Today I will present a series that they love or will love if it has not been watched by comedy fans so far. The "Kitchen" series is a completely Russian product. At the time when it was broadcast in America, a series of similar themes "Kitchen Confidential" was shown, and in Britain "Whites". However, the Russian series is not a copy of any of them, but is completely authentic
This ingenious comedy follows the story of young Max, who arrives in little Moscow from little Voronezh to get a job in a restaurant and become a chef. Max thus wants to get a job at the exclusive Claude Monet restaurant, owned by popular actor Dmitry Nagiev, who plays himself in the series. Max enters into colorful relationships with the chef, the specific Viktor Barinov, and with other workers of this elite restaurant. The kitchen is one of the most popular Russian series, both in the Federation and around the world. The series, bursting with original humor, entertaining sequences, funny and extremely interesting events, has been broadcast in more than 10 foreign countries. Following the success of Kitchen, which had 6 seasons, two films and one spinoff series were made.
The question is whether the high-budget Russian comedy "Kitchen" would be so successful that, in fact, it does not show plots based on the life experiences of the author of the series. Russian director, screenwriter and producer Dmitry Dyachenko says for Sputnik that he himself, just like the main character Max Lavrov, came to the early city of Voronezh in Moscow in the early 1990s. Therefore, Dyachenko not only understands Max well, who tries in all possible ways to find his place under the sun in the big city, but also when writing the script, he remembers his experiences when he was fired, then came back, and tried everything from scratch. and "digging with both hands and feet."
Of the main characters, I would like to single out the main chef Viktor Barinov, played by "gigantic and confused" Dmitry Nazarov. Just like in the series, in real life, Nazarov is an ardent fan of Moscow's "Spartak". Nazarov has the title of Honorary Artist of the Russian Federation and, in addition to series, he also acts in several Moscow theaters. It is interesting that due to his stature, for many years he had the task of playing the "official Russian Santa Claus" in his residence in the city of Veliki Ustyug.
The main character, chef Max, who comes to Moscow from Voronezh with a strong will to become a famous chef, is played by Mark Bogatyrev. This young actor was almost born in the subway, a few weeks before the scheduled date. He never met his father, and as his mother often traveled in search of professional affirmation and happiness in life, it is not surprising that Bogatyrev speaks with a lot of warmth about his grandmother who raised him. He started working early, changed different professions and accidentally became an actor. It is said that because of his unhappy love with his colleague Elena Podkamniska, with whom he plays in the series, he even tried to commit suicide.
"The main female role of Victoria Sergeyevna in 'The Kitchen' is played by Jelena Podkaminska, a Moscow actress. Bogatyrev and Podkaminska fell passionately in love during the filming of the series, which is why she then even divorced her husband and started living with Bogatyrev, who plays Max Lavrov. When viewers learned about this story from the newspapers, the ratings of the series jumped sharply. However, Jelena and Mark then broke up in real life, but also in the series ", Djachenko shares behind-the-scenes stories.
The owner of the restaurant "Kkod Mone", where they all work, is the famous Russian actor Dmitry Nagiyev, and he plays himself in the series. Nagiyev, born in former Leningrad, today's St. Petersburg, has Arab blood after his father's grandfather, and German and Latvian blood after his father's grandmother. Unfortunately, he owes his "dark look" and wideness to the paralysis of the nerves on his face. After he got sick, straight from college and rehearsals for his final graduation play, an ambulance took him to the hospital. He has been recovering for half a year and that is why he often likes to wear sunglasses. Forbes named him the richest Russian actor last year. Fans for Zenit.
In addition to the mentioned , in "Kitchen" we follow and love many other characters Nastja, Kostja, Fedja, Senj, Luja, Ljova ... There are too many of them to list everything here. They are all extremely specific and fun, each in their own way.
After 6 successful seasons of the "Kitchen" series, the film "Kitchen" was made. The Last Battle ", and then the shooting of the so-called" spin of 'Hotel Eleon "began. The story will not end here, but a kind of continuation of all the happy events within the future project "Kitchen Academy" is planned.
