Final Exam+Other "Ganap"

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1 year ago

Happy Friday, Read Cash Community!

I've been inactive in this platform for a few days because I was busy at school. I didn't get a chance to published an article even I tried to. I did a lot of things this whole week and school stuffs pre occupied most of my time.

Anyways, let me go it in details with this article. Let's get started!

Editing Video

I think, I posted about my rant while editing our video presentation last weekend. It was the video about the farmer we interviewed last time. I edited it for almost two days and I didn't get a proper sleep because of it.

Then, when I finished it, the other member of our group was burned it in a CD, just like our professor said. After that, I was also the one printed a cover page wherein it only includes, name of the leader and members that will be put in our CD. It is not required but I still did it to make our CD presentable. It was already printed when I noticed that our names doesn't have space to each other. But, I didn't print it again because I also need to review for our quiz next meeting.

The most annoying part was, my members was laugh at it and "jokingly" said to me that "I didn't fix the print for cover page" and their names. The payment for printing was free and they don't have anything to pay, but they still complained.

Presentation (Franchise Business)+Quiz

Last Wednesday, we has our business presentation in our subject, Franchising. We will choose a franchise business that we want to open in the future. But before that, we had our quiz and I didn't get enough time to study well because I was doing our cover page.

So, we our the first presenter and it was nerved wracking. Even though it was my second time standing in front of many people, I was nervous. I'm still building my confidence that was lost for 2 years because of pandemic as we only held our classes through online.

Final Examination 2 Subjects Done!

We had our final examination in our Feasibility subject yesterday. It sacrificed my 8 hours of sleep to review and study the computation part. But, in the end I didn't get the correct answer. I got confused and missed a point something on one item.

Earlier, we take our final exam in our Agriculture subject. I was a bit confident with this one because there's no a complicated computation haha. It has computation but only subtraction haha, you only less the price then the raw materials.

We have remaining 3 final exam and I will try to ace those subjects!✨

I hope you enjoy reading this and stay tuned on my next article!

Let me know your thoughts about this, just comment it down below!

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: December 16, 2022

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