Exams were over: Busy Week!

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1 year ago

Hello Read dot Cash Community! How are you all doing? I am not consistent in posting an article here for fast few days because this week has been a hell for me as a student.

In this article, I would like share with you all the things that happened to me this fast week. I think, most of the college students here can relate to this haha.

This week, we had our midterm examination, a test to examine the knowledge of the student at the midpoint of the course. My test anxiety heightened as I prepare for our exam and thesis papers.


We had a quiz in our Franchising subject and I reviewed it on Sunday night. This was me looking crazy on monday because of the many things to study haha. I was finding some snacks to eat and I found these little oranges in kitchen then I took a photo with them lol.

Then after our class at 4pm, me and my sister passed the requirements needed for our scholarship grant. But, we haven't get our allowance yet, it was schedule on November 16, 2022. So, we just take our merienda in the street wherein we saw a food stall who has been selling "Chichow" or chicken proben and gulaman, so we bought a cups of those.


We don't have a class last Tuesday because our class President asked our professor if it was okay to her that we didn't go to her class. Also, she was only our prof that day because the other one already cancelled their class. But still, I prepared for our exam on Wednesday afternoon.


This day, we don't a have a class in the morning because our professor said that she will not discuss any lesson and just maximize our time to review for her subject. So, I took an advantage to review for our midterm in one of our subject which was Professional Salesmanship. I not so confident in the essay part because I don't know if I understand the question correctly haha.

On the evening, I tried to studied the other subjects but I got distracted with our dog's toy lol! 🤣


We had midterms with 3 subjects in that day which were, Services Marketing, Agricultural Marketing, and Entrepreneurship. On the first subject, we are exempted to it because our professor was held an observation in our class last month and we did great on it, as most if us participate in his discussion. He was satisfied in our active participation during that day so he said that we can choose between Preliminary or Midterm Exam, and of course we choose Midterm haha.

I didn't get a chance to study more in Entrepreneurship, because I was frustrated to many things to studied and I breakdown. But, after that, I fixed and motivate myself so I continue to review the remaining two subjects.


Franchising was the last midterm exam we  we took last week. We are not allowed to use calculator on computing the Profit, Loss and Balance Sheet. Therefore, we just compute it manually so I had a hard time on that part. I am not also confident on my answer.

I will update you all to the result of my Midterm Examination Scores haha. I hope, I passed all my exams and got a nice scores though.

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I hope you enjoy reading this and stay tuned on my next article!

Let me know your about this, just comment down below!

# 85
: Sunday
: November 13, 2022
: Re-joyce

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago


Nakapasa ka nun sis. Tiwala lang. Grabe yung manual. Walang calculator. Parang ang sarap ng kinain niyo sis.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Salamat sis! isa pa lang result at pasado hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Congratulations sis. You're welcome.

$ 0.00
1 year ago