I wanted to start this weekend by remembering the timeless Dusko Radovic and his aphorisms. And in the next few days, I will publish some of his aphorisms, as far as we can remember, and maybe imagine a little.
Dušan Radović (Niš, November 29, 1922 - Belgrade, August 16, 1984) was a Serbian poet, writer, journalist, aphorist and TV editor. He was the editor-in-chief of Pionirske novine, the editor of the Children's Program of Radio Belgrade, the editor of the Children's Program of Television Belgrade, the editor of Poletarac, a journalist of Borba and (since 1975) the editor of Studio B. He said about his writing: "I started writing in self-defense. I defended myself from everyone who threatened me with health, strength, beauty, better success in school. I took it out, proving to myself and others that I was just different and not worse than them. There are exceptions, but I think that art is a job for those who have problems with themselves. They develop senses and qualities that are not needed by healthy and successful people. No one knows people better than artists. And that valuable knowledge is acquired through dramatic acquaintance with oneself. "
Dusko Radovic passed away in 1984, and he left behind many aphorisms with which he woke up Belgraders on the waves of Radio Studio B, wise thoughts that made life in Belgrade more beautiful, witty, charming ... You may still find an opportunity today to remember the one: "Before you fix the world, fix the fountain in your apartment. The world would be much happier and more beautiful if everyone just fixed the fountain or at least their teeth." When you do a good deed, Dushko will call you from the subconscious with the words that "our little can be a lot for those who have nothing at all". Maybe some scoundrel, bragging to his friends, will rebel even today: "Don't run after women so that you don't collide with those who run away from them", and surely every newlywed aunt will receive at least one congratulatory message that reads: "Moms, give birth to sisters' children, because sisters become aunts, and aunts are the most beautiful, irreplaceable gift to any childhood. "
Yes, there are those, always current, about love, which are drawn every hour: - There is so little love between people. He who knows how to love should do nothing else. - Love each other when you're not together. That's real love. He who knows how to love only when he is together, does not ask who he is with.
Here are some thoughts of Dusko Radovic that are rarely quoted today. And it's not bad to remember them from time to time. - Stay here! Don't go anywhere from Belgrade if you have to return to it again, if you will look forward to returning more than leaving. - When's that subway? Many Belgraders have been underground for a long time and are waiting. - Women have achieved nothing. They used to be unequal to real men. And now they are equal to none. - Who doesn't have it in his head has it in his legs, who doesn't have it in his feet has it in the bank, who doesn't have it in the bank has something in Grocka, who doesn't have it in Grocka - something will be found in his urine. Nobody really has nothing anywhere. - Many of our peers wanted to go to war, but they did not dare. And what often happens has happened: Today, they only remember that they wanted to, and they forgot that they did not dare.
- That's what we need. Until we acknowledged that there were problems, we didn't even have to solve them. - There are great poor people among our children, to whom, except for money, the parents could not give anything. - Put it in your stomach! This investment gives fast and visible results. Investing in the head is long-term and uncertain. - Why don't street trash cans rise to the height of basketball hoops? It would be a provocation that none of our basketball nation would resist. The baskets would be full and the city clean.
Here are some of his aphorisms from the radio show and the book "Belgrade Good Morning":
Monday, October 2, 1978.
Wake up only those parts of the body and organs that you need. Everything else can still sleep.
There are more and more unusable decorations on you. If bathing is difficult and the deodorant is expensive, melt one fragrant one under each mouse The impression is unforgettable.
Good mothers are bad workers. A woman who constantly thinks about her children cannot work well. The economy needs bad mothers who only think about work.
The Serbian Chamber of Commerce renovated its large building in Generala Zhdanova Street 15.Now this renovated building looks great, as if it were imported.
Belgrade will get two new comfortable cemeteries. It would be better for those who do not have apartments to die. This is the only way we can speed up the solution of the housing crisis.
Literary critics are abolished. will be tried only by regular courts.
