Confirmed: I am positive.

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Avatar for rayselp
1 year ago
Topics: Random, Experiencies

Hello, folks!

How are you doing? I hope you're all healthy and well. I can't say the same for me because, as you may have known, my previous post was me thinking that I might be infected with Coronavirus. And well, yesterday, I had the chance to have my PCR test taken.

Results came out today, and I am, indeed, positive for COVID-19.

I won't say that I did not expect it. I was expecting it at all, though a little part of me is still hoping that this is just a worst case of flu, I was counting on the possibility that since I didn't get any fever, it's just like what I usually experience back in the Philippines.

But then again, this time, it is not.

I would like to share here some of my symptoms that began last August 14th.

  1. Itchy throat / sore throat

    • The first two days after the onset of my symptoms, I was feeling itchiness in my throat. I can't say that it's sore, because there's no pain when I swallow and whatnot, but I think it is considered a sore throat. So what I did was drink lots of water and ate candy that relieves the itchiness. After the second day, the itchiness comes and goes.

  2. Increase in body temperature

    • During the first night that I knew I was in close contact with someone with COVID-19, I checked my body temperature, and it increased up to 37.3 degrees Celsius. This is way above my normal temperature which ranges from 35.9-36.6 degrees Celsius. Of course, this is not fever yet, coz it'll only be considered when it's 37.5 degrees Celsius, but I took note of this because it's not normal for me to feel a bit chilly. The next day, I checked my body temperature again and the highest was 37.1 degrees Celcius. I think that this is already an indication of my becoming infected with the virus.

  1. A heavy feeling in my upper back

    • This is a common personal symptom that I experience when I know that I have phlegm in my lungs. I don't know that I feel pain in my shoulders and whole upper back whenever I have common colds/flu back in the Philippines. I usually ask for a home service massage to relieve the pain, but obviously, I can't do it here, and I can't do it right now coz of my current situation. The only difference is that I don't have a dry cough, and also no nasal congestion, thus, this phlegm that I feel right above my throat is not easily expelled out of my system. Thankfully, when I feel like there's a clog in my nostrils, I just inhale menthol and it's relieved. By the way, I also used this inhaler to relieve my sore and itchy throat (by inhaling. lol). I know many Filipinos are familiar with Vicks Inhaler as shown in the photo below.

  1. Fatigue

    • It's now my 6th day in isolation, and so far, no increase in body temperature, and no itchy throat, but I feel fatigued all over my body. Even stretching is a bit tedious but I still do it anyway. I also feel so sleepy, but this is maybe a side-effect of the medication that I'm taking. Hoping to flush out all this virus in my body at the soonest possible time!

Anyway, I am fighting COVID-19 with all my might. I also think that I have milder symptoms because I was able to get my booster shot done last August 1st. So, it's gonna be better, I will gonna be better, soon.

I know that some of you don't believe in vaccines, and that's understandable, but COVID-19 is real, guys, so please take extra care, wherever you are! Always disinfect, wash hands regularly, and wear a mask.


$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @Grecy095
Avatar for rayselp
1 year ago
Topics: Random, Experiencies


You can do it sis!! I had covid twice already and I really did my best to recover. However there are long disadvantage when you get Covid as mine is difficulty in breathing and I am always tired. But you can do it sis! Just do whatever makes you feel happy during isolation, don't feel sad as Covid triggers depression but you can do it!!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh, thank you. Been keeping myself busy in this time of isolation. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

My whole fam got it too last year when we don't have vaccine yet thats why symptoms are really worse and bad. I thought i won't make it coz my asthma made breathing extra hard. Anyway take care of yourself , Godspeed.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for the words of encouragement! Really means a lot. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You will be better my friend. 🙏 Yes my friend covid is true that's why my partner pushed me to take a vaccine because it will help me to fight those virus. It will prevent.

$ 0.00
1 year ago