It is not only the spiritual story of Max, Viktor Petrovich, Dmitry Nagiyev, Victoria Sergeyevna and other dear characters that "bought" the viewers. The series became popular due to numerous original solutions, unusual shots, but also great computer graphics. In addition, a lot of money has been invested, so it is not surprising that this series is announced everywhere as high quality and high-budget: "Everything about the 'Kitchen' is 'right'. No scenery, no mock-up. All the knives, the equipment, everything is right, and all the groceries in the frame are completely fresh. The food was filmed with special lighting, as is done in commercials, to make everything look delicious. The team was really staffed by a team of 5 top chefs who prepared the dishes seen in the series. Everything is edible and natural.
After a divorce and a failed romance with a colleague, Podkaminska remarried. She has a daughter Polina from her first marriage, and she gave birth to her second daughter Eva only a few weeks ago.
Danas cu predstaviti jednu seriju koju vole ili ce je voleti ukoliko je nisu do sada gledali ljubitelji komedije. Serija " Kuhinja" je potpuno ruski proizvod. U vreme kada se emitovala u u Americi se prikazivala serija slične tematike „Poverljiva kuhinja“ (Kitchen Confidential) a u Britaniji „Belci“ (Whites). Ipak ruska serija nije kopija ni jedne od njih vec je potpuno autenticna.
Ova genijalna komedija prati priču mladoga Maksa, koji iz malog Voroneža stiže u ogromnu Moskvu kako bi se zaposlio u restoranu i postao kuvar. Maks tako želi da se zaposli u ekskluzivnom restoranu Klod Mone, čiji je vlasnik popularni glumac Dmitri Nagijev, koji u seriji igra samoga sebe. Maks stupa u šarene odnose sa šefom kuhinje, specifičnim Viktorom Barinovom, i s ostalim radnicama i radnicima ovog elitnog restorana. Kuhinja je jedna od najpopularnijih ruskih serija, kako u Federaciji, tako i sirom sveeta. Serija, koja pršti originalnim humorom, zabavnim sekvencama, smešnim i izuzetno zanimljivim događajima, emitovana je u više od 10 stranih zemalja. Na tragu uspjeha Kuhinje, koja je imala 6 sezona snimljena su dva filma i jedna spinoff serija.
Pitanje je da li bi visokobudžetna ruska komedija „Kuhinja“ bila toliko uspešna da, zapravo, ne prikazuje zaplete zasnovane na životnim iskustvima autora serije. Ruski režiser, scenarista i producent Dmitrij Djačenko za Sputnjik kaže da je i sam, baš kao i glavni lik Maks Lavrov, početkom devedesetih došao iz malog grada Voronjež u Moskvu. Zato, Djačenko ne samo da dobro razume Maksa, koji na sve moguće načine pokušava da nađe svoje mesto pod suncem u velikom gradu, već se i kada piše scenario, priseća svojih iskustava kada je bivao otpušten, pa se opet vraćao, pa sve pokušavao ispočetka i „kopao i rukama i nogama“.
Od glavnih likova izdvojila bih prvo glavnog kuvara Viktora Barinova, kojeg igra „gorostasni i brkati“ Dmitrij Nazarov. Baš kao i u seriji, i u realnom životu Nazarov je vatreni navijač moskovskog „Spartaka“. Nazarov ima zvanje Počasnog umetnika Ruske federacije i osim u serijama, glumi i u nekoliko moskovskih pozorišta. Interesantno je, da je zbog svog stasa, dugo godina imao zadatak da glumi „zvaničnog ruskog Deda Mraza“ u njegovoj rezidenciji u gradu Veliki Ustjug.