Tuesday, October 3
The question remains how we will warm ourselves this winter: on promises, agreements or self-governing agreements? When will bus 25 reach Medaković settlement? When will Umka solve the water supply problem? And when will Umka solve that problem? When Sremčica gets a new transformer station. And when will Sremčica get better electricity? When will the settlement of Bele vode get self-service. And when can this settlement hope for self-service? When Konjarnik gets a market. And do you know when it will be? garage in Tirsova Street.
Why was the Museum of Applied Arts robbed? Because that branch of art is still not valued and kept well in our country.
Several powerful banks will build mammoth buildings on Slavija.
Belgrade is selling health so that it can build hospitals.
Don't spit on Belgrade, don't pollute Belgrade - your children are following you.
Wednesday, October 4
There used to be many more infantry and among them many fiery fighters for a just pedestrian cause.
Time passes, and infantry lines fall apart. Many infantry deserted and sided with the occupier.
Belgrade power plants show some human qualities. They became spoiled, moody, stubborn and unproven. Obviously, the people who work in them no longer have any authority. We have heard that there are still people who read books. We think that this is an extremely suspicious and semi-legal thing. It can be justifiably suspected that they do not watch television at all. They have antennas and TVs as if they are watching, not watching, but they turn on some small lamps and read secretly. And it is known that whoever reads thinks.
Over 20,000 of our children study at colleges and universities abroad. These children are guided by their parents, not by our reformed school. We dread the logical assumption that well-educated children abroad will become leaders and bosses of poorly educated children in the country
. Don't cheat on your wife, don't embarrass her in front of the unknown female world
Thursday, October 5The
Yugoslav men suffered another defeat last night. We hope that it will not occur to them for a long time to take off their pants again.
Modern football requires exceptional efforts, both from players and coaches and from spectators. The conditions are ripe for our spectators to become professionals, to be paid for that.
Thursday, October 5, a gloomy morning after the defeat.
Honest and self-critical people think about how to kill themselves, and dishonest and unself-critical people think when they could kill themselves.
Last night we watched a TV show about bribery and corruption. We watched and thought - when did they have to bribe on television for something like that to enter the program.
Be smart and don't insist too much on the mind. It's stupid to be smart where stupidity works better.
She and he have the impression that they love each other. And if they really love each other, I can only find out if they get married. So, they decided to get married and check their impressions in marital practice. During that time, they will live with his family and eat with hers.
Which directly - indirectly, several million people live from cars.And incomparably fewer die.
Modern young women they do not give birth to children but grandchildren. So that grandparents have at least grandchildren when they no longer have children.
Friday, October 6.
Are there any gentlemen in Belgrade? Yes. They are those friends who married ladies.
You love people, but don't overdo it. When you reach the critical limit, you switch to women.
Some parents pay their children a separate living allowance. When they go on their professional and personal adventures in the morning, they leave money on the kitchen table
. The Belgrade Zoo is located between the walls of the Kalemegdan Fortress. The poor animals look like prisoners of
Obese people should be forbidden to recreate. Only when they run out of supplies of their own gym, they have the right to compete for common greenery and air. scarier that we began to envy them.
Saturday, October 7
Today is Saturday, the day when all those who do not manage to do it during the week quarrel.
Today, the football championship continues. Partizan will play against Velež in Belgrade. There are opportunities for our victories to finally win - either Partizan or Velež, it doesn't matter, as long as it's not a foreign team or national team.
The fight against alcoholism is intensifying, advertising of all alcoholic beverages is prohibited. such policies. Some alcoholics and smokers should be allowed to fail so that others can live and work.
Zelela sam da zapocnem ovaj vikend secanjem na bezvremenog Duska Radovica i njegove aforizme. Narednih dana objavicu jos neke njegove aforizme da bi se podsetili, a mozda malo i zamislili.
Dušan Radović (Niš, 29. novembar 1922 – Beograd, 16. avgust 1984) je bio srpski pesnik, pisac, novinar, aforističar i TV urednik. Bio je glavni urednik Pionirskih novina, urednik Programa za decu Radio Beograda, urednik Programa za decu Televizije Beograd, urednik lista Poletarac, novinar Borbe i (od 1975. godine) urednik Studija B.
