by the way, and the video is good, you can really learn a lot from it

$ 0.01
2 years ago