Flower power

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Avatar for rayselp
2 years ago

If you will choose what kind of flower are you, what will it be?

As for me, I don't have anything in particular when I was younger. Maybe it was red roses at first for this is the most common flower that I see when a man courts a woman, or especially during the high school prom, etc. I didn't even realize that there are so many other kinds of flowers out there to choose from.

When I was in college, I decided that I like to receive a solitary white rose, I don't know but I guess until now, I like the idea of a flower just being on its own, no other decorations whatsoever needed. To some it may seem it lacks "presentation" but for me, the simplicity of it tells everything. So, what does the rose flower mean?

  • Roses are almost always related to romance. I came across this website telling what the color and the number of the rose mean. For example, red roses symbolize love and romance. Pink rose which when translated to Filipino is "kulay rosas na rosas" , (okay, don't argue with me coz that's true. Lol) means gratitude, grace, and joy. A white rose means purity and innocence. Yellow rose means friendship, while an orange rose means passion and enthusiasm. The website also mentioned the meaning of receiving a solitary rose which is love at first sight (I didn't know this.). Two roses mean shared and deep love, while three rose means "I love you", one stem for each word. Ten roses mean "you're perfect". I wonder what a dozen means though.

It was changed later on when my crush back then introduced me to Gerbera, a kind of daisy that's gaining more popularity now. This one's a photo from my partner who I haven't seen for 8 months now (LDR sucks, y'know.). Anyway, he was not the crush back then that I was referring to, but he knew I liked these flowers. I remember during my birthday in 2015, we were not yet officially back together (we broke up for two years, but that's a different story), and I found a bouquet of pink gerbera flowers on my work table. Oh, how lovely!

  • Gerbera flowers, just like roses come in various colors. But overall, gerbera flowers' meaning always leans toward happiness. Some say that this flower lessens the sorrows and stresses of daily life. Gerbera means that you're grateful and happy with the life you're given and you want to make the most out of it. The orange gerbera in particular means sunshine of life. Well, it kinda matches because my name has the "Ray" in it, like the sun's rays which definitely illuminate the world. Pink gerberas (the ones I got from 2015) mean admiration and adoration. Now, I know why I received such. Lol.

The next on the list is something that I get to be fond of because I am in Japan, and it was the first time that I get to see its real beauty in person. Of course, you got it right, it's the sakura or cherry blossom!

  • Cherry blossom or "sakura" is an important flower in Japan because this is the highlight of spring which means a time of renewal. Cherry blossom viewing or "hanami" is a popular activity where people gather under the sakura trees, eating or drinking while enjoying the beauty of the flowers. The sakura only blossoms for a little while, for only around two weeks, which can also symbolize that beauty is fleeting... so never miss to show your appreciation, don't wait to show it, or else it will be gone sooner than you thought.

Another flower that I was able to buy from the local market here in Japan is tulips. I got two stems for only about 250 yen! I can't believe that I'll be able to buy a stem or two because, in the Philippines, this is rather expensive type of flower.

  • Tulips are special because it means deep, perfect, and pure love. Just like cherry blossoms, tulips bloom at the beginning of spring, thus, it also symbolizes rebirth or renewal. In the Victorian period, tulips are also incorporated with charity. Thus, some charitable organizations use tulip flowers as their representation.

Another one that I was able to witness here in Japan would be the blossoming of the Hydrangeas, or as they call it in Japanese "Ajisai". I even went to a temple here in Nara known as Yatadera temple which is known to have beautiful hydrangeas which bloom in June.

  • Hydrangeas have different meaning in various cultures. Here in Japan, hydrangeas mean a very strong and heartfelt emotion, sometimes also even apology. It also symbolizes unity and togetherness. However, in European cultures, hydrangeas mean arrogance and boastfulness. This is because despite of producing many flowers, it's not able to produce lots of seeds. There are also different meaning of hydrangeas according to its color. The blue hydrangeas mean gratitude, understand, and apology. Pink ones are associated with romance, true and sincere emotions (yahoo! that's why I like pink!!), while purple hydrangeas mean pride and royalty.

To cap this article about flowers, I would like to tell you my most favorite flower at the moment, or maybe of all time. At first, I didn't like the idea of this because I thought well, this is common, but also uncommon at the same time... because before, I thought, no one has ever given this type of flower to someone... not until I received one from my partner, at the time when I least expected it - the sunflower!

  • Sunflowers, apart from its obvious brightness, symbolize longevity, loyalty, and faithfulness. It is regarded as a symbol of faithfulness/loyatly because of its tendency to follow the sun. To some cultures, sunflowers are regarded as a symbol of good fortune, vitality, intelligence, and happiness... and I couldn't agree more! I think this is the best flower the represents who I am - a person which booming with sunshine. I incorporate my name with it, and my partner's name as well. One of his names in his birth certificate is "Ra" which came from the Egyptian Sun god. I just found it amusing to know that while he is the Ra, the sun, the source, I am the Rays, the one exuding and illuminating its brightness. Anyway, I think sunflower is truly something that I can relate with, just like what my partner always says, I am a beam of sunshine to his life and to many other... so, yeah.

I hope you got to enjoy this article as much as I did. So, if ever you're feeling sad and blue, stop, pause for a while, and smell the flowers!


PS. All photo credits are mine.

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Avatar for rayselp
2 years ago


To be honest i have had not that much information related to flower which I got from your article. For me only the rose and sunflower were the only flowers in this place where I'm living m

$ 0.00
2 years ago

With this article, I realized that I don't actually like flowers that much. Like, I asked myself the same question as yours, but, turns out I really can't give answer to it haha. Anyway, Tulips look good. Nice context!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I understand. I mean you can have any other thing with its symbol to relate to. Thank you for dropping by!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My favorite color is red so this is what I like, the red rose seems to be the most popular. The combination of a beautiful red color with a beautiful rose-like flower is very attractive to look at. It is the traditional symbol of love and romance. It represents beauty and perfection. If the red is dark, it means hidden beauty.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow. I didn't know that dark red means hidden beauty. Thanks for sharing this information!

$ 0.00
2 years ago