Rekao je o svom pisanju: „Pisati sam počeo u samoodbrani. Branio sam se od svih koji su me ugrožavali zdravljem, snagom, lepotom, boljim uspehom u školi. Vadio sam se, dokazivao i sebi i drugima da sam samo drukčiji a ne gori od njih. Ima i izuzetaka, ali ja mislim da je umetnost posao za one koji imaju problema sa sobom. Oni razvijaju čula i osobine koji nisu potrebni zdravim i uspešnim ljudima. Niko bolje ne poznaje ljude od umetnika. A to dragoceno znanje stiče se dramatičnim poznanstvom sa samim sobom.“
Duško Radović preminuo je 1984. godine, a iza sebe je ostavio mnoštvo aforizama kojima je budio Beograđane na talasima radija Studio B, mudrih misli kojima je život u Beogradu činio lepšim, duhovitijim, šarmantnijim...
Možda ćete i danas naći priliku da se setite one: "Pre nego što popravite svet, popravite česmu u svom stanu. Svet bi bio mnogo srećniji i lepši kad bi svako samo popravio česmu ili makar zube". Kad učinite neko dobro delo, Duško će vam se javiti iz podsvesti rečima da "naše malo može biti mnogo za one koji nemaju nimalo". Možda će neki mangup hvaleći se drugarima i danas izbunariti: "Ne trčite za ženama da se ne sudarite sa onima koji od njih beže", a sigurno će svakoj novopšečenoj tetki uz čestitke stići bar jedna koja glasi: "Mame, rađajte deci sestre, jer sestre postaju tetke, a tetke su najlepši, nezamenjivi dar svakom detinjstvu".
Da, tu su i one, uvek aktuelne, o ljubavi, koje se potežu svaki čas:
- Tako je malo ljubavi među ljudima. Ko ume da voli, ne bi trebalo ništa drugo da radi.
- Volite se kad niste zajedno. To je prava ljubav. Ko ume da se voli samo kad je zajedno, taj ne pravi pitanje s kim je.
- Ako možete nemojte voleti one koji vas ne vole. Ako to ne možete, volite ih samo malo. Ako ni to ne možete, volite ih mnogo ali kratko.
- Da li je ljubav bolest? Jeste, al’ neprelazna. Možete nekoga ljubiti i ljubiti, ali ga nećete zaraziti ljubavlju.
- Budni su oni koji vole, još spavaju oni koji su voljeni...
Ipak, mnoge mudre misli Duška Radovića smo zaboravili - svesno ili nesvesno. Neke zato što odavno nisu smešne i danas bi mogle da prođu tek kao crni humor, ako ne i uvreda ili provokacija, a neke zato što su posvećene nekom drugom vremenu, drugačijem Beogradu i drugačijim ljudima, i smisao im je izbledeo do toga da više i ne možemo da skapiramo "u čemu je fora".
Evo nekih misli Duška Radovića koje danas samo retki citiraju. A nije loše setiti ih se s vremena na vreme.
- Ostajte ovde! Ne idite nikuda iz Beograda ako ponovo morate da se vraćate u njega, ako ćete se više radovati povratku nego odlasku.
- Kad će taj metro? Mnogi Beograđani su već odavno pod zemljom i čekaju.
- Žene nisu ništa postigle. Nekada su bile neravnopravne sa pravim muškarcima. A sada su ravnopravne sa nikakvim.
- Ko nema u glavi ima u nogama, ko nema u nogama ima u banci, ko nema u banci ima nešto u Grockoj, ko nema ni u Grockoj – naći će mu se nešto u mokraći. Niko baš nije da nema nigde i ništa.
- Mnogi naši vršnjaci hteli su da idu u rat ali nisu smeli. I dogodilo se ono što se često događa: Danas pamte samo da su hteli, a zaboravili su da nisu smeli.
- Sakupili smo pikavce kao dokaz da jedan veliki prijatelj pravde i jednakosti puši cigarete Marlboro, a svaka od tih cigareta košta mnogo dinara. Neki ljudi još uvek jedno govore a drugo puše.
- Ne govorite ono što mislite ako živite od toga šta govorite.
- Tako nam i treba. Dok nismo priznavali da ima problema, nismo ih morali ni rešavati.
- Ima velike sirotinje među našom decom, kojoj, sem para, roditelji ništa nisu mogli dati.
- Ulažite u stomak! To ulaganje daje brze i vidljive rezultate. Ulaganje u glavu je dugoročno i neizvesno.
- Zašto se ulične korpe za otpatke ne podignu na visinu koševa za košarku? Bila bi to provokacija kojoj niko od naše košarkaške nacije ne bi odoleo. Koševi bi bili puni, a grad čist.
Evo jos nekih njegovih aforizama iz radio emisije i knjige "Beograde dobo jutro":
Ponedeljak, 2. oktobar 1978.
Probudite samo one delove tela i organe koji su vampotrebni.Sve ostalo može još da spava.
Na vama ima sve više neupotrebljivih ukrasa.Ako vam je kupanje teško a dezodorans skup, istopiteispod svake miške po jednu mirišljavu bombonu.Utisak je nezaboravan.
Dobre majke su loše radnice.Ne može dobro raditi žena koja stalno misli na svojudecu.Privredi su potrebne loše majke, koje samo misle naposao.
Privredna komora Srbije renovirala je svoju veliku zgradu u Ulici Generala Ždanova 15. Sad ova obnovljena građevina izgleda sjajno, kao da je iz uvoza.
Beograd će dobiti dva nova komforna groblja.Bolje bi bilo da umiru oni koji nemaju stanova.Jedino tako možemo ubrzati rešenje stambene krize.
Ukidaju se književni kritičari.Književnicima i njihovim delima od sada će suditisamo redovni sudovi.
Utorak, 3. oktobar
Ostalo je otvoreno pitanje kako ćemo se zimus grejati:na obećanjima, na dogovorima ili na samoupravnimsporazumima?
Kada će autobus 25 stići do Medakovićevog naselja?
Kad Umka reši problem snabdevanja vodom.
A kad će Umka rešiti taj problem?
Kad Sremčica dobije novu trafo-stanicu.
A kad će Sremčica doći do bolje struje?
Kad naselje Bele vode dobije samouslugu.
A kad se ovo naselje može nadati samousluzi?
Kad Konjarnik dobije pijacu.
A da li se zna kad će to biti?
Kad bude gotova javna garaža u Tiršovoj ulici.
Zašto je opljačkan Muzej primenjenih umetnosti ?Zato što se ta grana umetnosti kod nas još uvek neceni i ne čuva dobro.
Na Slaviji će nekoliko moćnih banaka graditi mamutske građevine.
Beograd prodaje zdravlje da bi mogao graditi bolnice.
Ne pljujte na Beograd, ne prljajte Beograd – za vama idu vaša deca.
Sreda, 4. oktobar
Nekada je bilo mnogo više pešaka i među njima mnogovatrenih boraca za pravednu pešačku stvar.Vreme prolazi, a pešački redovi se osipaju.Mnogi pešaci su dezertirali i priklonili se okupatoru.
Beogradske elektrane ispoljavaju neke ljudske osobine.Postale su razmažene, ćudljive, tvrdoglave i nedokazane. Očigledno da ljudi koji u njima rade nemaju višenikakvog autoriteta.
Čuli smo da još ima ljudi koji čitaju knjige.Mi mislimo da je to krajnje sumnjiva i polulegalnastvar. Može se opravdano sumnjati da oni uopšte gledaju televiziju.Imaju antene i televizore kao da gledaju, a ne gledaju,već pale neke male lampe i tajno čitaju.A poznato je da ko čita taj i misli.
