Celebrating my Uniqueness.

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2 years ago

To be unique is something to be proud about, is something to cherish and celebrate because it allows one to separate oneself from the bunch, not diminishing their many virtues of course.

Many might find that statement a little pretentious but it's right, I mean, don't you feel uplifted when knowing you have a brighter imagination than your peers, or can draw very well, or those who are masters in the crypto world, don't you feel more special?You should because you are, and there's nothing wrong about it as long as you don't use it to hurt or stump on other people.

Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/es/photos/sombrilla-amarillo-negro-blanco-1588167/

Yesterday while I was surfing through Hive's feed, laughing about an episode I had with my sister and an Exploding Egg, I was looking and reading to get distracted from the smell. I'll tell you, no matter how many liters of bleach and disinfectant or Glade you pour, that smell can last like the Energizer batteries.

Anyways, I found this Weekend-Engagement Posting Topics and started to think, Am I strange, am I quirky, am I loud?, etc, my habits, and I don't think much about those because they are habits, they are part of my daily life so much, that they are built up in me.

Nevertheless I decided to give it a go, just one this weekend, and celebrate that trade that makes me strange, peculiar, odd, but unique amongst my friends and family.

Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/es/photos/la-honestidad-fondo-de-pantalla-2593757/

I'm brutally honest, and that makes me strange and unique, at least amongst my circle.

You see, all my life I've been the kind of obedient person who plays by the rule book and keeps quiet before their superiors, etc, but that doesn't necessarily mean I don't raise my voice to say some truths, as ugly as they might be.

When I was in the 4th grade, I had an understudy teacher who was just amazing-She was caring, and wise and always treated us nice, but the time came for the real teacher to return and she was like the worse, like Miss Trunchbull, big and cranky, she was very different to the other one and the whole classroom resented her and our grades dropped.

One day, she summoned a meeting with our parents, and while that meeting was taking place the whole class was playing outside when one of my "friends" asked me if I knew what was going on. I said:

I don't know but that stupid lady must be talking about us.

Yes, I called her stupid.

In my defense, I was 9 and I was mad, and I didn't like her!. I know of course it was wrong, but I was a little kid, so cut me some slack.

The meeting ended and it was time for us to return to class, and the teacher, Gladys was her name, started to explain what she was talking about with our parents, and then asked if either one of us had something to share with her about the way she teaches, and my "friend" raised her hand and said:

I love you miss, but Rebeca here said you are stupid.

She looked at me and asked me if that was true, so I stood up and said:

Yes, I think you are stupid and I don't like you one bit.

That earned me a big scolding from my mom, who was still at the school when the teacher went to the principal's office to ask them to call her. After that, Miss Gladys understood the situation and changed her tactics and we became very close, I learned a lot from her and that episode became a very funny anecdote for both of us.

Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/es/photos/profesor-aprendiendo-escuela-4784917/

Being honest isn't a burden or a curse, like a friend told me some years ago because she said I scared men away by being too honest about what I was seeing about their intentions towards me.Let me explain, I don't like being lied to, period, so if a guy wants to pick me up and starts with the whole "I'll give you the moon and stars" just to get in my pants, and it's more than obvious, I would definitely call him out and ask him to speak frankly about his intentions, and it is my call if I agree or not, but dude, don't try to sell me the lovey-dovey fairy tale just to get 11 minutes in heaven.

I just can't help it, I call it as I see it, because I prefer that than getting my hopes up, giving in, and getting disappointed, so that tactic helped me to sort out the keepers from the rest, and I ended up with very good friends because of that.

Being honest has brought me some trouble as well because not everybody likes to be called out to on their flaws, not that I go at it with intentions of humiliating people or anything, I do it in a secure environment, where I can be as open as I can while avoiding a scene in front of an audience, but even if I try to hold it in, sometimes I just can't, and people have put some distance because of me and my mouth, even knowing I don't mean to disrespect anyone.

However, I'm not ashamed about it, on the contrary, I feel is a rare trade to find in people these days, and I celebrate it, because as I said before, not all like or want to be called out, many prefer living a fairy tale in their heads even if reality looks the exact opposite, some people like to pretend to know all, or bend like a twig just to make everybody like them, but that's not healthy, and it can bring more trouble at the end.

The phrase "A lie that makes you happy is better than a bitter truth" is false, and the faster we understand that the brighter our lives can be.

Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/es/photos/verdad-realidad-letras-palabra-4557661/


This article was previously posted on my Hive.Blog page.

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February 26th, 2022.

