The Best Advice Is The One You Give To Yourself

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2 years ago

I tried all my best to make David stop smoking, but the more i talked to him the more he went on doing it, i became tired and gave him his way, he was living his life, as he likes, to me, i see what he did as a hell of a life, because such attitudes would add nothing to him but would rather make him, see his self below life expectations at the end.


At some point It became very insultive to me and at point, i let it slip away, but something also happened that got me confused, it was on Monday and through out that whole week, David could not smoke a bit of Indian cigary, i was observing him as if it was nothing, i refuse to says anything about his new mood, at the early stage, but I could not control it anymore, as i asked him, what is the matter with your usual way of life?. He smiled and look at me.


And replied, i smoke no more Brother, i asked am i hearing this right? what did just said? you stop smoking? WOW! i dance, today must be a good day to celebrate, because i always note that anyyy done with utmost time would soon slope away, not like smoking is not done anywhere else but David make his own an habit which seems irritating to me when considering the negative side of smoking, but here it nice and awesome since be can control the habit, have you ever read what is written on cigarettes?

He smiled and looked at me , hugged me so tight and from that moment, i could realized that, the best advice is the one you give to yourself.


When a person mind is set to go on doing a particular thing, no matter what you Said, he / she would not see reasons to change from that particular attitudes but when he alone learnt of what he did, maybe see that it is not right, you would see him change and never to look back at it, but when you are the one pushing him to stop with all your efforts, you would rather push him to somewhere else he wouldn't have been but allowing him to make his choice and later stop is awesome and a good way of making them see why they should behave Normal, to me, i strongly believe In freedom, if i see you are happy with what you are doing, i let you to it, because i see happiness as everything on earth, an happy heart is a healthy soul and a healthy soul can as well make another man happy, then life would be great and good as ever.

$ 2.24
$ 2.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for repayme4568
2 years ago


Some people also give themselves bad advice tho

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are right bro, therefore, in that case, we need to draw closer to them, talk to them and make them see reasons why they should correct their ways, I know It may take some times to have this done but as far as we stick to the reasons, one-day they may see reasons with us and change for good.

Thank you so much for your time Brother 🥰🥰🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome bro... Expect my sponsorship soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much 🥰 for your kindness, I am so so so happy 🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome

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2 years ago