Na koledžima i univerzitetima u inostranstvu školujese preko 20 hiljada naše dece. Ovu decu usmeravajuroditelji, a ne naša reformisana škola.Strepimo od logične pretpostavke da će deca dobroškolovana u inostranstvu postati rukovodioci i šefovidece loše školovane u zemlji.
Nemojte varati svoju ženu, nemojte je brukati pred nepoznatim ženskim svetom.Na koledžima i univerzitetima u inostranstvu školujese preko 20 hiljada naše dece. Ovu decu usmeravajuroditelji, a ne naša reformisana škola.Strepimo od logične pretpostavke da će deca dobroškolovana u inostranstvu postati rukovodioci i šefovidece loše školovane u zemlji.
Nemojte varati svoju ženu, nemojte je brukati prednepoznatim ženskim svetom.Šta će te žene misliti o vašoj ženi posle prvih iskustava sa vama?!
Četvrtak, 5. oktobar
Jugoslovenski muškarci doživeli su sinoć još jedan poraz.Nadamo se da im još dugo neće pasti na pamet da ponovo skidaju pantalone.
Savremeni fudbal traži izuzetne napore, kako od igrača i trenera tako i od gledalaca.Sazreli su uslovi da nam i gledaoci postanu profesionalci, da budu plaćeni za ono što gledaju.
Četvrtak, peti oktobar, sumorno jutro posle poraza.Pošteni i samokritični ljudi misle o tomekakodase ubiju, a nepošteni i nesamokritični merkaju kog bimogli ubiti.
Sinoć smo gledali televizijsku emisiju o mitu i korupciji.Gledali smo i mislili – koga li su morali podmititi nateleviziji da tako nešto uđe u program.
Budite pametni i ne insistirajte mnogo na pameti.Glupo je biti pametan tamo gde bolje prolazi glupost.
Ona i on imaju utisak da se vole.A da li se zaista vole, to mogu saznati jedino ako se
venčaju. Dakle, rešili su da se uzmu i da u bračnoj praksiprovere svoje utiske.Za to vreme stanovaće kod njegovih, a hraniti sekod njenih.
Koje neposredno – koje posredno, od automobila živinekoliko miliona ljudi.A umire neuporedivo manje.
Savremene mlade žene ne rađaju decu već unuke.Da bi bake i deke imale bar unuke kad već nemaju decu.
Petak, 6. oktobar
Ima li u Beogradu gospode? Ima.To su oni drugovi koji su se oženili gospođama.
Volite se ljudi, ali ne preterujte u tome.Kad dođete do kritične granice, prelazite na žene.
Neki roditelji isplaćuju svojoj deci dodatak za odvojeniživot. Kad krenu ujutru u svoje profesionalne i ličneavanture, ostavljaju im novac na kuhinjskom stolu.
Među zidove kalemegdanske tvrđave smešten je Beogradski zoološki vrt.Jadne životinje liče na ratne zarobljenike.
Debelima treba zabraniti da se rekreiraju.Tek kad potroše zalihe sopstvenog sala, imaju pravada konkurišu za zajedničko zelenilo i vazduh.
Danas svaka šuša ima bar jedna kola i bar jednu šušinicukoja se šminka na retrovizoru.To jeste grozno i strašno.Ali je još strašnije to što smo počeli da im zavidimo.
Subota, 7. oktobar
Danas je subota, dan kad se svađaju svi oni koji to nestižu da rade tokom nedelje.
Danas se nastavlja fudbalsko prvenstvo. U Beogradu ćeigrati Partizan protiv Veleža.Eto prilike da, najzad, i naši pobede – ili Partizanili Velež, svejedno, samo da nije neka strana ekipa ilireprezentacija.
Zaoštrava se borba protiv alkoholizma, zabranjeno jereklamiranje svih alkoholnih pića.Mi smo protiv takve politike.Treba omogućiti nekim alkoholičarima i pušačimada propadnu kako bi drugi mogli da žive i rade.
Jedan i jedinstveni Duško Radović. Njegovi aforizmi su i dan danas