5 tips for a Lasting Relationship

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3 years ago

How to not pall in a relationship?

We all want to know the answer to that question. Especially now that the dispute seems to have escalated and there is often a misunderstanding of the associations.

Some of the underlying causes of these filed annulment cases are as follows:

  • Adultery and desertion

  • Alcohol, drug and verbal abuse

  • Immaturity

  • Finances and in-laws' conflict

  • Psychiatric disorders

  • Sexual dysfunctions

Those same reasons are said to be reasons for married couples immediate get divorced.

Behind them are small misunderstandings that have been neglected. The reason for this is to become a bigger issue that has been difficult to resolve among allies.

But they say, every problem has its solution and everything has its way. So for the relationship to be maintained, for the sake of the family and the children there are ways to take care of the relationship and make it even better.

Here are 5 ways to maintain the relationship you and your partner need for a stronger and happier relationship.

5 Ways for a good relationship

1. Sex

According to research conducted on 30,000 people from three different studies, it appears that couples who have sex once a week have higher levels of satisfaction and life satisfaction. It also appears that as opposed to money, sex is becoming the basis of a relationship to achieve mutual happiness.

Being affectionate in the bedroom as well as the PDA or public display of affection such as hand-kissing, hugging, kissing hello and goodbye as well as saying I love you to your partner are ways to make them feel like they are your cared for and truly loved.

2. Communication

According to the American Academy of Matrimonal Lawyers, the number one cause of failed marriages is poor communication. So to make the relationship stronger and to reduce misunderstandings you need to be more open to each other and let your partner know exactly what you are feeling. Since you're an adult, everything goes smoothly.

3. Separate Passions

A relationship must also have separate concerns or both do the things that interest them and not only depend on their life and happiness on the relationship or the marriage. Couples with separate passions are also a great way to better inspire each other. It is also a way to show their support, confidence and love for the festival.

4. Equal Rights

In a relationship no and no woman should be different from man. Everyone should have the same rights and responsibilities to participate in.

As in housework, though, it is often the woman's work to do it. Sharing or having a balanced household chore is a great way to avoid complaining about one of the relationships. Because this seemingly trivial matter can be considered to cause one to feel the stress that can be rooted in the deeper problems of a marriage.

5. Arguing Well

Having a conflict or misunderstanding in a relationship is normal. But in order to express your feelings and thoughts more clearly, you need to speak and talk to your relationships. You should always avoid words below the belt such as swearing, words that hurt your partner or personal attacks on his or her character.

Leaving your partner while you are in the middle of a dispute is also not right. This means that for you it is not as important as what you say in your relationship.

Therefore in order for a partnership to last longer and more stable one must always be open and equal to each other. Because a relationship is made up of two people who must have mutual understanding or have a give and take relationship and are always ready to come to terms with each other.

Sources: Demographic Research, Psychology Today

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3 years ago


Well write up. I love your article, well arranged well prepared. These are really what a relationship needs.thank you dear this article. really nice article dear. I love this article.

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3 years ago

Such a kind words thank you for appreciating my work. I am glad to hear your good feeback 😊

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

My Gosh I was shock for that sir @arslankhalid this is the first time someone upvote me that huge. Thank you so much. I truly appreciate it . Much love ❤️❤️❤️

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well write up. I love your article, well arranged /well prepared. These are really what a relationship needs.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. At last someone noticed it. Thank you really 💋

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice write up, you really pushed out all the points well. Nice one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For me good communication is the main thing to help a relationship and mutual trust to grow. The other factors you mentioned are true

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3 years ago