Flowers in my house.

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1 year ago

Its Monday, Mondays usually are not bringing up happiness. But this Monday id beautiful because of some reasons. Today when i wake up in the morning, i saw a foggy environment. Dew drops on the flowers and plants in my house was waiting for me. Fog usually occurs from November to December in our area. But this is start of summer and fog in the Month of March is usual. So his was overall a happy Monday if we exclude routine work from it.

Look around you and see, this world is full of different kind of colors. Because of these colors this world looks beautiful and pleasant to our eyes. Just imagine for a while if this world were only black and white as we see in old movies. We could not enjoy the world we are doing now. Human beings may get bore with only specific available colours.

Some of these colors are natural while other are artificial. In natural colors, mostly abundant color is green. Leaves 9f trees and plants, different crops for example wheat, rice and others are green. Well in this beautiful greenery, there are few more colors which are a gift hy God to us. These beautiful colors has also pleasant fragrances.

Yes, i am saying about Flowers 💐 🌺🌷🌹🌻🥀🌼🍂🍁💮🌾☘️🍃

Yep my today's article is dedicated to all the flower lovers.

The second name of beauty is a flower, which is grown naturally in your home garden.

This is now end of the winter season, here the end is considered after the cool is gone. In the start of Winter i planted some seeds and these seeds then converted into plants. And now in spring season in pakistan, the plants showed their inner beauty.

I will show you all the flowers of my home one by one. And explain the story behind each flower. Leme start. ❤️

Photo from my cell phone.

Here is the first one flower. This is a speaker 🔊 flower. The color is جامنی (jaamni). This flower don't have any fragrance, or a very lite fragrance that is pleasing. The speaker flower has different colors,as you can see as under.

White speakers

The white speakers are similar to the flower discussed as above, but its color is in variety. I love speaker flowers but among all speak flowers, white color is my most favorite. I'm calling these flowers "speaker" because they are similar in shape to the speaker that are placed on Muslims 🕌 mosque.

Another pic of white speaker flowers.
Pink speaker flower

Pink speaker has a unique look, they are also beautiful, pink is girls favorite color so i think they will like pink speaker's as compared to other ones. They are unique and beautiful at their own place.

Red bride speaker flowers.

Don't this flower look like an Eastern bride? (Eastern bride usually wears a red lehnga on her marriage and looks beautiful). So this red speaker resembles to a an Eastern bride. I love this colour to.

This is an imtizaaj(mixture) of red and pink..

In between red and pink speaker flowers. Yeah this has a special look as two flowers are combined to make this one. Whenever i go to my garden i love to see each and every specie of flower.

Liking flowers, colors and nature is a proof that you own a soft heart and you have sensitive human being in you.

Red and white chocolaty flower.

This is last one standing in speaker flowers. Its color is like someone pored a creamy layers on a strawberry flavor ice cream cone. Looks so yummy that my heart wants to eat this, but after all it is a flower not a real ice cream.

Closing thoughts.

Life without colors is tasteless and flowers are one of the things that add into the colors and beauty of this world. I will suggest you to grow plants in your garden and flowering plants must be a part of your garden.

And one more thing, tell me about your favorite color in speaker flowers discussed as above. My favorite is white and creamy crispy strawberry and white speaker flower. Tell me about your choice.

Thanks for reading.


The all above photos / images are taken by mobile camera. I have full authority on these pictures, and all the words in this article are my own thoughts. ❤️ SO this article is 💯 copyright protected. All rights reserved.

This took me 8 hours to write this article. I Wrote each and every paragraph after a gap of time. So it took me too long. ❤️

Thanks for your patience. ❤️

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1 year ago


Wow! Those are beautiful flowers my friend. I love flowers too. I love the purple one since it's my favorite color. 💜

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Woah, you picked up a romantic colour hehehe. Yeah purple with blue shade is awesome your choice is awesome. I love white in this all. Well, thank you for dropping here.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend. Purple always my favorite color. Thank you. 🥰 Yes white is really beautiful too. A symbolism of pure. 🤍

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I also wrote an article about the flowers we have in our mini garden. It is so refreshing in the eyes to see the colorful flowers.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I would love to see that stuff on your profile because I'm a true lover for flowers. ❤️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am not sure if we had that plant before but the flowers are in light violet. Still beautiful in all colors.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much for appreciating me. Yeah i love 😍 these colors, we have more other flowers i will share the pictures and content regarding those.

$ 0.00
1 year ago