God's will is everything!

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1 year ago

In this article I would like to give you an encouragement for this week. May this helps you a little and comfort you whatever your situation right now. Happy Sunday read cash family!

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There's nothing who beat if it is God's will, you don't have to forced it because he already hold the things in our lives. If the things that we are asking for too long still not happening yet, He will make you realized some things and it will begin to makes sense. Everything will come naturally according to his plan, his way, and his perfect timing.

Sometimes if things get heavy in our life we cried too much to ask God to show up now and help us. But, the problem is we often compare our life to others that lead us to envy them that can caused us to pity ourselves and questioned Him. But, He has a better plan for us and he will not harm us, but rather, promised to gave us a hope and a future.

Revelation 3:8

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

This scriptures means that there's nothing that he doesn't know, he knows everything about us, our strengths or weaknesses. He gave opportunities to those who believed him and we should use it to faithfully served Him. We need to kept his words and believed in Him.

It's the season of open door, not closed one. If it's closed, it's probably not your door. So don't compare, because He have something bigger and best that reserved just for you!

There's nothing that he doesn't know, he knows everything about us, our strengths or weaknesses. He gave opportunities to those who believed him and we should use it to faithfully served Him. We need to kept his words and believed in Him.

This time, God is making certain that there are no more delays, closed doors, or unexpected turns. Everything will fall to its  place. Things will start to turn in your favor.

Therefore, you should always have hope in Him and drop all your worries. He orchestrates everything. Your situation may not look like what He promised but the way it seems is not always the way God sees it.

Trust His plan, so is His timing. He's working it now for your good.

You will be safer in God's will, give your worries, pain, sufferings and let Him handle everything!

Sponsors of re-joyce

That's all! I hope you enjoy reading it!

Let me know your about this article, just comment down below!

May you all have a wonderful week days!

# 25
: Sunday
: September 4, 2022
: Re-joyce

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$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
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1 year ago


Yes my friend. We should keep believing in Him. God always with us. He will listen to us. God never ignore us, we must showed to him that we trust him. We must be faithful to Him.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Faithful as He is!❣️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes sis a big true. 😇

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes have trust in the lord. You are right about envying, we need not do that and let God guide us by being good people. Take care and see ya around 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes indeed! Thankyou my friend! Have a great week!

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1 year ago