Freelancer Upskills

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2 years ago

You're reading this, so we don't have to tell you that the world of work is changing. With more than 1 million jobs lost in the last year alone and with jobs requiring a more specialized skill set, it's clear that the labor market is looking for certain qualities and skills.

If you're like most professionals, your resume is unexciting and a little stale; chances are there's not much on it that you haven't done or cannot do. And if that's the case, you're not going to stand out in a crowd of unemployed professionals. You're not going to be the first candidate who gets called for an interview or hired for a job.

And all this because you're not as attractive to employers as your competition is.

So what can you do? We've put together this article and video to give you an idea of how to upgrade your skills and update your resume so that it will get more attention from potential employers.

The first thing you'll want to do is take inventory of what skills are listed on your resume right now. If they're in a particular order (i.e. skills listed in order of importance), it's not a bad thing, but you'll want to consider shuffling them around. Of course, if you have a particular skill that you can't live without (like interpersonal skills,) keep it on your resume.

The next step is to identify new skills that will help your job search and employers find you more attractive and qualified. The first thing we would suggest is learning more about the types of jobs that are currently being posted for each skill set.

This means researching the top ten websites for that specific industry or job, as well as newspaper job ads, online forums, career sites, etc.

The following are In demand work this year.

  • Social Media Manager

  • Digital Marketing

  • Community Managers

  • SEO

  • Software Developer

  • Content Creator


In today home work based are with high competition due to social media that inspire the most of us. They want to achieve as much as we have or what they seen in social media.

If your a newbie in HBW you can do it and do all the thing that you can do, bring the best version of yourself.

Remember all of us start from where you are right it is you who can bring yourself to success but don't think that it will be easy because there is no easy way in success. Good Luck on your journey as Freelancer this article may help a little.

$ 25.75
$ 25.55 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Laurenceuuu
$ 0.04 from @Eybyoung
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Avatar for salma24
2 years ago


Which platform you are using for freelancing?

What I really want to learn is making a good and remarkable resume.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nagfifreelance ka ngayon madam?

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
2 years ago

yes, SMM/SME and Moderator crypto niche

$ 0.00
2 years ago