Earthquakes at Home...

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2 years ago

If you have school-age children, this topic may be of interest to you. Before I continue, I would like to ask you a series of questions: 


Have you noticed any difficulties with your child's learning at home? Has the classroom teacher said anything to you about it? How have you noticed your child's learning at school? Is your child happy and cheerful when he/she goes to school? Does your child have difficulty completing homework or chores at home? Do you notice certain behavioral problems that your child exhibits at home, at school, or when interacting with other children?

 Depending on your answer to these questions, they may suggest screening for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 

 As children grow older, they develop attention and self-control in the activities they perform, and they learn these skills with the help of parents and teachers. However, the ability to pay attention, be quiet, calm, listen to instructions, or wait in turn and in order does not improve in some children as they get older. When these characteristics continue and begin to cause problems at home, at school or with other children, it may be a disorder.   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder of a neurobiological nature, centered on a failure in the development of brain circuits that support inhibition and self-control. It is detected in childhood and affects throughout life.

 ADHD is a disorder that makes it very difficult for children to concentrate, pay attention, and sit still. Although some children are primarily inattentive, other children are predominantly hyperactive and impulsive, most children with ADHD have a combination of both. They generally have difficulty learning and socializing, which can affect their social and academic life into adulthood.

To make the diagnosis of ADHD, two fundamental conditions must be studied: the coexistence of various symptoms (inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity) and that they manifest themselves in two or more social environments of the child, such as at home, at school or in the circle of friends. Interviews with parents, reports from the classroom teacher, psychologist, pediatrician and at different times in the child's life are required to systematically reevaluate the child's situation and environment, since there is no medical or radiological test that guarantees the diagnosis. The age to determine the condition of ADHD is set at 7 years of age, since until the age of 6 years the children do not present fixed behavioral patterns. Symptoms after the age of 7 years must manifest themselves in a constant and prolonged manner, causing, in addition, evident problems in social relationships and school performance. 

 ADHD is most often diagnosed in children of school age. The symptoms they present are almost always observed by the teacher who attends the child in the classroom, since they affect their school life, being the most notable symptoms according to the main characteristics of the disorder, are mentioned below:

  1. Lack of attention: they have difficulty to focus their attention, concentrate and stay focused on a task for lapses of more than half an hour, often avoid tasks that require constant mental effort. They often don't seem to be listening, miss details, make mistakes, and don't finish what they start.  They do not remember where they put their things, notebooks, pens, they are disorganized.

  2. Hyperactivity: they are restless, they are in constant movement, they probably have difficulty sitting still or being quiet, they talk too much, they get bored easily, they rush through activities and make careless mistakes or do not finish them, at recess or rest time they cannot remain calm, they often play violently when they should not do so.

  3. Impulsivity: they frequently act and talk without stopping, interrupt, respond before the teacher has finished the question, may push or grab other children and have difficulty waiting in line. They may take things that do not belong to them without asking permission, have difficulty waiting for things.

 Parents, if you observe your child's behavior and believe that he or she may have ADHD, I suggest that you first consult with a pediatrician or your family physician. It is important to first have a medical evaluation to detect possible causes of your child's behavior. There are no specific tests for ADHD. Your doctor can refer you to a specialist, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist or pediatric neurologist, to begin treatment as soon as possible. Your pediatrician can offer long-term treatment to help your child. As a parent, you have a very important role to play in supporting and adhering to your child's treatment.

  You, as a parent, can maintain a structured environment at home with clear rules of acceptable behavior for your child both at home and in other social settings. The psychologist can provide guidance in controlling specific behaviors. 

 Parent, if your child is diagnosed with ADHD, I suggest you research everything concerning your child's condition, learn everything about ADHD. It is very important that you follow the medical treatment, always on the recommended schedule and dosages. Keep all therapy appointments, psychological and behavioral, designed to support your child in learning to focus attention and curb impulsive behavior. Maintain contact with the classroom teacher, the school may offer psychological counseling, assess the child's needs, and monitor the child's progress in the classroom. Focus on your child's strengths and positive qualities. And as a final suggestion, join a support organization to meet and network with other parents with similar experiences and share knowledge and experiences for the common good of the whole family.



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Avatar for rodriguezpct
2 years ago


Thanks for sharing!.

Welcome to, @gertu13 's sister. 🧡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

alguna vez pensé que mi hijo podía tener deficit de atención pero luego la doctora me dijo que no era así. es solo que era un niño inquieto y normal

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for sharing all this information. My son is already in his last years of school-age. And among his friends from school, there are a couple of them who have ADHD. And it is exactly how you describe them. Saludos!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

With this detailed explanation I have no doubt that people who had no knowledge of these forms will now have everything clearer. Including me.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge on the subject as a special care educator.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks sis. thanks a lot for your comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a more detailed post about one subject talked about by someone here which I forgot the name, my bad. If I come across it again I'll reference you both :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you find it because it'd be interesting to read that post.. thanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Greetings friend, a very interesting and very important article for all parents, uncles, grandparents, today, I would dare to say that there is no child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and after so many days of being locked up at home for the matter of the pandemic, much faster. The work that will be done with the children will be much greater than before.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks a lot for your comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago