A cult novel, sold more than 5 million copies. Magnificent villa, hot summer, Mediterranean so close. Cecil is seventeen years old. Kisses and meetings are love for her. Her father, a widower, enjoys transient and unimportant relationships. They are having fun, they don't need anyone, they are happy. This wonderful mess will be disturbed by the visit of a refined, balanced and intelligent woman. How to avoid that threat? A cruel game is being prepared in the shade of fragrant conifers.
today, after more than half a century, it is sold in large numbers and wins the hearts of millions of readers around the world. According to the writer herself, "this instinctive and raw book is imbued with sensuality and innocence, an explosive mixture that is as exciting today as it was yesterday."
Kultni roman, prodat u više od 5 miliona primeraka.
Veličanstvena vila, vrelo leto, Mediteran tako blizu. Sesil ima sedamnaest godina. Poljupci i sastanci za nju su ljubav. Njen otac, udovac, uživa u prolaznim i nevažnim odnosima. Zabavljaju se, niko im ne treba, srećni su. Taj divni nered narušiće poseta prefinjene, uravnotežene i inteligentne žene. Kako izbeći tu pretnju? U senci mirišljavih četinara priprema se surova igra.
Dobar dan, tugo i danas se, nakon više od pola veka, prodaje u velikim tiražima i osvaja srca miliona čitalaca širom sveta. Prema rečima same spisateljice, „ova instinktivna i sirova knjiga prožeta je senzualnošću i nevinošću, eksplozivnom mešavinom koja uzbuđuje danas koliko i juče“.
As with all things, so with books, we like different things. Thus, some swear by crime novels, others by love novels, and still others by historical works… Tastes are not discussed. And yet… From time to time, writers serve us masterpieces that go beyond different tastes; their quality and message value, even with the greatest "literary snobs", leave no doubt that they are timeless literary art.