Filipino Snacks for Merienda that you should try!

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Avatar for re-joyce
2 years ago

Foods makes everyone happy, as our body need more nutrients to function well, and to obtain energy. Just like mobile phone that are running out of battery, thus human also need to be recharged.

Snacks is food is a portion of food often smaller than a regular meals and generally eaten between a meals. It is has different form depending on which country are you in. For example, some Americans prefer chips, but other countries prefer chocolates as a snacks.

As for Filipinos, we love eating snacks at midmorning, including merienda in the afternoon and we have variety of flavors in snacks, from sweet up to spicy. The most popular snacks among Filipinos are the street foods that makes our country unique.

Sharing with you my Top 5 favorite Filipino Snacks:

1. Halo-Halo

It is composed of crushed ice, and ingredients such as, "ube" or purple jam, leche plan, sweet beans, fruits, milk, and other flavorings that depends on the seller. It is perfect for beating the summer heat or to cool off our mouth after eating a spicy meal.

It always brings back childhood memories when my cousins, siblings, an me will bought halo-halo during summer or after we play outside.

2. Chicharon (pork rinds)

Chicharon is salted deep-fried pork belly and usually have as a "pulutan" here in the Philippines. But, my family have it as a snack sometimes haha. I live in Bulacan, which know for being the chicharon capital of Philippines, therefore we have it anytime, anywhere lol. Other provinces also produces their own version of chicharon, so Filipinos will never run our reason to eat this crispy and tasty snacks. It really taste better if you dip it with red chili, garlic, and vinegar.

3. Turon and Banana Cue

This two are very similar, they are both made from banana coated with brown sugar that make them a favorite sweet and delightful snack. Their only difference is that turon is wrapped with "Popiah" or generally known as spring roll wrappers which are paper like skins, while banana cue doesn't have it but you will need skewers to hold them properly.

I really like the crisp the turon wrapper gave because it is like I'm doing ASMR (Autonomic sensory meridian response). Kidding aside, I love it because it is not too sweet and it fits to what I want.

4. Tusok-Tusok

Tusok is a tagalog word for poke. There are lot of food fall under this deep fried street foods such as; deep fried, fish ball, squid ball, kikiam, kwek-kwek. It can eaten by sticking your skewers to through the pieces of your preferred food then dip it into the sauce. 

It always reminds me of my pre-pandemic life as student. Wherein, this my favorite snack after school and I always have it with my friends. This is common to see in schools or in street as many vendors sell it.

5. Ihaw-Ihaw

Here's the another repeated words that Filipino were made lol. Ihaw-Ihaw is a variety of grilled food on a skewers. Falling on this category are grilled animal's part that you will never believe to be edible such as; pig's intestine, blood from pork or chicken, chicken heads, and feet.

But, all of these are very delicious and cleaned thoroughly before it put into skewer and grilled. My favorite is the most popular Isaw, or the chicken intestine that are very flavorful and if you taste it for the first time, you won't think that it is a scrap from parts of the chicken.

That's all! I hope you enjoyed this article!

Thanks for reading!


I know there are lot of best Filipino snacks we have, so feel free to share about your favorite merienda, by commenting below!

If you are from different country, you should try it if you visit the Philippines!

Let me know your thoughts about it! :)

All photos were edited by me using Canva

# 7
: Monday
: August 15, 2022
: Re-joyce

$ 0.31
$ 0.18 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Laurenceuuu
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
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Avatar for re-joyce
2 years ago


Very good perspective on snacks in your culture. So wish I could try some. The banana cue, turon, and halo-halo have my taste buds really curious 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You should try it when you visit the Philippines, our country have many exotic food to offer! :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Someday if Im lucky enough. I have recently found a good Filipina restaurant in my area so now I can see if some of these items are on the menu

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh come on, among the list, what I love the most are 3, 4, 5.

But turon is my favorite!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah! I love Turon because it is not that sweet compare to other Filipino sweet delicacies...😋

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love turon and banana cue. Followed by halo-halo and then tusok tusok. Least favorite is chicharon. Di ko bet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think, because chicharon is mostly eaten for pulutan?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Coz it's too salty. Titikim lang ako isa pero gang yan lang.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All these foods you've mentioned is my favorite my friend. Especially the Halo-halo. It's the best then the ihaw or barbecue. In our homeplace we were always buying barbecues.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes! halo-halo is perfect after eating a spicy or savory food!😋

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes yes my friend that's true. Halo-halo is the best. The Halo-halo of Mang Inasal is perfect also.

$ 0.00
2 years ago