Someone quoted, "it's not a rejection, but a redirection." and I'm clinging to it.

It's not my first time to be rejected of something I really want. But the feelings when I got a no answer was worse than stabbing me to the heart. Rejection always hurts me.

It kills my confidence. It made me doubt my capabilities. It brushes all the faith I have given to myself. It made me give up real quick.

Is it that really hard to say yes to me? I've been asking that question lately. I prayed for a major yes in my life to drive me into something meaningful, enough to bring back the courage within me. And give a little twist to my life.

I hope it will happen. Maybe, in the least time I will expect it. Someday, I will be in the direction I was meant to be.

And that will be the happiest and biggest yes, I will be proud of.

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@re-joyce posted 2 months ago
