Something is better than nothing

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1 year ago

Hi, good evening from Pakistan. I am happy today. After a very long period of time i am active on this beautiful blogging platform. Not only me, but my friends here have started writing here again. Meeting my ancient friends of is a source of happiness for me. Some of these beautiful authors are my most favorite including @Shohana @Coolmidwestguy @Amjad_Ali_Waince @Alther their content always remained a source of motivation for me.

All the above authors are the ones who write not very much lengthy content but short and very meaningful. Especially @Alther he is a hero and rising star of from whom i am very impressed the most. His articles are short (only 5 to six paragraphs) but really sensual. I alwaya tried to follow his rules actually his method in writing but i couldn't reach his level.

Even when people on this platform working from the beginning and trying hard to gain attention of rusty. The abovementioned authors are getting noticed nicely from dear rusty. Hoping we all will build up this community again and will bring up a new successful era for and for ourselves also.

Well let's get back to my today's topic. I am very happy today because i got my first tip from rusty. Guess how much it is? Can you? I think you can't.well, I will tell you by myself. It is not actually a big amount but it is smallest amount the rusty can give to a writer here.

Screen shot from my profile on readcash
It is just 0.01 in dollars. 

You guys my be thinking about me that i am crazy 🤪, that i am feeling happy only for a single scent? Hahaha. You may be right at your own place but i am right on my way.

The amount of tip is important, off course it is, but it's not much more important than the fact that rusty visited my profile. His visit to my profile is enough for me for now. At least i have a hope that my content will get noticed by him. And i have one more chance to grow my profile here.


it is very surprising that rusty is here again without any formal news and announcement. But it is a kind of happiness that he is here again to flourish or minds and hearts. Solute to the thinking of owner. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Thanks for reading.

Article by @rashid2.0

Good night

$ 0.09
$ 0.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Alther
$ 0.01 from @Micontingsabit
+ 1
Sponsors of rashid2.0
Avatar for rashid2.0
1 year ago


As what Rusty said in one of his post, the upvoting feature is run by AI so it is the system who controls it on how much an article could be upvoted.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hey also got the same amount of tip when I got back here too. Just seeing rusty giving tips again made my heart so full! 🫰🫰

$ 0.00
1 year ago