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2 years ago


Todos somos únicos, y algunos están locos y otros somos realmente locos, pero si eso nos hace feliz, ¿Que más da? Siempre y cuando no lastimemos a los demás.

Con respecto a la sinceridad, a muchas personas les gustan que le digan bonitas mentiras y no la verdad. A veces también soy demasiado sincera y la gente me ve mal, pero detesto mentir, si digo la verdad y suele ser horrible, no puedo hacer nada, es la verdad, no mentiré con palabras lindas.

Tu historia me hizo recordar algo que pasó en la universidad... También he sido muy amable y paciente con profesores horribles, pero un día solo llegué a mi límite e insulté a un profesor. Resulta que la clase de ese profesor era desde las 7:30 am hasta las 12, demasiado tiempo para una clase fastidiosa, el profesor llegaba tarde y no daba realmente clases, solo hablaba de como en su juventud tenía sexo con diferentes mujeres y hablaba muchas vulgaridades, a veces salíamos tarde por sus cuentos asquerosos y luego de eso yo tenía que ir a trabajar con niños, ¿Como me voy con esos horribles recuerdos?, era horrible esa clase de la cuál no estaba aprendiendo nada... Recuerdo el último día que fui, estuve aproximadamente 30 minutos en su clase y me paré y me fui hacia la puerta, el profesor nos encerraba con llave y decía que no podíamos salir hasta que el nos diera permiso, no eramos niños pequeños, eramos universitarios que íbamos a mitad de la carrera... Pero ese día me pare y abrí la puerta, el profesor me dijo "¿A donde vas?, la clase aún no termina" y le dije "No quiero seguir viendo la clase de un viejo payaso asqueroso" y me fui jajaja luego de eso empezaron a haber protestas en el país y sobretodo en esa universidad, haciendo que prácticamente cerrara, así que jamás volví a esa universidad. Recuerdo que luego me encontré con varios compañeros y me preguntaron que por qué hice eso, y se los dije "ustedes siempre se reían de sus asquerosos cuentos, los cuáles no eran nada buenos, estábamos perdiendo tiempo y no nos enseñaba nada, no podía seguir en ese lugar", más nunca me hablaron jajaja

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow, fue valiente de tu parte hacer eso, yo también tuve episodios así con profesores que creen que tienen a Dios agarrado por la chiva, que abusan de su poder y no enseñan nada.

La verdad nos hará libres dicen por ahí y es así, uno no puede andar por la vida viviendo y diciendo mentiras solo por no incomodar a otros. Mientras se haga con educación y respeto a la individualidad de cada quien, siempre es mejor hablar con la verdad, así un encuentra que los pocos amigos que tiene son de verdad, que los compañeros de trabajo que siguen a tu lado a pesar de los problemas, de verdad te aprecian, que la familia que sigue en contacto contigo a pesar de los años y la distancia, te quiere y te acepta como eres, más allá del nexo sanguíneo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Realmente me dio mucho miedo después, pero no podía seguir viendo clases así, me sentía muy mal. Por supuesto, todo debe llevar la educación por delante, pero cuando ves que la persona no es educada, hay que pensarlo muy bien antes de decir algo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can almost hear the sensitive people out there if only they can read this. People these days don't like being honest for you will be canceled. You will be bashed instead if you are honest. People can't handle the truth.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha I have several current examples, especially one who lives almost threatening everyone with her heart condition so nobody dares to tell her the truth about how horrible person she can be. She's rude and entitled and treats everyone according to what they can do for her, really disgusting. I just walked away from her because I know that she won't be able to handle me telling her a few things, she won't understand, and it'll be like rain in the water.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes, being honest will set the person free. We should not live in lies, but we can always say in the nicest way if it is a bad trait.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Absolutely right, it must always be done with the most respect, not aiming to insult or anything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love honesty, but sometimes its also okay to just ignore some things. I didn't say lie, I said ignore

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha if I know I don't remember you kind of thing? Yes, sometimes is better to keep it shut and keep walking.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Totally agree with the quotes, it's always better to tell the painful lies than to make her/him feel the sweetest lie.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's right, it might be painful, but it is worse to wake up one day and realize that you've living a total lie.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I celebrate honesty. And I like honest people. I am honest. Although sometimes, depending on the situation I just don't give my opinion if I don't think it worth getting in trouble, so I just shut up my mouth.

I left you a message on discord. I read in a comment that your mom was sick, is she ok?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hi Eli! Yes, honesty is best, but sometimes it's better to keep quiet, we know when it is worth the trouble or not. Sorry for the late response, the internet is awful 😞

$ 0.00
2 years ago