Glavnog lika, kuvara Maksa koji iz Voronježa dolazi u Moskvu sa jakom voljom da postane čuveni kuvar, igra Mark Bogatirjov. Ovaj mladi glumac se umalo rodio u metrou, nekoliko nedelja pre predviđenog termina. Oca nikada nije upoznao, a kako je majka često putovala u potrazi sa profesionalnom afirmacijom i životnom srećom, ne čudi što Bogatirjov sa mnogo topline govori o svojoj baki koja ga je odgajila. Rano je počeo da radi, menjao različite profesije i sasvim slučajno postao glumac. Priča se da je zbog nesrećne ljubavi sa koleginicom Elenom Podkamniskom, sa kojom igra u seriji, čak pokušao i samoubistvo.
„Glavnu žensku ulogu Viktorije Sergejevne u ’Kuhinji‘ igra Jelena Podkaminska, moskovska glumica. Bogatirjov i Podkaminska su se tokom snimanja serije strasno zaljubili, zbog čega se ona tada čak i razvela od svog muža i počela da živi sa Bogatirjovim, koji glumi Maksa Lavrova. Kada su gledaoci za ovu priču saznali iz novina, gledanost serije je naglo skočila. Međutim, Jelena i Mark su se potom rastali i u stvarnom životu, ali i u seriji“, deli zakulisne priče Djačenko.
Podkaminska se posle razvoda i neuspele romanse sa kolegom, ponovo udala. Iz prvog braka ima kćerku Polinu, a drugu kćerku Evu je rodila pre svega nekoliko nedelja.
Vlasnika restorana "Kkod Mone "u kome oni svi rade je proslavljeni ruski glumac Dmitij Nagijev i on u seriji glumi samog sebe. Nagijev, rođen u nekadašnjem Lenjingradu, današnjem Sankt Peterburgu, ima po očevom dedi arapske krvi, a po očevoj baki nemačke i letonske. Svoj „mračni pogled“ i razrokost nažalost duguje paralizi nerva na licu. Nakon što mu je pozlilo, pravo sa fakulteta i probe završne diplomske predstave, kola hitne pomoći su ga odvezla u bolnicu. Pola godine je trajao oporavak i zbog toga često rado nosi naočare za sunce. Forbs ga je prošle godine proglasio najbogatijim ruskim glumcem. Navija za „Zenit“.
Pored pomenutih, u " Kuhinji" pratimo i volimo jos mnogo likova Nastju, Kostju, Fedju, Senju, Luja, Ljovu... Previse ih je da bi ovde sve nabrojala. Svi oni su krajnje specificni i zabavni, svako na svoj nacin.
Nakon uspešnih 6 sezona serije „Kuhinja“ bio je snimljen film „Kuhinja. Poslednja bitka“, da bi potom počelo snimanje takozvanog „spin ofa ’Hotel Eleon‘“. Priča se neće ovde završiti, već se planira i svojevrsni nastavak svih veselih dogodovština u okviru budućeg projekta „Kuhinja akademija“.
Nije samo duševna priča Maksa, Viktora Petroviča, Dmitrija Nagijeva, Viktorije Sergejevne i ostalih dragih likova „kupila“ gledaoce. Serija postala popularna i zbog brojnih originalnih rešenja, neobičnih kadrova, ali i sjajne kompjuterske grafike. Osim toga, zaista mnogo novca je uloženo i zato ne čudi što se ova serija svuda najavljuje kao kvalitetna i visokobudžetna:
„Sve što je u vezi sa ’Kuhinjom‘, sve je ’pravo‘. Nema kulisa, nema maketa. Svi noževi, oprema, sve je pravo, a sve namirnice koje su u kadru su potpuno sveže. Hrana je snimana uz specijalno osvetljenje, kao što se to radi u reklamama, kako bi sve delovalo ukusno. U seriji je zaista radio tim od 5 vrhunskih kuvara koji su spremali jela koja se vide u seriji. Sve je jestivo i prirodno.
Odličan izbor. Kao neko ko se ozbiljno interesuje i ozbiljno prati rusku kinematografiju mogu da kažem da je ovo jedna od boljih serija koje sam imao prilike da gledam. Šef Vitya je najluđi lik definitivno