Friday Thoughts: Face to Face Classes

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I know some students or parents here which childrens are now back to school and attending their classes in person. I guess, you all have worries at first because there are still contagious diseases like pandemic and monkey pox which we can possibly get outside. But, we don't have a choice so we must just assess our surroundings and always take safety precautions such as wearing mask, bringing and using alcohol.

Studying online have its pros and cons and it depends on the views of people about that topic. It might be helpful for others as they can save enough money while some preferred to study in person because they said that there's no learning at all in online. However, we shouldn't forget about those unprivileged ones who don't have a choice and put ourselves in their shoes.

As for my school, they are proposing to have the in person classes for higher year level this upcoming week. The first and second year were already held their classes at school, this semester. Also, those course who have their labs are required to go to school to attend their class.

Personally, I don't want to go back yet because it very costly haha. I think, I've shared already my worries about this to my previous article. But, now it really worries me too much because the prices of good nowadays are very expensive and even the transportation fare. Also, if ever we will conduct our feasibility study or we might create an actual product then sell it to our target consumers. Aside from that, we will printed our thesis paper then hard bound it. My expenses might be double and I can't handle it with my own money but I also don't want to asked for my parents though.

I am hoping that face to face classes for higher year will moved next semester so that I can prepare more, financially and emotionally haha. We have our on the job training next semester, so I should save enough money for my  expenses.

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That's all, I just want to share what I'm thoughts about it😅

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

# 61
: Friday
: October 14, 2022
: Re-joyce

$ 1.64
$ 1.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
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