Is it bad to eat lemon with salt?

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4 years ago

Lemon is one of the most consumed foods worldwide; This is not only because it is a fruit with incredible benefits for our health, but also because its citrus flavor, highly appreciated by certain palates, is most versatile. With this in mind, it is not surprising that the lemon accompanies an infinity of dishes and desserts or even that it is consumed alone or with other condiments such as salt.

However, and despite the minerals and vitamins it provides to the human body, it is worth mentioning that the daily consumption of lemon may be discouraged in some cases, especially when combined with salt. Do you want to find out if it is really bad to eat lemon with salt? Why is it important to be careful when it comes to this fruit known as "medicine food"?

Lemon with salt - why is it taken?

The combination of lemon and salt is very interesting, since it is a mixture rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, vitamin C and vitamin P (or bioflavonoids), in addition to providing calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium to your body. Both ingredients have hydrating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties, so if you are wondering why you take lemon with salt, you should know these benefits:

  • Relieves sore throat

  • Helps with digestion

  • Treat canker sores

  • Supports weight loss

  • Avoid dehydration

Now that you know why lemon is taken with salt, let's see if it is really harmful for health to eat these ingredients together on a regular basis.

Is it bad to eat lemon with salt?

Taking lemon with salt in a timely manner to relieve some pain or discomfort such as those mentioned above is not a bad thing. However, the answer will always depend on the amount of lemon and salt you eat per day and what your health status is.

You must understand, for example, that it is not the same thing that a completely healthy person takes lemon with salt than a patient with gastric or kidney problems, since this could suffer some unwanted effects.

In other words, taking or eating lemon with salt is bad when its consumption is excessive. And it is that although ingesting this mixture in a timely manner can favor your digestions, someone who suffers from stomach complications can often develop problems such as acute gastritis, reflux or discomfort caused by ulcers.

We should also discourage the consumption of lemon with salt for those who have kidney problems, since salt is well known for promoting fluid retention and could be the cause of kidney failure. In addition, excess salt could cause high blood pressure, so its consumption should always be moderate.

Drinking lemon every day is bad - reality or myth?

If you are trying to lose weight or control your weight, you have surely heard that taking a glass of lemon with water a day on an empty stomach is most beneficial. Certainly, lemon is a most favorable food for your health and yes, being a low-calorie fruit, it is perfect for losing weight.

However, you should keep in mind that you should never drink more than 120 ml of lemon juice with water a day. If you stick to this rule, taking lemon every day will help you noticeably, although when any side effect appears you should always consult your doctor.

Of course, taking lemon excessively every day is dangerous, because as we have anticipated, it can bring serious stomach and kidney problems. So from unCOMO we recommend that you be responsible with your consumption and that you do not exceed the recommended dose.

How many lemons can you take per day?

If we talk about consuming lemon with water in the morning, you must remember that it is not recommended to exceed 120 ml of lemon diluted with water a day. However, and according to nutritionists, you can consume up to 2 lemons a day without worrying about possible side effects.

Try not to exceed these 2 lemons a day, since otherwise you could have a problem related to your stomach or kidneys, as we have explained previously.

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4 years ago


Why on Earth would you eat lemon with salt

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