How I Spent my Christmas!

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1 year ago

How you all doing Read Cash Family? Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Even though Rusty's Christmas gift to us was not gave us smile on our face. But still, it doesn't in just like that, we need to be positive and continue our journey!

In this article I would like to share what did I do during and how I spent my Christmas Holliday!!

So here are the happenings during Christmas 2022.

Me and my sister together with our father bought meats at the morning. We bought pork, beef, and chicken, lettuce because we will have sampgupsal at home.

Also, my father's boss gave him a pig's head and they cooked at their house. They finished cooking it during afternoon. It taste delicious even without gravy sauce.

Of course, it tastes better with some alcoholic drinks haha. We started drinking at 6 pm or 7 pm, and it only has low alcohol percentage. It is like a "chillnuman" with chikahan session. Our topic during that night was our relatives who are two faces lol.

Then the next morning we cooked it as sinigang and lechon paksiw. I ate it even though I'm already full because I don't want it go to waste.

Before, we were only go to our aunt's house during Nochebuena because we don't have enough food to share with them. We don't have enough money to buy so much food. I remember, there was one time that we prepare a whole chicken and my mother just fried it. Then, we ate it together during Christmas eve. We were so happy back then and don't mind our other relatives who look down on us.

We celebrated Christmas in a very simple way. But still, we're so thankful that God gave us so much blessings that's why we had foods to eat table during Christmas and everyday!

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All images were mine.

That would be all! Thanks for reading this and stay tuned on my next article!

: Tuesday
: December 26, 2022
: Re-joyce

$ 0.23
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.03 from @Porwest
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1 year ago


Appears you had a great time. Food really does make us happy right, haha. So doesn't alcohol disrupt our taste buds? I'd think the food would be less flavorful, haha. I guess it would aid in eating more perhaps or trying something new, hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah it really make us happy haha. I don't know, but I prefer eating greasy foods while drinking alcohol😆

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I guess it is the experience washing down the grease and not caring 🤣😂🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

try it!it is like the ketchup thing lol🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Haha I forgot all about that

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Seems like you had a wonderful time, and good food. Not all of your food would have been suitable for my own table, but I also will not knock any of it either. lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah I had a wonderful time, hope you did too! Thanks for passing by!✨

$ 0.00
1 year ago