Flowers in my house part #2

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1 year ago

Hi, good morning guys. Gloomy Thursday. Today is our national holiday. It is our national day, called Pakistan Day. Or Pakistan resolution day. The day is really important because this was the day. When first step towards the independence of our beloved country Pakistan occurred. Well its a public holiday today. And we are enjoying this holiday.

Changes in Interfaces Interface.

Moreover i have noticed a few changes in the interface and features of Readcash.

  • Bell icon: Bell icon in the previous days was different from the present day.

  • # Symbol with readcash: I have noticed an unusual thing in the interface of that is existence of hash ♯ symbol with readcash in homepage.

  • Pic uploading feature: yesterday, pic uploading feature was absent but now this feature is updated. And i felt it is more soothing and more comfortable than before. And one more feature is absent that was adding information under the picture. And enabling border around picture.

  • Difference in like button: Like button, now is little bit catchy from thr previous shape.

  • Difference in night mode and day light button. Yeah the change in shape of the button is experienced. And it looks more beautiful than it was before.

This was about the changes i have noticed in after the update in readcash. Now i should go to my today's topic.

The first part of this article was uploaded three days ago.

Flowers in my house remained successful.

And i decided to show you some more flowers in my home garden. Are you guys ready for this? I hope you will love 😍 this piece too. ❤️ Because i have some awesome flowers for you.

Flowers in my house.

#1. Phlox drummondii.

This flower is from Phlox plant, full name is Phlox drummondii. It is in white color, this flower really adds into the beauty of my garden. When my dad took this plant to my home right three months ago, i asked him. Dad! How would this have flower, means what kind and shape will be of this plants flowers. He replied " Dear son, you it will have every little but most beautiful flowers." i asked him about the shape and color because i never see these before. And when 8 saw results, the result was stunning. ❤️

You can see in the picture above that Phlox drummondii have white color and 5 litte biles or leaves. ❤️

The picture above is of same flower the phlox drummondii. But it is in pink color.

Some more information about phlox

You can see some details about the plant in the screen shot above.

  • Latin name of the plant is phlox drummondii.

  • Other name is Drummond's Phlox

  • Its genus is Phlox

  • It is from polemoniaceae family of plants.

Let me know that which phlox is your most favorite, white, pink or any other color? I like it in white color personally. ❤️😍.

2. Antirrhinum Majus

Our second flower is from Antirrhinum Majus. I actually love it because of its softness. It don't have any fragrance but it is soft like a rose and so much beautiful. The manner is grows is quite different. It keeps on growing and growing and bringing up new flowers like a conocorpas plant.

This is yellow Antirrhinum Majus plant. And in my house there are theree colors of this platform and flowers. White, yellow and pink.

Some features of Antirrhinum Majus are as bellow.

  • Latin name of this plant is Antirrhinum Majus.

  • Its other name is Snapdragon (personally i love this name, this suits the shape and color of the plan/flowers)

  • And this flower belongs to a plant of the family plantaginaceae.

White Antirrhinum Majus 😍😍😍😍

Pink Antirrhinum Majus 😍😍😍😍

If we discuss about how to care this plant is we should follow the rules this plant allows us. This plan of Antirrhinum Majus wants water after every 5 to 7 days. And it wants full light from sun to grow properly.

So the silsila for Antirrhinum Majus is over, let's talk about something more beautiful.

Dahlia Pinnata

Dahlia pinata is a specie in the genus dahlia, family asteraraceae. With the common name garden dahlia. It is the type species of the genus and widely cultivated.

White Dahlia Pinnata is a beautiful flower. With large leafs and large biles. I love this flower because of its shape and colors. My father brought this from a private company where he is a gardener. I remember i planted this plant in the evening when i was so much tired. But if i make a delay in planting this. There was a chance it would not grip its roots in the soil. So planting a plant on time is so much necessary.

Dahlia Pinnata has many other colors also. For example white and purple. In the picture above the color of dahlia Pinnata is purple.

Some information about dahlia Pinnata is as under.

  • Its real name is Dahlia Pinnata.

  • Its other name is Dahlia.

  • Its genus is also dahlia.

  • And this plant belongs to Compositae family.

Summary of the article is.

In this article, i have shared my thoughts on the changes i have noticed in the interface and features of, before shifting the topic to my beautiful garden and some of the flowers i have there.

I highlighted the unique qualities of each flower and shared some interesting information about them.

Closing words.

Overall, the article is a delightful mix of personal experience and information, providing a refreshing break from the routine.

It reminds us to take a moment to appreciate the beauty around us, whether in the form of a national holiday or a simple flower in our garden.


This article is an original content by @rashid2.0@rashid2.0

  • Every single word used in this article is my own.

  • Pictures of flowers used in this article are taken by my cellphone camera in my home garden.

  • Some screen shots are taken by the app from where i identified the plant id and name. This app name is find plant. ❤️

Thank you for reading and for your support. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


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1 year ago


The flowers look so amazing :) so colorful and so attractive. These kinds of flowers can really help to make the surroundings alive and beautiful. By the way, you're right there are changes in this platform.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have also noticed the changes here in readcash. And it's really great.

Anyway, those flowers are indeed lovely! I like the pink ones.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend there's a new update of the platform. Always I love your flowers photography. They are all beautiful.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks, you always appreciated me. I am really grateful to you for liking my flowers and my photography. ❤️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're always welcome my friend. I am always here to support you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago