Communication is important to be successful at work

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1 year ago
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The things I will share in this article is only my perspective as a student. But, communication can also be applied in a school organization, classroom, or even a small groupings.

I believe one thing we all have in common is the desire to be succeed in life. When we are young we have our own dreams that we want to fulfill and as a kid, we might think that if we achieved all of those dream and goals, we will became successful. But, it depends on the understanding of people or how they view success because we all have our own definition of it and the meaning of it is really broad.

However, when we grow up we will enter in a working world wherein we can meet many  people with different personalities. At first, we might feel uncomfortable or have difficulty in adjusting to that new environment. So, communication or communicating to your colleagues will help you to better understand them and a situations.

Why communication is important to be successful at work?

It is important because it helps us overcome diversities, build trust and respect, and create conditions for sharing creative ideas and solving problems.

Technical skills is one the the things that many companies looking for and it plays and important role in securing a job. But, it is not enough to only have those, communication skills or a soft skill is also needed. You can do your job  effectively and efficiently if you can communicate well to your work mates and understand the detail very well because you're not afraid to ask and share your thoughts or ideas.

Hence, it is hard to obtain that kind of skills if you're not a naturally good communicator. Personally, I am lack of this skill because I always felt nervous infront of many people and suddenly being shy. For some people, it make it easire to communicate because it is in their personality, but for othes like me, developing it can be a bit challenging.

Yet, it is possible for all us to obtain  this kind of soft skill. Nothing is impossible if we are willing to develop this characteristics.

Overall, having a strong communication skills aids us to be successful in our professional life. It enables us to overcome differences, create conditions for sharing creative ideas and problem solving in our workplace.

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I hope you all enjoyed reading, learned something to this and have a wonderful weekend!

Let me know your about this article, just comment down below!

# 65
: Tuesday
: October 18, 2022
: Re-joyce

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$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.01 from @Abisolami
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1 year ago


I still consider myself an introvert. I have come a long way but I'm older though 🤣 I found to break the shell you have to speak up. The more you do it the easier it gets. I struggle with big groups still.

Communication is very important in the work place. Actually it's important in every aspect of life.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah we shouldn't keep our thoughts to our self only, we need to voice out what we want to say and object if we see something wrong...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

One thing I have learnt in an organisation is that we all need to communicate to each other for the growth of the work. If there is no communication there is no way the work will move forward

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Aide from growing yourself at work, you can also contribute to the growth of the company by having harmonious relationship at your workplace...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Me too langga. Introvert ako kaya ang hirap. Pero pag tumagal na magiging close mo din sila kaya mahalaga talaga ang communication Joyce.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

truth naexperience ko na a din yan nung nag immersion kami nung highschool, hirap sa una pero masasanay din😉

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Totoo Joyce. Mahirap lang talaga pag bago pa tas masasanay rin sa huli.

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1 year ago