Unemployed Era!

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1 week ago

Hi guys! it's been a long time when I created an article or a long post here in read.cash. I only made a short post here because I don't know lol!🤪

For those who don't know yet who I am, I'm just a 20+ year old girl who just graduated last year and I've been here in this platform, I think for almost a year now? I am not sure anymore hehe.

Anyway, this article is all about the pressure I feel as an adult.

Let's start?

I just graduated last year and I had my first job a month or a weeks when I graduated. Yes! luckily the friend of my friend offer me us a work! So, I grab that chance to also make an experience. But, unfortunately, I got overwhelmed and felt tired even I only works with them a few months. Therefore, I decided to quit for almost 6 months.

Fast forward! I resigned and I am now an unemployed girlie who don't know what to do in her life or what work she wants to pursue. I have no work for almost 4 months now, but I still figuring it out what I want do...I'm such a disappointment right?

During my first month if being unemployed, I just relaxed and enjoyed my unemployment era. I didn't applied in any jobs and just enjoying the moment and my life.

However, I got tired and bored so I started to applied jobs on jobstreet and Indeed. I got so many calls and emails but I didn't responded to them because I feel so anxious when I received a calls with an unknown numbers or I picked up the call but I dropped it eventually because I not sure what to answer haha.

Fast forward again! When I realized that I should take that opportunities, I decided to overcome my fear and slowly doing what i can to face it. I picked up calls but there's still fear of rejections and doubt...Sometimes, I still didn't answer and let it rings but there also a time that I am looking forward to have an interview.

I will continue my story and make a part 2?

I got emotional while writing it...

Thank you and have a nice day to all! xoxo

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$ 0.01 from @Grecy095
Avatar for re-joyce
1 week ago


Hi sis, the same experience I have before. I was very eager to apply after I graduated, but I got frustrated and stop. I rested for 6 months and I applied again. My advice is take your time. You will feel you are ready one day

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1 week ago


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1 week ago